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I have left in the `errors' to underline % the authenticity. % % Yes you can certainly email your paper to us. All you need to do is % (after review) ask the editor, responsible for the transaction, for % his/her email address, and post it to them, that's all. % % We can email you a postscript version of the paper (300 dpi), should you % so wish, instead of us posting/faxing a hardcopy. % % Any further questions? ...just email ME: juzzo@ieee.org % % % % % % %---------------------------------IEEEtran.sty--------------------- % % Style file `IEEEtran.sty' created by Gerry Murray, June 1992, gmurray@ieeepub.org % The sample file (supplied) is based on this `IEEEtran.sty'. % The purpose of this style file is spelled out in the title. % If, for some reason you're unable to see the title, then here it is again: % % This Is A Sample File Using The `IEEEtran.sty',\\ To Help You Estimate % Your Page Count And Facilitate Input-Processing Of Your Compuscript % % You`ll notice that it is very, very simple and there is an % important reason behind this. % As an author, you should primarily concern yourself with % the CONTENT of the compuscript, leaving the FORMAT to the IEEE. % We have sophisticated software, in house and different to LATEX, % which we use to typeset transaction papers. % The single most important reason for making this style file % available was due to the fact that many authors (using TEX % and LATEX) were supplying their compuscripts using style files % that were SINGLE COLUMN PAGE WIDE. It was obvious from the coding % that many had spent time inserting commands that made the % displayed equations `pretty', spreading them right across the page. % But of course, IEEE transactions are DOUBLE COLUMN, with the % column width being 21 pica. Thus, we ended up deleting these % typesetting `niceties' and breaking the page wide displayed % equations so that they would FIT inside the style-required 21pc. % By using this style file (and by all means feel free to modify it) % you'll find that the displayed equations, algorithms, nomenclature % lists, etc. that you supply to us (on disk) will undergo minimal % change. % Obviously, if you have used macros to facilitate the % keyboarding of your compuscript, PLEASE supply them on the disk. % And last but not least, it's wonderful to receive a `.bib' file % containing the hundreds of references in your database file, % but what we REALLY need is the `.bbl' file, which is the % reference list that will be seen when your paper is published. % % ***************** E-MAILING YOUR FILE TO US ****************** % Great! ...just ask the editor (responsible for the transaction) % to give you an e-mail address (if you don't already know it). % ************************************************************** % Usage: % FEEL FREE TO MODIFY TO INCORPORATE SECTIONING % CITATIONS, REFERENCE KEYS ETC. ETC. % % \documentstyle[IEEEtran]{article} % \begin{document} % \bibliography{plain} % \nocite{*} % \title{...} % \author{...} % \maketitle % \begin{abstracttext} % ... % \end{abstracttext} % \begin{keywords} % ... % \end{keywords} % % \auffil{...} % % Your headings and body of the document here % % \begin(yourbibliography}{99} % \bibitem{} % \bibitem{} % . % . % . % \end{yourbibliography} % % \begin{yourbiography}{your goes name here} % This is the text of your biography % \end{yourbiography} % \end{document} % ********************************************* \textheight 24.55cm \textwidth 18.3cm \topmargin -60pt \oddsidemargin -35pt \evensidemargin -35pt \parindent 1em \setlength\columnsep{0.17in} \newlength\titlebox \setlength\titlebox{1.75in} \flushbottom \twocolumn % Make \small be smaller (8 pt) \def\small{\@setsize\small{9pt}\viiipt\@viiipt\let\@listi\@listI} % Make \footnotesize be smaller (7 pt) \def\footnotesize{\@setsize\footnotesize{8pt}\viipt\@viipt\let\@listi\@listI} \def\abst#1{{\boldmath% \mathchoice{\hbox{$\displaystyle#1$}}{\hbox{$\textstyle#1$}}% {\hbox{$\scriptstyle#1$}}{\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle#1$}}}}% % No contents needed \def\addcontentsline#1#2#3{} % Let's make the title \def\maketitle{\par \begingroup \twocolumn[\@maketitle]% original \endgroup \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax \gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}} \def\@maketitle{\vbox to \titlebox{\hsize\textwidth \linewidth\hsize \vskip 2ex plus 1fil minus 2ex \centering {\huge\bf \@title \par} \vskip 3ex plus 0.5fil minus 2ex {\def\and{\unskip\enspace{\rm and}\enspace}% \def\And{\end{tabular}\hss \egroup \hskip 1in plus 2fil \hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf}% \hbox to \linewidth{\large \hfil\hfil \hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author \end{tabular}\hss\egroup \hfil\hfil}} \vskip 5ex plus 2fil minus 2ex}} \newenvironment{abstracttext}{\hangindent=0pc\hangafter=-0\noindent\boldmath\small\bf$\abst{Abstract}$---$\!$\small\bf}{\par\rm\normalsize\unboldmath\medskip} \newenvironment{keywords}{\hangindent=0pc\hangafter=-0\noindent\boldmath\small\bf$\abst{Keywords}$---$\!