...a scientist's achievement may lie in many different areas: As an innovator (new discoveries, new theories, new concepts), as a synthesiser (bringing together scattered information, sharing relationships and interactions, particularly between different disciplines, like genetics and taxonomy), as a disseminator (presenting specialized information and theory in such a way that it becomes accessible to non-specialists [popularizer is a misleading term]), as a compiler or cataloguer, as an analyst (dissecting complex issues, clarifying matters by suggesting new terminologies, etc.), and in other ways.'
Ernst Mayr to Will Provine (1979), quoted in W. Provine. 2005. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20:411
Andi Stephens 2005. Assessment in Salmon and Groundfish Fisheries. PhD dissertation, Ocean Sciences
Kate Siegfried.2006 Fishery Management in Data-Limited Situations: Application to stock assessment, marine reserve design, and fish by-catch policy. PhD dissertation, Environmental Studies
Leah Johnson 2006. Mathematical Modeling of Cholera: From Bacterial Life Histories to Human Epidemics. PhD dissertation, Physics
Nick Wolf 2006. Understanding the Decline of The Western Alaskan Steller Sea Lion: Assessing the Evidence Concerning Multiple Hypothesis. Dr. Philosoph dissertation University of Bergen
Sigrunn Eliassen 2006. Foraging Ecology and Learning. Adpative behavioural strategies and the value of information. Dr. Philosoph dissertation University of Bergen (Co-supervised with Jarl Giske)
Anand Patil. 2007. Bayesian Nonparametrics for Inference of Ecological Dynamics. PhD Dissertation, Statistics and Stochastic Modeling
Yasmin Lucero. 2007. Population Consequneces of Age-Dependent Maternal Effects in Rockfish (Sebastes spp.). PhD dissertation, Ocean Sciences
Edward (EJ) Dick 2009 Modeling The Reproductive Potential of Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) PhD dissertation, Ocean Sciences
Ori Segev 2009 Conservation and ecology of the endangered fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) PhD dissertation, University of Haifa (co-supervised with Leon Blaustein)
John Wiedenmann 2010 Implications of Climate Change for Antarctic Krill and Their Cetecean Predators PhD dissertation, Ocean Sciences
Who-Seung Lee 2010 Effect of Growth Trajectories on Adult Performance and Lifespan in Three-Spined Sticklebacks PhD dissertation, University of Glasgow (Co-supervised with Neil Metcalfe and Pat Monaghan)
Daniel Ladd 2011 An analysis of the discrete and continuous Gambler's Ruin problem Senior thesis, Computational Mathematics
Vanessa Labrada Martagon 2011 Evaluation of Health of the Green Turtle in Baja California through Physiological Biomarkers PhD dissertation, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste, La Paz, BCS, Mexico (co-supervised with Tania Zenteno-Savin)
Kassandra Fronczyk 2011 A New Framework for Bayesian Analysis of Dose-Response Studies Through Dependent Nonparametric Modeling for Categorical Respnses PhD dissertation, Statistics and Stochastic Modeling (Committee member)
Marian Farah 2011 Bayesian Nonparametric Methods for Emulation, Sensitibity Analysis, and Calibration of Computer Simulators PhD dissertation, Statistics and Stochastic Modeling (Committee member)
Valerie Brown 2011 Implementing State-dependent Models to Investigate Complex Life History Stages and Their Influence on Population Dynamics MS Thesis, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
Robert Curzon 2011 Estimating Rates of Natural Mortality for Fish Using Bayesian Linear Regression Methods: A Comprehensive Approach MS Thesis, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
Daniel Hively 2011 Biological Monitoring in Data Poor Scenarios MS Thesis, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
Asaf Sadeh 2011 Life-history Strategies of Organims with Complex Life-Cycles and Temporary Larval Habitats: The Fire Salamander as a Model PhD dissertation, Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, University of Haifa (co-supervised with Leon Blaustein)
Taal Levi 2012 Humans as Predators and Prey in Ecological Systems PhD Dissertation, Environmental Studies (co-supervised with Chris Wilmers)
Justin Yeakel 2012 The Structue of Mammalian Food-Webs: Interpreting, Predicting, and Informing Estimates of Species Interactions in Paleontological and Modern Communities PhD Dissertation, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (co-supervised with Paul Koch and Jim Estes)
Cristie Boone 2012 Integrating Zooarchaeology and Modeling: Trans-Holocene Fishing in Monterey Bay, California PhD Dissertation, Anthropology (co-supervised with Diane Gifford-Gonzalez)
