Project Requirements: 1. High RAM (20GB+) machine to load the data generation script. 2. Python 3.6.9 3. Any modern browser like Chrome or firefox to load the Observable Notebook. 4. npm KG_COVID_19_Data_File_Generator.ipynb is the data generation file. It will automatically download the required data files from the Internet. kg-covid-19-visualization.tgz is the source code downloaded from observablehq. It can run natively but It is preferred to run via their on webpage. The tarball you get when you download the code is an installable npm module. Use this URL with npm or Yarn to install the latest version of your notebook in node_modules under its published name (@omkarpat/kg-covid-19-visualization), along with a copy of the Observable runtime: npm install @observablehq/runtime@4 npm install For further details on setting up the observable notebook locally refer