$\small\bf}{\par\rm\normalsize\unboldmath} % % \newenvironment{yourbiography}[1]{\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip\hangindent=7pc\hangafter=-11\noindent\small{\bf#1} \parindent=1em}{\par\rm\normalsize} % \long\def\auffil#1{\insert\footins{\footnotesize \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty \splittopskip\footnotesep \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM \hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore \rule{\z@}{\footnotesep}\ignorespaces\hskip 1em\parindent=1em #1\strut}} % don't box citations, add space between multiple citations, separate with ; 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It was obvious from the coding % that many had spent time inserting commands that made the % displayed equations `pretty', spreading them right across the page. % But of course, IEEE transactions are DOUBLE COLUMN, with the % column width being 21 pica. Thus, we ended up deleting these % typesetting `niceties' and breaking the page wide displayed % equations so that they would FIT inside the style-required 21pc. % By using this style file (and by all means feel free to modify it) % you'll find that the displayed equations, algorithms, nomenclature % lists, etc. that you supply to us (on disk) will undergo minimal % change. % Obviously, if you have used macros to facilitate the % keyboarding of your compuscript, PLEASE supply them on the disk. % And last but not least, it's wonderful to receive a `.bib' file % containing the hundreds of references in your database file, % but what we REALLY need is the `.bbl' file, which is the % reference list that will be seen when your paper is published. % % ***************** E-MAILING YOUR FILE TO US ****************** % Great! ...just ask the editor (responsible for the transaction) % to give you an e-mail address (if you don't already know it). % ************************************************************** \documentstyle[IEEEtran]{article} % Specifies the document style. % \hyphenation{compu-script } \begin{document} \bibliography{plain} \nocite{*} \title{This Is A Sample File Using The `IEEEtran.sty',\\ To Help You Estimate Your Page Count And Facilitate Input-Processing Of Your Compuscript} \author{ERB, Woody, Pheff, Bont, Tranman, IP, Dalton, Christine and OOZ} \maketitle \begin{abstracttext} The theoretical analysis and derivation of artificial neural systems consist essentially of manipulating symbolic mathematical objects according to certain mathematical and biological knowledge. A simple observation has been made that this work can be done more efficiently with computer assistance by using and extending methods and systems of symbolic computation. In this paper, after presenting the mathematical characteristics of neural systems and a brief review on Liapunov stability theory, we present some features and capabilities of existing systems and our extension for manipulating objects occurring in the analysis of neural systems. Then, some strategies and a toolkit developed in MACSYMA for computer aided analysis and derivation are described. A concrete example is given to demonstrate the derivation of a hybrid neural system, i.e.\ a system which in its learning rule combines elements of supervised and unsupervised learning. The future work and directions on this topic are indicated. \end{abstracttext} \begin{keywords} CA system, computer aided analysis and derivation, Liapunov function, neural system, symbolic computation. \end{keywords} \auffil{This would be where the author affiliation would be, together with the IEEE log Number, like so.\\ The research of D.\ Wang is supported by a grant from SIEMENS AG Munich. He is with the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, A-4040 Linz, Austria. $^{~}~~$B.\ Sch\"urmann is with the Corporate Research and Development, ZFE IS INF 2, Siemens AG, 8000 M\"unchen 83, Germany.} \bigskip \noindent \centerline{\sc I. Introduction} \smallskip \noindent SINCE the early 1940s a large number of artificial neural systems have been proposed by neural scientists. The dynamical behavior of these systems may be mathematically described by sets of coupled equations like differential equations for formal neurons with graded response. The investigation of essential features of neural systems such as stability and adaptation depends strongly upon the state of the mathematical theory to be applied and on a concrete and efficient analysis of dynamical equations. Unlike abstract theoretical research in which the mathematical objects adopted are frequently assumed to be of certain canonical form, the neurodynamics is usually complicated due to various biological facts which should be taken account of to a degree as large as possible. Consequently, this makes the analysis and derivation very complex, sometimes to an extent which is beyond human capacity, and the traditional methods and tools of mathematics are not always sufficient. It is therefore proposed in [19] to use and extend the methods and software systems of symbolic computation for handling, analyzing and constructing neurodynamics and its related objects. The present paper is the continuation of our work in this direction. The attempt is to demonstrate how symbolic computation can be applied to aid the analysis and derivation of neural systems. In contrast to the approximative character of numerical calculations, symbolic computation treats objects with semantics like functions, formulae and programs. A variety of software systems for performing symbolic computation have been developed for research and applications in natural and technical sciences. However, the existing systems cannot be directly