Roxanna Pourzand 2012 The Response of Large Irrigation Accounts in Santa Cruz County to a Change in Billing Cycle: Implications for Conservation BA Thesis, Environmental Studies (co-supervised with Brent Haddad)
Nicholas Grunloh 2012 A Stochastic Dynamic Model of the Behavioral Ecology of Play BS Thesis, Marine Biology
Daniel Ladd 2013 Mathematical and Econometric Modelling of Farm Labor Demand and Financial Risk Management MS Thesis, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
Juan Lopez Arriaza 2013 The Use of Mathematical Models for Informing Management Strategies: An Application in Steelhead Trout and Fleet Dynamics MS Thesis, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
Kate Richerson 2015 Antarctic Euphausiids in Space and Time: Behavior, Distribution, and Growth, with Implications for Predators PhD Thesis, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Juan Lopez Arriaza 2015 Unraveling Steelhead Life History Complexity through Mathematical Modeling. PhD Dissertation, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
Ryan Driscoll 2019 Adapted to Environmental Change: Life History, Diet, and Habitat Choice of Krill in Winter PhD Dissertation, Ocean Sciences
You can see some pictures of us here
1980-82 Larry Karp (PhD student, Agricultural Economics). Currently: Professor, Department of Natural Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley (Web page)
1980-83 Spiro Stefanou (PhD student, Agricultural Economics). Currently: Professor and Chair, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida (Web page)
1981-82 Jay Beder (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Web page)
1983-84 Leann Sucht (Senior thesis student)
1983-5 Carl Lindvahl (Senior thesis student). Currently: University of Arkansas
1984-87 Craig Peters (PhD student, Applied Mathematics). Currently: Goldman Sachs
1984-89 Jose Goulart (PhD student, Applied Mathematics). Currently: University of the Azores
1985-90 Jon Brodziak (PhD student, Applied Mathematics). Currently: NMFS Pacific Islands Center, Honolulu, HI (Web page)
1986-87 Thomas Chin (Senior thesis student).
1986-88 Margaret Klosek (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: NIH
1986-88 Richard Gomulkiewicz (PhD student, Applied Mathematics; Alan Hastings supervisor). Currently: Professor, Departments of Mathematics and Zoology, Washington State University (Web page)
1987-89 Kerry Little (MS student, Applied Mathematics)
1988-90 Becky Phillips (MS student, Applied Mathematics)
1988-92 Amos Bouskila (PhD student, Ecology). Currently: Professor, Department of Zoology, Ben-Gurion University (Web page)
1988-90 Erick Greene (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, University of Montana (Web page)
1989-95 Michael Maxwell (PhD student, Animal Behavior). Currently: Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, National University, (Web page)
1990-92 Jennifer Garrison (Senior thesis student; Departmental Citation, Department of Zoology, UCD, 1992). Currently: Livermore National Laboratory
1990-92 Margaret Hatch (Senior thesis student; Departmental Citation, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, 1992)
1990-95 George Heimpel (PhD student, Entomology). Currently: Professor, Department of Entomology, Univesity of Minnesota (Web page)
1990-92 Jonathan Losos (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, Museum of Zoology, Harvard University (Web page 1; Web page 2)
1990-92 Bill Morris (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, epartment of Biology, Duke University (Web page)
1990-93 Sonia Sultan (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, Department of Biology, Wesleyan University (Web page)
1991-97 Barney Luttbeg (PhD student, Population Biology). Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma (Web page)
1991-92 Lisa Baloian (Senior thesis student, Departmental Citation, Department of Zoology, 1992; Mary Regan Meyer Prize, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, UCD, 1992). Currently: Optometrist at Hyperoptics Optometry (Web page)
1991-93 Fred Adler (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor,Departments of Biology and Mathematics, University of Utah (Web page 1; Web page 2)
1991-93 Peter Nonacs (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles (Web page)
1991-93 Bob Lalonde (Postdoctoral colleague): Currently: Professor,Department of Biology University of British Columbia, Okanagan (Web page)
1992-97 Shea Gardner (PhD student, Population Biology). Deceased 2016.
