/****************************************************************** * 60-60-60 Planar.pov * * Generates a 60-60-60 kaleidoscope with a sports balls image map. * * References code by Mark Newbold. * ********************************************************************/ global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.8 // for rendering or viewing on a mac } global_settings { max_trace_level 25 // maximum number of rays spawned } camera { location <0, 0, -4> // move camera towards viewer look_at <0, 0, 0> // position camera to look at the origin right x // specify camera's "right" vector } #declare image = pigment { image_map { gif "SportsBalls.gif" // specify image to be mapped later onto the far plane once // only map once; do not tile or repeat } } #declare mirrors = union { // specify triangle of mirrors as the union of three infinite planes plane { x, 0.245 } plane { , 0.245 } plane { , 0.245 } finish { reflection 1 // make all three planes fully reflective (mirrors) ambient 0 specular 0 } } union { // combine mirrors with image plane to create kaleidoscope object plane { <0, 0, -1>, 0 pigment { image } // map image onto z-plane translate <-0.5, -0.5, 0> finish { ambient 1.4 } rotate 360*clock*z // rotate image plane one full turn per clock cycle (see QUICKRES.INI) } object { mirrors } }