used for the analysis and derivation of neural systems as the operations on the occurring objects, particularly those involving an unspecified number of arguments like indefinite summations, have not yet been taken into account. To achieve our goal, some rules for differentiating and integrating indefinite summations with respect to indexed variables were proposed [20]. A toolkit has been designed and implemented in MACSYMA for manipulating these objects occurring in the analysis and derivation of neural systems [21]. In the next section, we introduce the general method and techniques for the stability analysis of artificial neural systems. The role of symbolic computation for representing and manipulating the objects concerning neural systems is discussed in Section III. In Section IV we present some strategies for using computer algebra (CA) systems and their extension to analyse the stability of neural systems and to derive novel stable systems. A brief description of a toolkit developed in MACSYMA is also provided. A concrete example is given in Section V to illustrate the derivation of a hybrid model by our toolkit. Section VI contains a discussion on future developments. The paper is closed with a brief summary. \bigskip \noindent \centerline{\sc II. Stability Analysis of Neural Systems} \smallskip \noindent Consider artificial neural systems which are described by coupled systems of differential equations of the form $$\stackrel{.}{x}=F(x, w, K)\eqno(1)$$ and $$\stackrel{.}{w}=G(x, w, K)\eqno(2)$$ \medskip \noindent where $x=(x_1(t), ..., x_n(t))$ is the activation state vector, $w=(w_{ij}(t))$ is the weight matrix of dimension $n\times n$, $n$ is the number of nodes and $K$ is an external time-independent pattern vector. Such systems of differential equations which describe the neural model will occasionally be named {\em neurodynamics}. Once a neural model is proposed, its main features are represented by its dynamic behavior. The adaptability of the latter is often suggested by experimental results in neurophysiological research. >From a mathematical and theoretical point of view, the essential question of the dynamic behavior as discussed in [7] is as follows. \medskip \noindent {\bf Question 1:} {\em Under what conditions does the neural system (1)-(2) always approach an equilibrium point in response to an arbitrary, but sustained, input pattern?} \medskip In a satisfactory analysis of this question, the behavior of the neural system in response to arbitrary initial data, an arbitrary sustained input pattern, and an arbitrary choice of system parameters should be provided. Also an account of how many equilibrium points exist and of how they are approached through time is desirable. In addition, while an individual equilibrium point of (1)-(2) is specified, many questions concerning its local behavior could arise. For example, we may ask \medskip \noindent {\bf Question 2:} {\em Is a given equilibrium point stable, and if so, what is its domain of attraction and how to characterize the trajectories of the system near the equilibrium point?} \medskip The mathematical analysis of the first question is called a global stability analysis, whereas that of the second is called a local stability analysis. Since the 1960s, a variety of contributions (e.g., [1, 5, 6, 10]) to the global and local analysis of neural systems have been made. The major mathematical method used for this analysis is Liapunov's second method. Let $\Delta$ be an arbitrary set in $R^{3n}$ and $L=L(x, w, K)$ be a $C^1$ function on $\Delta$ to $R$. We say that $L$ is a {\em global Liapunov function\/} over $\Delta$ for (1)-(2) if the differential of $L$ along trajectories of the dynamic system, $$\stackrel{.}{L}\equiv \frac{dL}{dt}= \sum_{i=1}^n\frac{\partial L}{\partial x_i}\cdot \stackrel{.}{x}_i+\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{ij}}\cdot \stackrel{.}{w}_{ij},\eqno(3)$$ does not change sign on $\Delta$. Define $$E=\{(x,w)\in\bar{\Delta}|~\stackrel{.}{L}=0\},$$ where $\bar{\Delta}$ is the closure of $\Delta$. Let $M$ be the largest invariant set in $E$ (for definition of invariant set, see [9]). Then the central part of the Liapunov method is the following fundamental\medskip \noindent {\bf Stability Theorem 1$^{\rm [9]}$:} {\em If $L$ is a global Liapunov function on $\Delta$ for (1)-(2), then each solution $(x(t), w(t))$ of (1)-(2) that remains in $\Delta$ for all $t>0$ approaches $M\cup\{\infty\}$ as $t\rightarrow\infty$. If $M$ is bounded, then either $(x(t), w(t))\rightarrow M$ or $(x(t),w(t))\rightarrow \infty$ as $t\rightarrow \infty$.} \medskip This is an extended Liapunov stability theorem, referred as to LaSalle invariant principle, and contains the usual Liapunov-like theorems on stability and instability of autonomous systems. For the local stability analysis, we let $(x^0, w^0)$ be an equilibrium point of (1)-(2) and $\delta$ be a small neighborhood of $(x^0, w^0)$ in $R^{3n}$. A $C^1$ function $L=L(x, w, K)$ defined on $\delta$ to $R$ with $L(x^0, w^0, K)=0$ is called a {\em local Liapunov function\/} if it is positive definite (i.e., positive whenever $(x, w)\neq (x^0, w^0)$), and with a differential $dL/dt$ along the trajectories being continuous and of fixed negative sign in $\delta$. The following is the classic stability theorem due basically to Liapunov. \medskip \noindent {\bf Stability Theorem 2:} {\em If there is a Liapunov function $L$ over $\delta$ for (1)-(2), then the equilibrium point $(x^0, w^0)$ is stable. If $dL/dt$ is moreover negative definite, then $(x^0, w^0)$ is asymptotically stable.