CE121L - Microprocessor System Design
Laboratory 2a
Week of January 20, 1997

This week, you'll finish lab 2, and also get started hooking up the decoder, SRAM, and EEPROM. In the next lab, we'll start programming the beast.


  1. As your circuit expands, be sure to maintain an up-to-date Logic Works (or other system or pen and paper) diagram. For chip wiring diagrams, specify specific pin connections and chip type. All connections need not be drawn; labeling system signals is sufficient to indicate connectivity. Buses should be named (e.g., A tex2html_wrap_inline78 ) and width should be specified. The goal is to produce a readable diagram with all pertinent information.
  2. From the AC and DC data in the HC11 and other data sheets, perform a bus loading analysis. Update this analysis as you add components to your system (your CE121L grade will be adversely affected if your circuit diagram and load analysis are not kept up-to-date). Remember that LEDs are loads as well (often very significant ones!).
  3. Design the memory interface for your system. Include timing diagrams that take into account decoding and other delays. Partial address decoding will simplify your design.


Complete lab 2 and get it checked off. If you have time (or before the next lab), continue on to...

  1. Install the decoder, RAM, and EEPROM. Don't forget the bypass capacitors.
  2. Carefully check the connections.
  3. Use the scope to examine the decoder after a reset.

Richard Hughey
Tue Jan 21 17:33:07 PST 1997