CSE 30 Text:
Course Description:
Learning Objectives:
Here's the approach I plan to use:
(1) Review mechanics of classes, inheritance, etc.
(2) Play with (use) different classes
(3) Modify/extend some of these classes
(4) Create our own class using different applications
Course Evaluation:
Evaluation will be based on two items: (1) active learning components, and (2) integration components. I don't plan to give any exams or finals.
Active learning components -- these will be in the form of polls, surveys, short "quizzes" or problems, etc. administered during the remote lecture sessions. These serve 2 purposes: (a) feedback for me to know if class is following along or i need to make adjustments, and (b) reinforcement exercise for you to better retain course materials. Some/most of these will be a short time fuse so that we can continue with our lectures. Also expect to have at least 1 of these in each lecture session. In sum, these components will account for 60% of your course grade. As I don't know how many of these we will end up having, each will have the same weight, and we will just normalize the sum so that it accounts for 60% of your grade. For example, if we end up having 22 such exercises this quarter, then each will have a weight of 60/22 %
Integration components -- these will be in the form of programming assignments where you will have a couple of weeks each to work on. I plan to give 4 such programming assignments with different levels of difficulty but equal weights. Each will account for 10% of your grade for a total of 40%. Note that: late submissions are not accepted. On the other hand, I'd like to encourage students to be creative and add extra features if they can. For significant/cool features that will impress our graders, you can earn bonus points maxing out at 10% That is, you can potentially bump your integration component score from 40% to 50%!
Labs and Tutors:
Submitting your work:
Each programming and lab assignment should be placed in its own folder. Individual assignments will have specific instructions on file naming if your code needs to be split into multiple files.
Your code should not only be functional and correct, but should also be properly documented and follow good programming styles. If you are adding extra features, be sure to document and highlight these for the graders. A good place to do this is in a README file that you include with your submission folder.
You can re-submit as often as you want. We will only grade the most recent submission. XXX where/how to submit -- tbd
Academic Integrity:
Cheating or plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated! You are cheating yourself, being unfair to the honest students of the class, and more importantly it undermines the integrity of the university. The real world impact is that academic dishonesty undermines the value of your UCSC diploma and makes it harder for you to get a job.
While we treat you as adults and expect you to behave as adults, we will also do due diligence to maintain our standards. I sincerely hope we will not need to visit the following pange on Academic Misconduct Policy for Undergraduates.
Accommodation and Accessibility:
If you are having issues with remote access to our class, please contact the Information Technology Services Additional help may be available through Slug Support.
Last modified Saturday, 28-Mar-2020 09:49:00 PDT.