} \medskip The above two theorems have served as a theoretical basis for stability analysis of neural systems. So far a considerable amount of work has been done for various specialized models. Significant contributions were made in [1, 5], for example, to the local stability analysis while [6] contains most of the early global stability results. In [3], a global Liapunov function is constructed for content-addressable memory networks with symmetric and constant weights which includes a number of popular models as specialized cases. This Liapunov function was generalized in [17] by using instead of symmetric detailed balance weights. In [13], a careful local stability analysis for the Hopfield model was made. As both the global and local stability theorems consist of the determination of corresponding Liapunov functions, but the theorems themselves are merely existential in character and give no handle on the exact construction, the discovery of specific Liapunov functions depends strongly upon specific mathematical knowledge, various technical derivations and extensive experiments. When the Liapunov functions are constructed, important information about the trajectories of systems will be provided without any knowledge of the trajectories themselves. Therefore, for a practical stability analysis the central problem remains to find explicitly the associated Liapunov function $L$ for a given dynamical system. To design stable and adaptive artificial neural systems on the other hand, one has to seek such dynamics which in the ideal case both reflect the biological features (at least on a rudimentary level) and associate a Liapunov function. Thus, the main task in this context is the exact determination of such a pair of mathematical objects. It is clear that in addition to the application of a mathematical theory, the analysis and derivation of neurodynamics consist of a certain amount of experiments and manipulations on the objects which are considered to be possible candidates as Liapunov functions and adaptive neurodynamics. As a matter of fact, these objects have become more and more complicated due to diverse biological facts as we mentioned earlier. A natural question now is how to efficiently and accurately deal with these complex mathematical objects. To answer this question, the approach of automatic analysis and derivation by computer is desirable. As proposed in [19], methods and software systems of symbolic computation can be demonstrated to well suit this need. It is noted that in this work, our emphasis is mainly on the manipulation of symbolic mathematical objects, without much concern for theoretical proof about stability and the biological performance of neural systems.\bigskip \noindent \centerline{\sc III. The Role of Symbolic Computation} \smallskip \noindent Symbolic computation treats objects with semantics such as logic formulae, geometric objects, algebraic functions and computer programs. It contains computer algebra, computational geometry, automated reasoning and automatic programming as subareas. The development of symbolic computation, including algorithm design and system implementation together with applications, has received more and more attention due to its important role in dealing with large and complicated symbolic objects in various technical sciences. In this section, we present a few fundamental features of symbolic computation for the analysis and derivation of neural systems. \bigskip \noindent {\em A. Representation of Objects} \smallskip To treat symbolic objects, the first task is their representation, particularly, in a software system. Within the existing systems such as CA systems, graphical kernel systems and theorem provers designed for different purposes, most symbolic objects including mathematical numbers, symbols and functions, geometric bodies, logic formulae and programs can be represented. The objects occurring in the analysis and derivation of neural systems are essentially mathematical objects such as elementary functions, unspecified functions, indexed variables and functions, indefinite summations and matrices. Most of these objects can be represented in existing CA systems. However, these systems are not capable to represent objects like the Kronecker symbol, piece-wise functions and indefinite summations with non-interval domains. Such capabilities could be improved for special purposes without major difficulties. \bigskip \noindent {\em B. Operations on Objects} \smallskip The main task for the analysis and derivation of neural systems is the manipulation of the occurring objects. One major manipulation is formal operations, including arithmetic operation, functional operation, matrix operation, differential and integral operation and limit operation. CA systems provide a user-friendly interface for non-specialized users to perform most of these operations while the number of arguments is given. Nevertheless, the objects occurring in the analysis and derivation of neural systems are often related to an indefinite number of arguments or dimension. The existing CA systems have their emphasis on traditional algebraic objects and are either unable to perform