CMP 160 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics

a.k.a. How to Make SLVGS (Spiffy Looking Visualizations and Graphics)

Fall 1996

TTh 10:00 - 11:45 P.M.
165 Applied Sciences

Instructor: Alex Pang
Office: 243 Applied Sciences
Phone (408) 459-2712
Office Hours: Tu 12-1pm or by appointment

Class Newsgroup Course Information Other Information Programming Assignments VRML: Latex: Homeworks: OnLine Grade Information: Hostnames for AS213:

Teaching Assistant: Travis Heppe
Office: B57 Applied Sciences
Office Hours: M 1-2, TH 5-6

Lab Schedule in 213 Applied Sciences
Monday Wednesday Thursday
2-3 pm 6-7 pm 4-5 pm

Laboratory Assistant: Zoe Wood
Office Hours: By appointment, just write me email

Lab Schedule in 213 Applied Sciences
Monday Friday
3-5 pm 1-3 pm

Last modified Monday, 22-Jul-2024 11:24:48 PDT.