1993-94 Locke Rowe (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, Department of Zoology, and Graduate Dean, University of Toronto (Web page)
1994-95 Thomas Moore (Senior thesis student). Currently: California Department of Fish and Game
1994-95 Christine Genova (Senior thesis student)
1994-95 Jacqueline Jacobsen (Senior thesis student)
1994-96 Tim Collier (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, University of Wyoming (Web page)
1995-96 Paul Switzer (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, Department of Biology, Eastern Illinois University (Web page)
1996-2002 Angie Shelton (PhD student, Environmental Studies). Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University
1996-2002 Chris Wilcox (PhD student, Environmental Studies). Currently: Senior Research Scientist CSIRO, Hobart (Web page)
1997-98 Muriel Ney-Niffle (Postdoctoral colleague). (Web page 1; Web page 2)
1997-98 Tamar Keasar (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev((Web page )
1998-2006 Suzanne Alonzo (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz (Web page)
1998-99 Daniel Berman (Senior thesis student)
1998-99 Brent Levin (Senior thesis student)
1999-2000 Katriona Shea (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Alumni Professor, Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University (Web page)
2000-01 Azure Westwood (Senior thesis student)
2000-01 Elizabeth Howard (Senior thesis student; Highest Honors, Environmental Studies, UCSC 2002). Currently: Assistant Manager, UC Reserve, Santa Cruz
2000-05 Andi Stephens (PhD student, Ocean Sciences). Currently: Fishery Statistician, NOAA Fisheries, Newport, OR
2000-06 Nicholas Wolf (PhD student, Bology, University of Bergen). Currently: Solar Design Engineer, Seattle, WA
2001-02 Elaine Chow (Senior thesis student). Currently: PhD student (Plant Biology) UC Davis
2001-02 Daphne Geringer (Senior thesis student)
2001-02 Holly Kindsvater (Senior thesis student; Dean's Award for Undergraduate Research, 2002). Currently: Visiting Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
2001-03 Teresa Ish (MS student, Ocean Sciences), Currently: Program Manager, Walton Family Foundation (Web page)
2001-06 Leah Johnson (PhD student, Physics). Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Virginia Polytechnic and State University
2002-06 Kate Siegfried (PhD student, Environmental Studies). Currently: Research Fishery Biologist, NMFS Beaufort, NC
2002-06 Sigrunn Eliassen (PhD student, Biology, University of Bergen). Currently: Researcher, Department of Biology, University of Bergen (Web page)
2002-03 Megan Atecheson (Senior thesis student). Currently: Staff Member, Marine Stewardship Council
2002-03 Matt Kerby (Senior thesis student)
2002-03 Brycen Swart (Senior thesis student). Currently: PhD student, Oregon Stae University
2002-03 Melissa Snover (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Research Scientist, USGS, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis, OR
2002-05 Steve Munch (Postdoctoral colleague). Currently: Staff Member, Fisheries Ecology Division, NOAA Fisheries, Santa Cruz, CA
2002-07 Yasmin Lucero (PhD student, Ocean Sciences, and NMFS-Sea Grant Fellow). Currently: Senior statistician, Gravity.com
2002, 2011-12 Sigrun Elliasen (PhD student, Sabbatical visitor 2011-12). Currently: Associate Professor, University of Bergen
2003-04 Kai Lorenzen (Sabbatical visitor from Imperial College, Fall term) (Web page)
2003-06 Dan Merl (PhD student, Computer Science; Raquel Prado supervisor). Currently: Head of Statistics, Facebook (Web page)
2003-07 Anand Patil (PhD student, Statistics and Stochastic Modeling). Currently: Co-founder Sense [a big data company]
2004-08 Christine Alfano (visiting PhD student, Wildlife Ecology, University of Minnesota). Currently: US Fish and Wildlife Service Scientist
2004-05 Seichii Oyamada (Senior thesis student)
2004-05 Katy Doctor (Pesonal and Scientific Assistant). Currently: Staff Scientist, NOAA Fisheries, Manchester, WA
2004-05 Ricardo Lemos (Visiting Graduate student, University of Lisbon, Fall term). Currenty: Staff Scientist, The Climate Corporation
2004-05 Hiroshi Hakoyama (Research Visitor from the Stock Assessment Division, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan, Winter term) (Web page)
2004-09 Edward J Dick (PhD Student). Currently: Research Fishery Biologist, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA
2005-06 Austin Johnson (Senior thesis student)
2005-06 Chris Simon (Personal and Scientific Assistant). Currently: Analyst, 1010Data, New York
2005-08 Matt Taddy (PhD Student of Thanasis Kottas and Bruno Sanso). Currently: Booth Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago (Web page)
2006-07 Jaqueline Campos (Assistant). Currently: Biotechnology industry
2007-08 Stephanie Carlson (NSF Bioinformatics Post-doc). Currently: Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley (Web page)
2007-08 Erin Middleton (Undergraduate research student). Currently: California Food and Justice Coalition, San Francisco.