operations on these objects, or provide wrong computations. For example, expressions of the form \[\sum_{i=1}^nw_{ij}S_i(x_i)\] appear in most neural systems. To analyze stability and derive learning rules, we need frequently to calculate the partial derivative and integral of the above expression with respect to an indexed variable $x_k$ or $w_{kl}$. Unfortunately, this cannot be done with the available CA systems. Thus, the operations among objects with an indefinite number of arguments have to be extended and modified. One of the authors investigated the possibility for such extension and suggested some rules for differentiating and integrating indefinite summations with respect to indexed variables which we have to deal with for the analysis and derivation of some neural systems. These rules, together with others, have been included in a toolkit to be described in Subsection IV.D for manipulating indefinite summations. \bigskip \noindent {\em C. Simplification of Objects} \smallskip While an object is given or obtained from a sequence of operations which might be very complicated, it is important to know whether this object can be replaced by an equivalent but simpler one and how to find such an object automatically. This is the problem of simplification, which belongs partially to the subarea of automated deduction. As an example, let us look at the expression \[1-\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n[\cos^2i\theta+\sin(i+1)\theta \sin(i-1)\theta].\] By a careful analysis, one finds that this expression is the same as the much simpler one \[\sin^2\theta.\] The current CA systems have integrated simplification mechanisms and some of them are able to simplify the above expression. Simplifications can be carried out automatically or with human interaction. Some special-purpose systems have implemented more power for automatic simplification. As the manipulation of objects with indefinite number of arguments has not been taken into account of by the popular CA systems, simplifications of some of such objects cannot be done within these systems. In our toolkit developed in MACSYMA, we have include several rules to simplify objects with indefinite summations as will be seen from the example given in Section V. \bigskip \noindent {\em D. Data Transformation} \smallskip Symbolic computation systems are highly interactive with powerful devices for input and output of objects. One can expect the input, output and terminal display of the objects to be very text-like. Some tools have been developed for transforming the input/output from the form of one system to that of another, and to \TeX or other word-processor form. So one is able to directly include the objects produced by the symbolic computation systems into his/her text. As one purpose, symbolic computation may be the preprocessing for numeric computation, especially in the case of neural research. On the one hand, most CA systems have capabilities for doing numeric computation; therefore, the symbolic objects can be used for further numeric experiments within the same system. On the other hand, it is also possible to encode the objects processed by CA systems into the numeric (like C, Fortran, Pascal etc.) programs. In addition, the CA systems may also be used to generate large numeric computing programs and codes. This is somewhat in the category of automatic programming and will be be discussed briefly in the last section. \bigskip \noindent \centerline{\sc IV. Computer Aided Analysis and Derivation} \smallskip \noindent In the previous section, we have discussed four features and capabilities of methods and systems of symbolic computation for the analysis and derivation of neural systems. In this section we present some strategies for using CA systems and their extension to aid the analysis and derivation of neural systems. \bigskip \noindent {\em A. Computation Checking} \smallskip While a stability analysis of a neural system is made or a possibly stable system is derived by humans, CA systems can be used to check the computation and derivation step by step. This is necessary particularly when the objects become too complex. Symbolic computation guarantees the correctness and rapidity of the performance. Intuitively, this seems to be an easy and trivial task. But the real situation is actually not as simple as expected. The reason is that two computations on the same objects can yield two equivalent but totally different expressions as different simplification techniques and rules may be used. One cannot easily determine whether one expression is the same as the other. Therefore, for computation checking, the equivalence proof of different expressions beyond computation must be considered, which requires very powerful deduction mechanisms. Some operations and simplification rules concerning expressions with indefinite sums have been designed and implemented for the toolkit in MACSYMA (see Subsection D), and the computation and derivation of a number of neural systems have been checked, where some mistakes in the literature were discovered (see an example in [21]). \bigskip \noindent {\em B. Constructing Liapunov Functions} \smallskip As presented in Section II, a stable and adaptive artificial neural system is characterized by the existence of a Liapunov function. A sufficient condition for a function $L$ to be a Liapunov function is $$\frac{\partial L}{\partial x_i}=-[A_i(x)]^2\stackrel{.