2013 Race Summaries

Bay to Breakers 12k 1:17:24 (stopped at home for bathroom)

Kristin and I ran to the start and then continued running afterwards to complete an 18(?) mile training run. It was a great race!

SF Marathon 4:15:53

Kristin and I did normal LSD training on weekends with ramp ups and 4 week break cycle. The training was great, but I had a cold during the race. Carried throat lozenges and tissue in my pocket. The last mile or two was painful but I finished in a decent time.

ITR Table Rock 27k 3:23:08 (3450 ft)

This was my first trail race! I talked to a few people at the start and they said to walk the first hills. Great advice and I took it! I felt great until the second set of climbs around mile 13-14 where I walked some more. I got the bug after this race.

ITR Santa Cruz Trail Race 30k 3:29:40 (3050 ft)

Kristin joined this race doing the half marathon. I felt really good throughout and bombed downhill at the end of the race for a strong finish. Never hit a low point.

ITR Toro Trail Run 30k 4:21:42 (4950 ft)

This was a very rough run! I forgot nipple covers and that was painful halfway through. The day got REALLY hot and I probably wasn't drinking enough. If you weren't going up, you were going down. I hit a very steep part around mile 12-14 and Kristin and I got in a bit of a spat. I'm not being negative, I'm just being realistic.

Golden Hills Trail Marathon 5:47:48 (4977 ft)

This was a long, tough but fun race! It was a variety of terrain from forested to open arid trails. It went well but was tiring. I hit a usual low point around mile 17 at this big hill going up (this is a pattern!) but we stuck it out. The final few miles involved a lot of walk/run.

Santa Barbara Marathon 4:06:35

I was using this as a training race for North Face. I ran it conservatively with Kristin. I felt really strong the whole race. The strongest I've felt in a marathon. I ran up the big hill with ease due to all my hill training. I could've gone strong at the end but wisely held back (at the urging of Kristin) to prevent injury.

North Face Endurance Challenge 50k 6:51:46 (6719 ft)

Race went very well. I think my training was just about right. I ate plenty of food at the start and didn't go out too fast. I walked most of the first hill (Miwok). I did hit a rough spot on Lost Trail stairs coming out of Muir Woods around mile 17. At the aid station after that (~mile 20), I stopped and removed my shoes to air my feet and quickly went on. I got stung by a bee right about mile 22 and it itched but luckily I wasn't allergic. I saw Kristin at about mile 25 at the Muir Beach aid station which was exciting! I finished the last few miles down Rodeo with a fast pace (sub-9) but started getting a cramp here and there. I stopped to walk a couple times about a half mile from the finish. At the finish, I felt strong but spent. I had some leg cramps (ham strings) while sitting/lying on the ground after the race.

Overall, everything went well but suggested fixes: