C# by Dissection

by Ira Pohl    

Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-201-87667-1

Enlisting the best-selling dissection method, this title teaches programming techniques and presents the C# language using a sound and structured method. Working code is dissected with explanations to the student on each newly encountered programming element and idiom found in the code. The presentation assumes no programming background; both CS1 students and experienced programmers unfamiliar with C# will find a carefully structured presentation of the C# language and its key programming concepts.


You can buy this book online through Barnes and Noble.

The C# code examples in the book are included in the CD Rom packaged with the book. The code is arranged in directories corresponding to the chapters of the book. You can also get individual program files from the FTP directory www.cse.ucsc.edu/~pohl/Csharp/.


Caveats: Some standard libraries may have been modified since this book was written and the function prototypes may differ from what is available on your compiler. Check your compiler vendor for the correct prototypes.

Notations: p425 means page 425  
                            +8 means 8 lines from top 
                             -7 means 7 lines from bottom

If you encounter errata in this book not listed here, please contact Ira Pohl via email at pohl@cse.ucsc.edu with your errata. You will be cited in the correction if you are the first to report it.

p 39 (Fred Gooding) lines 7-8.

The sample output in the gray box does not match the text. Change

"floating point 1.2 and the integer 3 with the result being output as the double value 3.6"


"floating point 2.556 and the integer 156 with the result being output as the double value 398.736"

p105 (Fred Gooding) line -1 "equivalent to braces" Should be changed to "equivalent in braces"

p106 (Fred Gooding) last line "in that the other" should be changed to "that the other"

p112 (Fred Gooding) Exercise 14, last sentence "result is an integral square" should be changed to "result is an integral triple"

p122 (Fred Gooding) Line -4 There is no use of the variable m in the program. The phrase "the variables j, k and m are declared" should be changed to "the variables j and k are declared"

p138 (Fred Gooding) Line -7 The comment // 1000 for testing should read // 10000 for testing

p180 (Fred Gooding) Line 14 The comment // Output data12 should be // Output data 1

p182 (Fred Gooding) Line 3 The comment // initial max value should be // initial min value

p183 (Fred Gooding) Line 5 The dissection does not reflect the program. The statement n = Console.in.readInt(); should be changed to n = ReadInt();

p347 (Fred Gooding) The phrase "To write method this" should be changed to "To write this method"

p350 (Fred Gooding) Line 8 Wwitch should be changed to Switch

p367 (Fred Gooding) Line 12 "according the model we used" should be "according to the model we used"

p370 (Fred Gooding) Line 19 There is a double quote missing before Age. Change
<< Age: " <<
to << " Age: " <<



p 500 (Valery Tereshko) tree.cs program in the book does not match the program on the CD.

The program has been corrected in the online directory for this book. You can get the file at http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/~pohl/Csharp/ch12-usingOOP/