}{x}_i,~~~~\eqno(4)$$ $$\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{ij}}=-[B_{ij}(w)]^2\stackrel{.}{w}_{ij}. \eqno(5)$$ If the dynamics (1)-(2) of the neural system is known from some experimental neurophysiological facts, the stability analysis of neurodynamics is mainly to construct a Liapunov function $L$. For this purpose, one useful strategy is to insert (1) and (2) into (4) and (5), and integrate both with respect to $x_i$ and $w_{ij}$ respectively. In this case, different $A_i$ and $B_{ij}$ need to be examined. The other strategy for obtaining a Liapunov function is based on two steps. First, specialize the equations to dimensions 1 or 2 for instance, and then construct their Liapunov functions. Secondly, try to extend the Liapunov functions so obtained to the general case of indefinite dimension $n$ and verify whether the extended ones are still Liapunov functions. In both cases, necessary experiments are involved and CA systems become then helpful tools. In MACSYMA together with our toolkit, we are by now able to perform almost all operations including differentiation and integration of objects needed for practical experiments. This provides many more possibilities for constructing suitable Liapunov functions. \bigskip \noindent {\em C. Deriving Neurodynamics} \smallskip A Liapunov function is not necessarily the energy of the system. However, the term {\em energy function}, {\em objective function\/} or {\em cost function}, is often used instead of Liapunov function in the neural networks community. If a problem-specific objective function $L$ is given, the other direction is to derive the neurodynamics, in particular, the learning rule. This is frequently achieved by minimizing the function $L$ in weight space, where the position of the minimum is located at the weights' values at the end of the learning phase. In this case, one may take various possible energy functions and use $(4)$ and $(5)$. Often the dynamics for the activation states $x$ is specified first. The objective function need then be chosen in order to derive an adaptive dynamic equation for the weights, namely, the learning rule. We have made some experiments in this direction and found that this procedure is quite feasible. The example given in Section V constitutes such a case. Again, while a possible neurodynamics is derived, it may be very complicated. Much work would remain for simplifying such dynamics either by transforming it to a simpler form or by introducing some constraints. Even though the dynamics may be mathematically and biologically suitable, one may still need to consider various modifications and simplifications from computational aspects. It is convenient to do all of them by use of a symbolic computation tool. \bigskip \noindent {\em D. A Toolkit in MACSYMA} \smallskip To test the analytic derivation of neural systems on the computer as discussed in the previous sections, we have developed a toolkit within the CA system MACSYMA. This toolkit together with its base system MACSYMA has served well for our investigation in this approach. The current version of the toolkit contains three parts: a database including a number of neural systems well known from literature, a library of functions for manipulating indefinite summations and a few subsidiary functions for help, literature inquiry and reading neural systems from the database. The database serves for studying and comparing various neural systems such as the Cohen and Grossberg, the Hopfield, the standard backpropagation, the recurrent backpropagation models etc. These models can simply be called by the toolkit if needed. The MACSYMA system itself contains very extensive functions for algebraic, differential, integral and matrix operation, equation solving and algebraic simplification on objects with a definite number of arguments. It provides also the indefinite sum expression with interval domain and a few functions for treating this object. Nevertheless, these functions are currently limited and give often incorrect computations due to MACSYMA's design philosophy. For the analysis and derivation of neural systems, the main manipulation is among objects with indefinite summations. Therefore, the MACSYMA built-in functions for these objects have to be modified and some new functions for manipulating these objects must be designed and implemented. To this end, we have established a library of such modified and new functions. They are DF, DFINTOSUM, INT, REWRITEDF, SUMCOMB, SUMCONT, SUMCONV, SUMDIST, SUMP, SUMSIMP, SUMSIMPD and SUMSIMPM. The functions WHO, WHERE and CALL are used respectively for listing all neural systems included in the database, literature details of each system, and reading systems from the database to MACSYMA session. The description of all functions can be displayed by the help function HELP. This makes the toolkit easy to be used. Of course, the toolkit is still undergoing changes and will be extended from time to time by adding more functions and completing the database. A detailed description of the current version of the toolkit is given in [21]. Using the implemented functions, we are now able to deal with the majority of neural systems known from the literature. \bigskip \noindent \centerline{\sc V. A Concrete Example} \smallskip \noindent In the main part of this section, we present an example to illustrate the derivation of a hybrid neural model by using our toolkit. The Liapunov function of the hybrid model consists of an adaptive Hopfield term and a quadratic error function. Hopfield type models are very successful in restoring incomplete and/or noise-corrupted patterns whereas models which minimize the quadratic error between the actual and the desired output are suitable for input data classification. The hybrid model discussed below combines the virtues of both approaches. This example is extracted from recent results in [18] which we briefly describe first. \bigskip \noindent {\em A. The Neural Model} \smallskip The dynamics for the activation states $z_k$ of nodes $k$ considered is described by a set of coupled differential equations of the form $$\stackrel{.