2006-09 Davind Swank (Post-doctoral Scholar). Currently: NMFS Regional Office, Sacramento
2006-10 Kate Creswell (Post-doctoral Scholar)
Currently: Research scientist2006-10 Will Satterthwaite (Post-doctoral Scholar) Currently: Research Fishery BiologistSouthwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA
2006-10 John Wiedenmann (PhD Student Ocean Sciences). Currently: Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
2006-2010 Michael Beakes (Technician, Steelhead Project). Currently: Staff Scientist, Cramer Fish Sciences
2006-2011 Cristie Boone (PhD Student Anthropology). Currently: Independent Consultant, Seattle, WA
2009-10 Cynthia Kern (Post-doctoral Scholar). Currently: Post-doctoral scholar, NMFS Santa Cruz Laboratory
2007-2010, 2014-16 Who Seung Lee (PhD Student, University of Glasgow, post-doctoral scholar). Currently: Staff Scientist, Korean Environmental Institute
2008-2010 Gia Kobara (Personal and Scientific Assistant). Currently: HR Department, Facebook
2009-2012 Ole Shelton (Post-doctoral Scholar). Currently: Research Fishery Biologist, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA
2008-20012 Taak Levi (PhD Student, Environmental Studies) Currently: Assistant Professor, Oregon State University
2009 Vanessa Labrada Martagon (PhD Student, CiBNor, La Paz, Mexico,). Currently: Assistant Professor, Universidad Autnoma de San Luis Potos, San Luis Potos, Mexico
Asaf Sadeh (PhD Student, University of Haifa, Summer and Fall 2009). Currently: Reserch Scientist, Volcani Institute, Rishon LeZion, Israel
2010-2012 Justin Yeakel (PhD Student Ecology and Evolutionary Biology). Currently: Assistant Professor, UC Merced
2009-2016 Simone Vincenzi (Post-doctoral scholar and European Union Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellows). Currently: Data Scientist, Netflix
2010-2012 Roxanna Pourzand (Undergraduate Research Student; Personal and Scientific Asssisant). Currently: Analyst, Oracle Corporation, San Francisco
2011-12 Nick Grunloh (Senior Thesis student). Currently: Assistant Specialist, UCSC, working at the Fisheries Ecology Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA
2011-2013 Daniel Ladd (Senior Thesis and MS student). Currently: Analyst, Goldman Sachs, NYC
2013-14 Vanessa Martagon (UCMEXUS Post-doctoral Fellow). Currently: Universidad Autnoma de San Luis Potos, San Luis Potos, Mexico
2012-14 Melissa Monk (Post-doctoral Scholar). Currently: Staff Member, Fisheries Ecology Division, NOAA Fisheries, Santa Cruz, CA
2012-14 Santiago Salinas (Post-doctoral Scholar). Currently: Assistant Professor, Kalamazoo College
2012-2015 Carl Boettiger (NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Biology and Mathematics. Currently: Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley (Web page)
Holly Kindsvater (NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Biology and Mathematics. Currently: Visiting Assistant Professor, Rutgers University (Web page)
1989-90 Robert Costantino (Sabbatical visitor from University of Rhode Island) Currently: University of Arizona (Web page)
Jane Brockmann (Sabbatical Visitor from University of Florida, Fall term 1994-95 ) (Web page)
Mark Abrahams (Sabbtical Visitor from University of Manitoba, 1995-96) (Web page)
Jarl Giske (Sabbatical visitor from University of Bergen, 2000-01, June-Dec 2010, Summer 2011) (Web page)
Michael Bonsall (Royal Society Research Fellow, visiting from Imperial College, Winter and Spring terms, 2003-04). Currently: Professor of mathematical biology at the University of Oxford (Web page)
Kai Lorenzen (Sabbatical Visitor from Imperial College of Science and Technology; Fall 2003). While at CSTAR, Lorenzen began work on a software package for fish stock enhancement. This can be found at http://www.aquaticresources.org/enhancefish.htm
Ricardo Lemos (Graduate Student, University of Lisbon, Fall 2004, Winter 2009)
Hiroshi Hakoyama (Research Visitor from the Stock Assessment Division, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan, February-March 2005)
Nadiezhda Cantu (Graduate Student, CiBNor, La Paz, Mexico; Spring 2008)
Katja Engberg (Post-doctoral resesearcher, University of Bergen, Fall 2008)
Christian Jorgensen (Post-doctoral resesearcher, University of Bergen, Fall 2008, Fall 2011)
Hans Skaug (Sabbatical Visitor, University of Bergen, 2012-13)
Richard Feynman's Advice to Koichi Mano on Picking Problems in Science
The worthwhile problems are the ones you can really solve or help solve, the ones you can really contribute something to. A problem is grand in science if it lies before us unsolved and we see some way for us to make a little headway into it. I would advise you to take even simpler, or as you say, humbler, problems until you find some you can really solve easily, no matter how trivial. You will get the pleasure of success, and of helping your fellow man, even if it is only to answer a question in the mind of a colleague less able than you. You must not take away from yourself these pleasures because you have some erroneous idea of what is worthwhile.
