Since moving to UC Davis in 1980, my overall objective has been to run a research group working in mathematical and theoretical biology, with a focus on ecology, evolution, and behavior and the broad goal of combining first-rate basic science with important applied questions, which Donald Stokes called Pasteur's Quadrant. My students, post-docs, and I use mathematical methods to solve problems in biological and ecological science (rather than problems in biological and ecological science to motivate mathematical studies). The tools are models (differential equations, stochastic dynamic programming and Bayesian statistical methods), experiments (currently either in Santa Cruz or in collaboration with colleagues elsewhere) and field observations.
I have applied these ideas to a variety of systems, currently including insect parasitoids and tephritid fruit flies, southern ocean krill, steelhead trout, Pacific rockfish, and planaria. My students and post-docs have worked on a wide variety of species and systems including kangaroo rats and their predators, beach strawberries, sticklebacks, preying mantids, marine mammals, and many species of fish (including rockfish, salmon, anchovy and sardines).
Results of these different projects are reported in the publications page of this site.