}{z}_k=f_k(z_k)[-g_k(z_k, K_k)+\sum_{s=1}^nw_{sk}S_s(z_s)], ~~k=1, ..., n. \eqno(6)$$ We assume the activation states $z_k$ of the neurons to change much more rapidly with time than the weights $w_{ij}$. Then, at the fixed point $z^{\infty}$, the equation (6) becomes $$g_k(z_k^{\infty}, K_k)=\sum_{s=1}^nw_{sk}S_s(z_s^{\infty}).\eqno(7)$$ The existence of fixed points is guaranteed, if the neural system is dynamically stable. This is the case if either $w_{ij}=w_{ji}$ (symmetry, cf.\ [8]), or $\mu_jw_{ij}=\mu_iw_{ji}$ (detailed balance, cf.\ [17]), or $\sum_{i,j}w_{ij}^2<1/[\max|S_s'(z_s)|]^2$ (finite norm, cf.\ [2]). Henceforth, we assume either one of the first two conditions to hold. The main goal below is to derive a hybrid learning rule by proposing the following objective function \[L\!=\!\frac{1}{4}\!\sum_{s=1}^n\!\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{\mu_k\lambda_{sk}w_{sk}^2}{\eta_{sk}} -\frac{1}{2}\!\sum_{s=1}^n\!\sum_{k=1}^n\mu_kw_{sk}S_s(z_s^{\infty})S_k(z_k^{\infty})\] \[+\sum_{k=1}^n\mu_k\int_0^{z_k^{\infty}}g_k(\xi_k, K_k)\frac{dS_k(\xi_k)}{d\xi_k}d\xi_k~~~~~~~~~~\] $$+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^n\alpha_k[S_k(K_k)-S_k(z_k^{\infty})]^2, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\eqno(8)$$ where \[\eta_{sk}=\mu_{max(s, k)}/\mu_k.\] This objective function is a combination of a Hopfield-type energy function (first 3 terms) and an error function as used in multi-layer perceptrons. Accordingly, taking the gradient of $L$ in weight space yields a learning rule which contains Hebbian as well as backpropagation terms. Whether such a hybrid formulation may permit more efficient learning than either the Hebb rule or the delta rule alone, has yet to be checked for specific applications. In any case, (8) leads to a generalization of the standard learning algorithms and thus may be useful for efficient neural programming. The following calculations are carried out in MACSYMA 4.103 with our toolkit. Following the MACSYMA input lines, we use the text form instead of the display of computer output for space limitation. All these expressions are exactly a copy of the original forms. \bigskip \noindent {\em B. Derivation of a Hybrid Learning Rule} \smallskip We calculate now the differential of $L$ along trajectories of the neural system which need be derived. It is assumed that each $z_r^{\infty}$ is dependent on the weight $w_{ij}$. Calculating first the partial derivative of $L$ with respect to $z_r^{\infty}$ and simplifying it by SUMSIMP, we have \medskip \noindent {\tt (C5) SUMSIMP(DF(LL, Z[R]));\footnote{Since there is no difference between small letters and capital letters in MACSYMA, we use a double letter instead of the normal capital letter. In MACSYMA, the input lines are automatically indexed by labels of the form {\tt (Ci)} where {\tt i} is an integer, incremented with each new line and the subscripts are entered by using a pair of square brackets (cf.\ [12]). Here we simply use z for $z^{\infty}$, and the same below.}} \[\frac{\partial L}{\partial z_r^{\infty}} = -\frac{1}{2}S_r'\{\sum_{s=1}^nS_s(z_s^{\infty})(\mu_sw_{rs}+w_{sr}\mu_r) ~~~~~~~~~~\] \[~~~~~~~~~~-2\mu_rg_r(z_r^{\infty},K_r)-2\alpha_r[S_r(z_r^{\infty})-S_r(K_r)]\},\] provided that $1\leq r\leq n$. Assume now that $w_{ji}$ is dependent on $w_{ij}$ (cf.\ [8, 17]). Then \medskip \noindent {\tt (C6) SUMSIMP(DF(LL,W[I,J]))+SUMSIMP(DF(LL, ~~W[J,I]))*'DIFF(W[J,I],W[I,J]);} \[\tilde{L}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{ij}}+ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{ji}}\frac{dw_{ji}}{dw_{ij}}~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\] \[=-\frac{\mu_i[S_i(z_i^{\infty})\eta_{ji}S_j(z_j^{\infty})-\lambda_{ji}w_{ji}] }{2\eta_{ji}}\frac{dw_{ji}}{dw_{ij}}\] \[-\frac{\mu_j[\eta_{ij}S_i(z_i^{\infty})S_j(z_j^{\infty})-\lambda_{ij}w_{ij}] }{2\eta_{ij}},~~\] provided that $1\leq i, j\leq n$. Hence \medskip \noindent {\tt (C7) SUM(D5*'DIFF(Z[R],W[I,J]),R,1,N)+D6; \[\frac{dL}{dw_{ij}}=\sum_{r=1}^n\frac{\partial L}{\partial z_r^{\infty}} \frac{dz_r^{\infty}}{dw_{ij}}+\tilde{L} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\] \[=-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{r=1}^nS_r'\frac{dz_r^{\infty}}{dw_{ij}} \{\sum_{s=1}^nS_s(z_s^{\infty})(\mu_sw_{rs}+w_{sr}\mu_r)\] \[~~-2\mu_rg_r(z_r^{\infty},K_r) -2\alpha_r[S_r(z_r^{\infty})-S_r(K_r)]\}\] \[-\frac{\mu_i[(S_i(z_i^{\infty})\eta_{ji}S_j(z_j^{\infty})-\lambda_{ji}w_{ji}] }{2\eta_{ji}}\frac{dw_{ji}}{dw_{ij}}~~~~\] \[-\frac{\mu_j[\eta_{ij}S_i(z_i^{\infty})S_j(z_j^{\infty})-\lambda_{ij}w_{ij}] }{2\eta_{ij}}.