You met me at the peak of my career when I seemed to you to be concerned with problems close to the gods. But at the same time, I had another Ph.D. student (Albert Hibbs) whose thesis was on how it is that the winds build up waves blowing over water in the sea. I accepted him as a student because he came to me with the problem he wanted to solve.
...No problem is too small or too trivial if we can really do something about it. You say you are a nameless man. You are not to your wife and to your child. You will not long remain so to your immediate colleagues if you can answer their simple questions when they come into your office. You are not nameless to me. Do not remain nameless to yourself -- it is too sad a way to be. Know your place in the world and evaluate yourself fairly, not in terms of ideals of your own youth, nor in terms of what you erroneously imagine your teacher's ideals are.
pg 198-199 in M. Feynman. 2005. Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track. The Letters of Richard Feynman. Basic Books
John Bahcall's advice to young scientists
Choose important problems
Get involved with real data
Bring the most powerful analytic tools to bear on the problem at hand
from W.H. Press. 1997. Understanding data better with Bayesian and global statistical methods. pg 49-60 in Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics (J.H. Bahcall and J.P. Ostriker, editors), Princeton University Press
Hans Krebs's advice to students who ask about how to attain distinction in science:
To attain distinction in scientific research you must
--get a post-doctoral Fellowship, which will give you the time and opportunity to test yourself;
--attach yourself to a centre of excellence;
--work hard and make the fullest use of the time and facilities that the Fellowship affords;
--from time to time, search your heart critically, with the help of objective critics, to find out whether you really possess the right mixture of qualities -- urge, commitment, imagination, humility-- which are the roots of creativity in science.
from HA Krebs.1981.Remiscences and Reflections. Oxford University Press (pg 179)
Erick Greene (PD), Dhobzhansky Prize, Society for the Study of Evolution
Lisa Baloian (UG), Departmental Citation, Department of Zoology; Mary Regan Meyer Prize, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Amos Bouskila (G), R. Merton Love Award for the Best Dissertation in Ecology
Shea Gardner (G), NSF predoctoral fellowship
Jennifer Garrison (UG), Departmental Citation, Department of Zoology,
Margaret Hatch (UG), Departmental Citation, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
Jon Brodziak (GS 1984-90), Outstanding Performance Award, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Danielle Bruno (UG), Departmental Citation, Department of Zoology
Paulette Razy (UG), Departmental Citation, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology,
Locke Rowe (PD), Young Investigator Award, American Society of Naturalists
Jon Brodziak (GS 1984-90), NOAA Citation
Jonathan Losos (PD 1990-92), Fellowship in Science and Engineering, David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Jon Brodziak (GS 1984-90), Outstanding Performance Award, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
George Heimpel (G), USDA Postdoctoral fellowship
Mike Maxwell (G), National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateship
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
George Heimpel (G), John Kinsella College of Agriculture and Environmental College dissertation excellence award. University of California, Davis
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Angie Shelton (G), NSF Predoctoral fellowship
Chris Wilcox (G), Switzer Environmental Leadership Grant
Jon Brodziak (GS 1984-90), Outstanding Performance Award, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Shea Gardner (G), Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College, Postdoctoral fellowship
George Heimpel (G, 1989-95), USDA Postdoctoral fellowship; NSF Postdoctoral fellowship
Tamar Keasar (PD), Fulbright Scholar, Israel
Muriel Ney-Niffle (PD), Fulbright Scholar, France
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Edgar Rene Becerra (UG), Honors in Environmental Studies
Jonathan Losos (PD 1990-92), David Starr Jordan Przie
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Suzane Alonzo (PD), NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biological Informatics
Daniel Berman (UG), Honors in Marine Biology
Locke Rowe (PD, 1993-94), Premier's Research Excellence Award, University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Michael Maxwell (GS, 1989-95), Chapter in book The praying mantids; book earned Honorable Mention (Assocation of American Publishers' "Outstanding Professional and Scholarly Title of 1999").
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
George Heimpel (G, 1989-95), McKnight Land-Grant Professorship, University of Minnesota
Beth Howard (UG), Undergraduate Minigrant, Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems; Honors in Environmental Studies and Biology
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Megan Atcheson (U), Research award, Friends of Long Marine Laboratory
Shea Gardner (G, 1992-97) Science and Technology Award for computational pathogen assay development, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Teresa Ish (G), Best Poster by a Young Investigator, Fourth William R. and Lenore Mote Internationl Symposium 'Confronting Trade-offs in the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management', Sarasota, FL November
Yasmin Lucero (G), NMFS-Sea Grant Graduate Fellowship; NSF Graduate Fellowhship Honorable Mention
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Melissa Snover (PD), National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship
Chris Wilcox (G), Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (renewed 2004)
Megan Atcheson (U), Research Grant, Dr Earl H. Myers and Ethel M. Myers, Oceanographic and Marine Biology Trust. From the call for proposals "Under the terms of the will of Ethel M. Myers, a Trust has been established to award grants for the enhancement of studies in the marine sciences, including conservation and science education. The target awardees are Master's Degree and Ph.D. candidates, or other persons deemed worthy by the Trustees. Limited consideration may be given to undergraduates. "
Jon Brodziak (GS 1984-90), Fellow, American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists; NOAA Bronze Medal Award; NOAA Administrator's Award
Holly Kindsvater (U), Dean's Undergraduate Research Award (for her senior thesis)
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Jon Brodziak (GS 1984-90), NOAA Bronze Medal Award, NOAA General Counsel's Award
Shea Gardner (GS 1992-97) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Computing Applications and Research Department award for leading research to support the Centers for Disease Control
Holly Kindsvater (U, 2001-2004) University of Florida President's Graduate Fellowship
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award; Canada Research Chair in Evolutionary Ecology; Ontario Distinguished Researcher Award
Katriona Shea (PD, 1999-2001) Edward D. Bellis Award for outstanding contribution and dedication to educating and training graduate students in the Ecology Program at Penn State
Kate Siegfried (G), Graduate Fellowship from The Nature Conservancy, to work on marine reserves
Leah Johnson (G), UC President's Dissertation Year Fellowship
Tamar Keasar (PD 1997-99), First Prize, Poster Competition, Israeli Entomlogical Society
Holly Kindsvater (U, 2001-04), EPA Star Fellowship
Jonathan Losos (PD 1990-92), John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Barney Luttbeg (G, 1991-97) President's Award, American Society of Naturalists (for the best paper in The American Naturalist, 2004)
Michael Maxwell (G, 1989-95) Entry in Encyclopedia of animal behavior; encyclopedia won Best Reference Source of 2004 (Library Journal).
