CSE 160 -- Final Project Guidelines

Important Dates:

NOTE: There will be a 2% LATE PENALTY for EACH item that is late. The 2% is based on your course grade, not just the project grade! June 9, 12 noon is the final deadline. Nothing will be accepted beyond that date. Don't expect to get immediate response to your proposals if you submit at the last minute!

Final Project:

This is an individual or a pair-project meant to be completed in about 4-5 weeks. You get to decide what project you want to do -- after we review it. The main considerations are:

Projects are first come, first serve. It's to your advantage to get your project approved early. You'll also get a head start and have more time to do a better project.

Preliminary Project Proposal:

Submit 3 project ideas that you would like to work on. Rank them in the order of your preference. Provide enough detail to explain each of your idea.

There's 3 outcomes from this stage of the proposal:

To submit your proposal, post it on piazza under the "project" tab. It's important that you put: Prelim proposal: your name(s) as the title of your post.

I will comment on each post with respect to what perceived difficulty level, clarification questions, and/or approval of your proposal based on your preference ranking.

If you can't think of a project idea, you can look at other proposal posts and use someone else's project idea. But, they have priority in which they want to do for their final project.

Don't wait till the last minute to submit your proposals since it may take more than 1 iteration to get your proposal approved.

Final Project Proposal:

This is a 1-2 page writeup describing your final project in more detail. It also serves as your 1st draft of the Project Report. Include your project goals (list of different project components/features) and a time line on when you plan to complete different pieces of the project. Also include a list of references that you have read about your project (if applicable). You should set up your report as an html file -- name it "index.html".

Examples of these can be found by clicking on the titles under the Topic column.

Final Proposal Submission.

Create and submit a folder called "proposal". Include your "index.html" file and any "assets" e.g. images, that are used by this file. Use submit from unix.ic.

Project Checkpoint:

This is an oral presentation about your project. Here are the parameters for preparing your presentation:

Each project will have about 5 minutes of presentation time -- very brief. We will need a couple of class meetings to do the project checkpoint, depending on how many students there are and how closely each one follows the time limit. The purpose of this is twofold: (1) for you to show us where you're at with your project and, (2) to get feedback from the class and instructor. You need to submit your presentation materials as well (by 9 am of May 22, 2015). Put your materials in a folder called checkpoint , and submit using one of the following:

Project Requirements:


As an added incentive, we'll be running a competition among your projects. Winners get a chance to select from some goodies. Here's a sample voting/entry form .

Last modified Monday, 02-Sep-2019 11:53:06 PDT.