~~~~~~~~~\] Substituting $g_r(z_r^{\infty},K_r)$ by using the fixed point equation (7) and simplifying then the resulting expression, we obtain \medskip \noindent {\tt (C8) FACTORSUM(SUMCONT(SUBST('SUM(W[R,S]*SS} [S](Z[S]),S,1,N),G[R](Z[R],KK[R]),D7)));} \[\frac{dL}{dw_{ij}}= \{\eta_{ij}\eta_{ji}\sum_{r=1}^nS_r'\frac{dz_r^{\infty}}{dw_{ij}} \{\sum_{s=1}^nS_s^{\infty}(z_s^{\infty}) [(2\mu_r-\mu_s)w_{rs}\] \[-w_{sr}\mu_r]+2\alpha_rS_r(z_r^{\infty})-2\alpha_rS_r(K_r)\}~~~~\] \[~~~~-\mu_i\eta_{ij}S_i(z_i^{\infty}) \eta_{ji}S_j(z_j^{\infty})\frac{dw_{ji}}{dw_{ij}} +\mu_i\eta_{ij}\lambda_{ji}w_{ji}\frac{dw_{ji}}{dw_{ij}}\] \[~~~~~~-\eta_{ij}S_i(z_i^{\infty})\mu_j\eta_{ji}S_j(z_j^{\infty}) +\lambda_{ij}w_{ij}\mu_j\eta_{ji}\}/(2\eta_{ij}\eta_{ji}).\] OK let's finish up with the references list and the biography section. \begin{yourbibliography}{99} \bibitem{}This is a reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \bibitem{}This is another reference that might appear in a compuscript and since it is in electronic form, no rekeying is required ...only editorial `manipulation'. \end{yourbibliography} \begin{yourbiography}{Gerry Murray} ...will process your compuscript, adding `value' to your file using a sophisticated text editor. Jeremy Barth will standardize the dimensions you've used, run a spell check, apply SGML tags to structure your document and validate all coding. The editor will `on-screen edit' the file, `size' your artwork and supply you with a laser proof by mail, or by fax, or even email you a postscript version of the file which you can view on your workstation (using OpenWindows, NeXT, or an appropriate postscript viewer). When the editor is finished incorporating your amendments, Tom Bontrager, Mark Pheffer, Dalton Patterson or Chaucer Tran will receive the file and apply their abundant knowledge of typesetting to produce a document of the highest possible quality. A postscript file will be generated, output at 2032dpi on high quality RC paper for final examination by the editor. Christine will incorporate the artwork, the resulting camera-ready-copy will then be shot, the film supplied to the printer and your paper printed in the transaction for all to admire. \end{yourbiography} \end{document} ----------------------------------How To------------------------------ The ***REAL*** way to use `IEEEtran.sty' is as follows: Use \documentstyle{article} or your favourite style file, pulling in all your wonderful symbolics ***as you are writing your paper*** and as you and the reviewer(s) are putting your wits together to culminate in a masterpiece! When you are happy with the ***ultimate unequivocal final version*** ..... ***THEN***... 1) Change the \documentstyle to use `IEEEtran.sty' 2) Change the symbolics so that the file actually contains the numbers i.e. blah blah \cite{fred} and so on and so on should be changed to: blah blah [3] and so on and so on ....one author (who used the style file) did a smart thing AFTER he had decided upon a final version... He put his \cites and other symbolics on a line on their own and commented them out (from the formatting) by putting a % sign before each symbolic. Then, on the next line he just inserted the copy-matching numerical, like this: Well, according the Fred Bloggs %\cite{FredBloggs} [24] the value of $\alpha$ should be even greater than what we think it should be. Thus, HE knows he put in the correct (copy-matching) numerical and WE can send him back an author-proof that correctly matches his submission. 3) The above also applies to the Figure cites (and any `auto-numbering' feature, standard or synonymous with your system). 4) Change the \section'ing to small caps and \sub/\subsubsection'ing to italics. In essence, by you actually putting in the CORRECT COPY MATCHING numericals we don't have to jump through hoops due to incomplete files being sent to us (the wrong `.bib', `.bbl', the wrong versions of figures etc). Also, and more importantly, the #'s that are on your hard-copy (and in the reviewer's hands) will be the same ones that you receive in your author proof. We cannot guarantee this if symbolics are used, you see! 5) Figure captions can be part of the text (in between paragraphs) like this: And in Fig. 3 we see that the value of $\alpha$ increases exponentially. Fig. 3\quad This is the caption for figure 3 showing some $\alpha$. And after the caption we continue on with the next paragraph, like this. And since we've been doing disks for quite some time now --- many, many submissions are incomplete and out of date --- much grief!!! ---Not so if the FILE contains EVERYTHING AS IS ON THE H/C !!! Then you should be able to get a fairly accurate printout of what your paper (author proof) will look like. If some of the math splashes over the 21pica width then you should break it as you see fit (and mathematically correct too!). I know, I know, seems like an awful lot of work ....but not really...after all you want your paper published quickly, right? Also, we want to process your paper quickly and efficiently, and assure you that what you send in WILL actually be sent back to you sans mistakes (cites etc.) In addition, if the math is broken --- it's even better for all. In essence, `IEEEtran.sty' is not really for formatting (paper printout) - but is REALLY for our INPUT PROCESSING which is chalk and cheese, frankly. I hope this gives you some insight. Gerry