CMPS/CMPE 200 -- Fall 2016

Homework 4
Due: 11am, November 8, 2016.


Review a technical paper. Get experience with an actual conference review system.


For this assignment you will provide a review/critique of a technical paper.

In technical conferences and journals, the peer review process is critical and ensures that the content of submitted papers is technically correct, the approach is sound, the results are convincing and reproducible, the contributions are important and novel, etc. This is also the place where one tries to provide constructive suggestions on how the paper can be improved. In this way, the research community can rely on the validity of published works to advance their field of research. While paper reviews are considered part of the professional service one offers to his/her profession, it is also a critical piece in conducting research: it is an opportunity to learn about leading edge developments in a given field and think beyond what's reported in the paper.

Your job for this assignment is to act as a reviewer for a technical paper. Since most of you probably have not had the opportunity to review a non-published paper before, you will review (or critique) a published paper (for the purposes of this assignment).

Address the following questions about the paper (the first 6 are fairly standard questions). Put your response to each of these questions under: Confidential remarks for the program committee of the reviewer form (see Submission instructions below).


We will be using the EasyChair conference system to manage the review process. It is a real conference system that's used for managing paper reviews.

We have already uploaded a number of papers for you to choose from. You need to review just one of these papers (answering the questions listed above). After you have submitted your review, you can also read other reviews of the paper. In this way, you can calibrate your review of the paper with those of your peers. This can be a good learning experience as well.



Last modified Sunday, 30-Oct-2016 11:28:00 PDT.