/* paraHub - Parasol hub server. This is the heart of the parasol system. * The hub daemon spawns a heartbeat daemon and a number of spoke deamons * on startup, and then goes into a loop processing messages it recieves * on the hub TCP/IP socket. The hub daemon does not do anything time consuming * in this loop. The main thing the hub daemon does is put jobs on the * job list, move machines from the busy list to the free list, and call * the 'runner' routine. * * The runner routine looks to see if there is a free machine, a free spoke, * and a job to run. If so it will send a message to the spoke telling * it to run the job on the machine, and then move the job from the 'pending' * to the 'running' list, the spoke from the freeSpoke to the busySpoke list, * and the machine from the freeMachine to the busyMachine list. This * indirection of starting jobs via a separate spoke process avoids the * hub daemon itself having to wait to find out if a machine is down. * * When a spoke is done assigning a job, the spoke sends a 'recycleSpoke' * message to the hub, which puts the spoke back on the freeSpoke list. * Likewise when a job is done the machine running the jobs sends a * 'job done' message to the hub, which puts the machine back on the * free list, writes the job exit code to a file, and removes the job * from the system. * * Sometimes a spoke will find that a machine is down. In this case it * sends a 'node down' message to the hub as well as the 'spoke free' * message. The hub will then move the machine to the deadMachines list, * and put the job back on the top of the pending list. * * The heartbeat daemon simply sits in a loop sending heartbeat messages to * the hub every so often (every 30 seconds currently), and sleeping * the rest of the time. When the hub gets a heartbeat message it * does a few things: * o - It calls runner to try and start some more jobs. (Runner * is also called at the end of processing a recycleSpoke, * jobDone, addJob or addMachine message. Typically runner * won't find anything new to run in the heartbeat, but this * is put here mostly just in case of unforseen issues.) * o - It calls graveDigger, a routine which sees if machines * on the dead list have come back to life. * o - It calls hangman, a routine which sees if jobs the system * thinks have been running for a long time are still * running on the machine they have been assigned to. * If the machine has gone down it is moved to the dead list * and the job is reassigned. * * This whole system depends on the hub daemon being able to finish * processing messages fast enough to keep the connection queue on the * hub socket from overflowing. Each job involves 3 messages to the * hub socket: * addJob - from a client to add the job to the system * recycleSpoke - from the spoke after it's dispatched the job * jobDone - from the compute node when the job is finished * On some of the earlier Linux kernals we had trouble with the * connection queue overflowing when dispatching lots of short * jobs. This seemed to be from the jobDone messages coming * in faster than Linux could make connections rather than the * hub daemon being slow. On the kilokluster with a more modern * kernal this has not been a problem - even with very 0.1 second * jobs on 1000 CPUs. Should overflow occur the heartbeat processing * should gradually rescue the system in any case, but the throughput * will be greatly reduced. */ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "errabort.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "net.h" #include "paraLib.h" #include "paraHub.h" #include "machSpec.h" int version = 1; /* Version number. */ /* Some command-line configurable quantities and their defaults. */ int jobCheckPeriod = 10; /* Minutes between checking running jobs. */ int machineCheckPeriod = 20; /* Minutes between checking dead machines. */ int initialSpokes = 30; /* Number of spokes to start with. */ unsigned char subnet[4] = {255,255,255,255}; /* Subnet to check. */ int nextJobId = 0; /* Next free job id. */ unsigned char localHost[4] = {127,0,0,1}; /* Address for local host */ void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort("paraHub - parasol hub server version %d\n" "usage:\n" " paraHub machineList\n" "Where machine list is a file with machine names in the\n" "first column, and number of CPUs in the second column.