CSE 101: Fall 2021
Course Overview


Optional Textbook


Learning Objectives:

Learn about and use data structures and appropriate algorithms for interesting and practical problems.


Coursework Percentage
Programming Assignments 60%
Quizzes 30%
Homeworks 10%

Grading Scale:

We have two options for mapping numeric scores to letter grades. The default grading scale which does not take into account how the rest of the class performs is listed below. Grades are rounded to nearest hundredths. The default grading scale is as follows:

A+ = 100-97.00%
A  = 96.99-93%
A- = 92.99-90%
B+ = 89.99-87% 
B  = 86.99-83% 
B- = 82.99-80%
C+ = 79.99-77%
C  = 76.99-70%  
D  = 69.99-60%  
F  = 59.99-0%
Note: If you elected for P/NP, you need to have a C or better to earn a P.

Note also that while D is considered passing, it cannot satisfy a prerequisite for another course.

The other option, which the Spring 2021 class voted for (simple majority), is to curve the grades. The mapping is actually pretty close to the default one, but may vary from one quarter to another as it would depend on how the class performed.

In Fall 2021 the class voted similarly. Again, the mapping is pretty close to the default scale.


Attendance in the labs is required. You are responsible for materials covered in the lecture and the labs. Quizzes are held during lecture hours.

Office Hour:

A note about my office hours: office hours end if/when there is no one else waiting to talk to me unless you let me know in advance that you need to come later. Send me an email to schedule something else if you can't make it during my regular office hours.

General Policies:

All course work are intended as individual effort (unless explicitly mentioned otherwise) and are graded as such. It is okay to discuss general approaches and algorithms with other students, but this should be done without writing, looking, or sharing code. Cheating or plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. Aside from academic sanctions, additional disciplinary sanctions may apply if this is not your first offense. Punishment will match severity of offense. (There has been at least one instance where a student was expelled even though it was a first offense!) You are responsible for protecting your solutions and programs from being copied by others. Refer to the Academic Misconduct Policy for Undergraduates. If anything is not clear, ask me.


Before you submit your work, make sure that your program compiles and runs on the campus server machines e.g. unix.ucsc.edu. This is the environment where your code will be recompiled and tested!

Submitting your work:

Each programming assignment should be placed in its own folder. The folder should contain a makefile and necessary .h and .c files. Your code should have proper documentation including comment blocks for each function, and inline comments as appropriate. Code should be formatted so that it is easy for humans to read.

You can re-submit as often as you want. We will only grade the most recent submission.

Last modified Friday, 17-Dec-2021 09:23:30 PST.