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): University of Toronto Dean's Excellence Award
Teresa Ish (G, 2001-2003): Best Paper Award, NMFS Economics and Social Science Conference
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): Faculty of Arts and Science Outstanding Teaching Award; E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship
Kate Siegfried (G, 2002-2006): Best Poster by a Young Investigator, Sixth William R. and Lenore Mote International Symposium
Suzanne Alonzo (PD, 1998-2004): Senior Reseach Fellowship, Jesus College (Oxford) Michaelmas term
Leah Johnson (GS, 2002-06): College Research Associate, Jesus College (Cambridge)
Michael Maxwell (GS, 1989-95): National University Presidential Award; National University Presidential Scholar
Katy Doctor (RA, 2003-04): Fulbright Fellowship (to Chile)
George Heimpel (GS, 1990-95): Presidental Citation for Outstanding Achievement by an Alumnus, University of Delaware
Holly Kindsvater (UG, 2001-02; RA 2003-04): Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies Research Grants
Larry Karp (GS 1980-82): Elected Fellow American Association of Agricultural Economics; Winner of the Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements Paper Competition
Jonathan Losos (PD 1990-92): Elected President of the American Society of Naturalists
Yasmin Lucero (GS 2002-07): Fellow, Women Evolving Biological Science
Michael Maxwell (GS, 1989-95): National University Presidential Scholar
Locke Rowe (PD 1993-94): Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Accelerator Award; University of Toronto Dean?s Excellence Award
Fred Adler (PD 1991-93): University of Utah Distinguished Mentor Award.
Jonathan Losos (PD 1990-92): Edward O. Wilson Naturalist Award from the American Society of Naturalists
Michael Maxwell (GS, 1989-95): National University Presidential Award and Presidential Scholar
Kate Richerson (Research Assistant 2007-09): Honorable Mention, NSF Graduate Fellowship Competition
Suzanne Alonzo (PD, 1998-2004): Visiting Scholar, Corpus Christi College (Oxford);Yale Graduate Mentor Award for Science; NSF CAREER Award
Valerie Brown (GS), NMFS/Sea Grant Graduate Fellowship in Population Dynamics
Cristie Boone (GS), Milam-McGinty-Kaun Distinguished Teaching Award, Division of Social Sciences UCSC
Stephanie Carlso (PD, 2007-08), American Society of Naturalists' Young Investigator Prize
Holly Kindsvater (UG, 2001-02; RA 2003-04): NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant
Michael Maxwell (GS, 1989-95): National University Presidential Scholar
Kate Richerson (GS), NSF Graduate Research Fellowship; NMFS/Sea Grant Graduate Fellowship in Population Dynamics
Asaf Sadeh (GS, co-supervised with Leon Blaustein, University of Haifa): Second Prize for (Student) Distinguished Ecological Research, Israeli Society for Ecology and Environmental Science Annual Meeting
Suzanne Alonzo (PD, 1998-2004): Yale Postdoctoral Mentorship Prize
Amos Bouskila (GS, 1988-92): Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Shea Gardner (GS, 1992-95): Technology Transfer Award in Federal Lab Consortium’s Far West Region for developing the Lawrence Livermore Microbial Detection Array (LLMDA) and Gold Award from LLNL Global Security Directorate for Microarray Development
George Heimpel (GS, 1990-95): Resident Fellow, University of Minnesota's Institute on the Environment
Michael Maxwell (GS, 1989-95): National University President's Professoriate Award
Katriona Shea (PD,2000-2011): Visiting Scholar, New College (Oxford)
George Heimpel (GS, 1990-1995): Fellow of the Univ. of Minn. Institute on the Environment; member of the Faculty of 1,000
Amos Bouskila (GS, 1988-1992) Rector Award for excellence in teaching in 2012
Michael Maxwell (GS, 1989-1995) National University Presidential Award; National University Presidential Scholar
Jonathn Losos (PD, 1990-1992) Daniel Elliot Giraud Medal from the National Academy of Sciences for his anole book; election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Roxanna Pourzand (UG, 2010-2012) Weiss Family Award, Phi Beta Kappa, UCSC
In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason backward. That is a very useful accomplishment, and a very easy one, but people do not practise it very much. In the everyday affairs of life it is more useful to reason forward, and so the other comes to be neglected. There are fifty who can reason synthetically, for one who can reason analytically...Let me see if I can make it clearer. Most people, if you describe a train of events to them, will tell you what the result would be. They can put those events together in their minds, and argue from them that something will come to pass. There are few people, however, who, if you told them a result, would be able to evolve from their own inner consciousness what the steps were which led up to that result. This power is what I mean when I talk of reasoning backward, or analytically.
Sherlock Holmes to John H. Watson, M.D.; as reported by Watson in Chapter 7 of A Study in Scarlet reprinted in Doyle. A.C. 1970. The Complete Sherlock Holmes. Doubleday, NY