\n" "options:\n" " spokes=N Number of processes that feed jobs to nodes - default %d\n" " jobCheckPeriod=N Minutes between checking on job - default %d\n" " machineCheckPeriod=N Seconds between checking on machine - default %d\n" " subnet=XXX.YYY.ZZZ Only accept connections from subnet (example 192.168)\n" " nextJobId=N Starting job ID number\n" " log=logFile Write a log to logFile. Use 'stdout' here for console\n" " logFlush Flush log with every write\n" , version, initialSpokes, jobCheckPeriod, machineCheckPeriod ); } struct spoke *spokeList; /* List of all spokes. */ struct dlList *freeSpokes; /* List of free spokes. */ struct dlList *busySpokes; /* List of busy spokes. */ struct dlList *deadSpokes; /* List of dead spokes. */ struct machine *machineList; /* List of all machines. */ struct dlList *freeMachines; /* List of machines ready for jobs. */ struct dlList *busyMachines; /* List of machines running jobs. */ struct dlList *deadMachines; /* List of machines that aren't running. */ struct dlList *runningJobs; /* Jobs that are running. */ struct hash *userHash; /* Hash of all users. */ struct user *userList; /* List of all users. */ struct dlList *queuedUsers; /* Users with jobs in queue. */ struct dlList *unqueuedUsers; /* Users with no jobs in queue. */ struct resultQueue *resultQueues; /* Result files. */ int finishedJobCount = 0; /* Number of finished jobs. */ int crashedJobCount = 0; /* Number of crashed jobs. */ char *jobIdFileName = "parasol.jid"; /* File name where jobId file is. */ FILE *jobIdFile = NULL; /* Handle to jobId file. */ char *hubHost; /* Name of machine running this. */ void removeJobId(int id); /* Remove job with given ID. */ void setupLists() /* Make up data structure to keep track of each machine. * Try to get sockets on all of them. */ { freeMachines = newDlList(); busyMachines = newDlList(); deadMachines = newDlList(); runningJobs = newDlList(); freeSpokes = newDlList(); busySpokes = newDlList(); deadSpokes = newDlList(); queuedUsers = newDlList(); unqueuedUsers = newDlList(); userHash = newHash(6); } struct user *findUser(char *name) /* Find user. If it's the first time we've seen this * user then make up a user object. */ { struct user *user = hashFindVal(userHash, name); if (user == NULL) { AllocVar(user); slAddHead(&userList, user); hashAddSaveName(userHash, name, user, &user->name); AllocVar(user->node); user->node->val = user; dlAddTail(unqueuedUsers, user->node); user->jobQueue = newDlList(); } return user; } struct user *findLuckyUser() /* Find lucky user who gets to run a job. */ { struct user *minUser = NULL; int minCount = BIGNUM; struct dlNode *node; for (node = queuedUsers->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next) { struct user *user = node->val; if (user->runningCount < minCount && !dlEmpty(user->jobQueue)) { minCount = user->runningCount; minUser = user; } } return minUser; } boolean runNextJob() /* Assign next job in pending queue if any to a machine. */ { struct user *user = findLuckyUser(); if (user != NULL && !dlEmpty(freeMachines) && !dlEmpty(freeSpokes)) { struct dlNode *mNode, *jNode, *sNode; struct spoke *spoke; struct job *job; struct machine *machine; time_t now = time(NULL); /* Get free resources from free list and move them to busy lists. */ mNode = dlPopHead(freeMachines); dlAddTail(busyMachines, mNode); machine = mNode->val; machine->lastChecked = now; jNode = dlPopHead(user->jobQueue); dlAddTail(runningJobs, jNode); job = jNode->val; sNode = dlPopHead(freeSpokes); dlAddTail(busySpokes, sNode); spoke = sNode->val; spoke->lastPinged = now; spoke->pingCount = 0; /* Update user and if this is the last job take them off queue. */ ++user->runningCount; if (dlEmpty(user->jobQueue)) { dlRemove(user->node); dlAddTail(unqueuedUsers, user->node); } /* Tell machine, job, and spoke about each other. */ machine->job = job; job->machine = machine; job->startTime = now; spokeSendJob(spoke, machine, job); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void runner(int count) /* Try to run a couple of jobs. */ { while (--count >= 0) if (!runNextJob()) break; } struct machine *machineNew(char *name, char *tempDir) /* Create a new machine structure. */ { struct machine *mach; AllocVar(mach); mach->name = cloneString(name); mach->tempDir = cloneString(tempDir); AllocVar(mach->node); mach->node->val = mach; return mach; } void machineFree(struct machine **pMach) /* Delete machine structure. */ { struct machine *mach = *pMach; if (mach != NULL) { freeMem(mach->node); freeMem(mach->name); freeMem(mach->tempDir); freez(pMach); } } void doAddMachine(char *name, char *tempDir) /* Add machine to pool. */ { struct machine *mach; mach = machineNew(name, tempDir); dlAddTail(freeMachines, mach->node); slAddHead(&machineList, mach); } void addMachine(char *line) /* Process message to add machine to pool. */ { char *name = nextWord(&line); char *tempDir = nextWord(&line); if (tempDir != NULL) { doAddMachine(name, tempDir); runner(1); } } struct machine *findMachine(char *name) /* Find named machine. */ { struct machine *mach; for (mach = machineList; mach != NULL; mach = mach->next) { if (sameString(mach->name, name)) return mach; } return NULL; } struct machine *findMachineOnDlList(char *name, struct dlList *list) /* Find machine on list, or return NULL */ { struct dlNode *node; struct machine *mach; for (node = list->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next) { mach = node->val; if (sameString(mach->name, name)) return mach; } return NULL; } struct machine *findMachineWithJob(char *name, int jobId) /* Find named machine that is running job. If jobId is * 0, find it regardless of job it's running. */ { struct machine *mach; for (mach = machineList; mach != NULL; mach = mach->next) { if (sameString(mach->name, name)) { struct job *job = mach->job; if (jobId == 0) return mach; if (job != NULL && job->id == jobId) return mach; } } return NULL; } struct job *jobFind(struct dlList *list, int id) /* Find node of job with given id on list. Return NULL if * not found. */ { struct dlNode *el; struct job *job; for (el = list->head; !dlEnd(el); el = el->next) { job = el->val; if (job->id == id) return job; } return NULL; } void removeMachine(char *name) /* Remove machine form pool. */ { struct machine *mach; name = trimSpaces(name); if ((mach = findMachine(name)) != NULL) { if (mach->job != NULL) removeJobId(mach->job->id); dlRemove(mach->node); slRemoveEl(&machineList, mach); machineFree(&mach); } } void requeueJob(struct job *job) /* Move job from running queue back to a user pending * queue. This happens when a node is down or when * it missed the message about a job. */ { struct user *user = job->user; struct machine *mach = job->machine; if (mach != NULL) mach->job = NULL; job->machine = NULL; dlRemove(job->node); dlAddHead(user->jobQueue, job->node); dlRemove(user->node); user->runningCount -= 1; dlAddTail(queuedUsers, user->node); } void nodeDown(char *line) /* Deal with a node going down - move it to dead list and * put job back on head of job list. */ { struct machine *mach; char *machName = nextWord(&line); char *jobIdString = nextWord(&line); int jobId; struct job *job; if (jobIdString == NULL) return; jobId = atoi(jobIdString); if ((mach = findMachineWithJob(machName, jobId)) != NULL) { if ((job = mach->job) != NULL) requeueJob(job); dlRemove(mach->node); mach->lastChecked = time(NULL); mach->isDead = TRUE; dlAddTail(deadMachines, mach->node); } runner(1); } char *exeFromCommand(char *cmd) /* Return executable name (without path) given command line. */ { static char exe[128]; char *s,*e,*x; int i, size; int lastSlash = -1; /* Isolate first space-delimited word between s and e. */ s = skipLeadingSpaces(cmd); e = skipToSpaces(cmd); if (e == NULL) e = s + strlen(s); size = e - s; /* Find last '/' in this word if any, and reposition s after it. */ for (i=0; i 0) s += lastSlash + 1; /* Copy whats left to string to return . */ size = e - s; if (size >= sizeof(exe)) size = sizeof(exe)-1; memcpy(exe, s, size); exe[size] = 0; return exe; } struct job *jobNew(char *cmd, char *user, char *dir, char *in, char *out, char *results) /* Create a new job structure */ { struct job *job; AllocVar(job); AllocVar(job->node); job->node->val = job; job->id = ++nextJobId; job->exe = cloneString(exeFromCommand(cmd)); job->cmd = cloneString(cmd); job->user = findUser(user); job->dir = cloneString(dir); job->in = cloneString(in); job->out = cloneString(out); job->results = cloneString(results); return job; } void jobFree(struct job **pJob) /* Free up a job. */ { struct job *job = *pJob; if (job != NULL) { freeMem(job->node); freeMem(job->exe); freeMem(job->cmd); freeMem(job->dir); freeMem(job->in); freeMem(job->out); freeMem(job->err); freeMem(job->results); freez(pJob); } } boolean sendViaSpoke(struct machine *machine, char *message) /* Send a message to machine via spoke. */ { struct dlNode *node = dlPopHead(freeSpokes); struct spoke *spoke; if (node == NULL) return FALSE; dlAddTail(busySpokes, node); spoke = node->val; spoke->lastPinged = time(NULL); spokeSendMessage(spoke, machine, message); return TRUE; } void checkPeriodically(struct dlList *machList, int period, char *checkMessage, int spokesToUse, time_t now) /* Periodically send checkup messages to machines on list. */ { struct dlNode *mNode; struct machine *machine; char message[512]; int i; sprintf(message, "%s %s", checkMessage, hubHost); for (i=0; ihead->val; if (now - machine->lastChecked < period) break; machine->lastChecked = now; mNode = dlPopHead(machList); dlAddTail(machList, mNode); sendViaSpoke(machine, message); } } void hangman(int spokesToUse, time_t now) /* Check that busy nodes aren't dead. Also send message for * busy nodes to check in, in case we missed one of their earlier * jobDone messages. */ { int i, period = jobCheckPeriod*MINUTE; struct dlNode *mNode; struct machine *machine; struct job *job; for (i=0; ihead->val; if (now - machine->lastChecked < period) break; machine->lastChecked = now; mNode = dlPopHead(busyMachines); dlAddTail(busyMachines, mNode); job = machine->job; if (job != NULL) { char message[512]; sprintf(message, "check %s %d", hubHost, job->id); sendViaSpoke(machine, message); } } } void graveDigger(int spokesToUse, time_t now) /* Check out dead nodes. Try and resurrect them periodically. */ { checkPeriodically(deadMachines, MINUTE * machineCheckPeriod, "resurrect", spokesToUse, now); } void straightenSpokes(time_t now) /* Move spokes that have been busy too long back to * free spoke list under the assumption that we * missed a recycleSpoke message. */ { struct dlNode *node, *next; struct spoke *spoke; for (node = busySpokes->head; !dlEnd(node); node = next) { next = node->next; spoke = node->val; if (now - spoke->lastPinged > 30) { if (spoke->pingCount < 10) { ++spoke->pingCount; spoke->lastPinged = now; spokePing(spoke); } else { dlRemove(node); dlAddTail(deadSpokes, node); } } } } void flushResults() /* Flush all results files. */ { struct resultQueue *rq; for (rq = resultQueues; rq != NULL; rq = rq->next) { if (rq->f != NULL) fflush(rq->f); } } void writeJobResults(struct job *job, time_t now, char *status, char *uTime, char *sTime) /* Write out job results to output queue. This * will create the output queue if it doesn't yet * exist. */ { struct resultQueue *rq; for (rq = resultQueues; rq != NULL; rq = rq->next) if (sameString(job->results, rq->name)) break; if (rq == NULL) { AllocVar(rq); slAddHead(&resultQueues, rq); rq->name = cloneString(job->results); rq->f = fopen(rq->name, "a"); if (rq->f == NULL) warn("hub: couldn't open results file %s", rq->name); rq->lastUsed = now; } if (rq->f != NULL) { char *machName; if (job->machine != NULL) machName = job->machine->name; else machName = "ghost"; fprintf(rq->f, "%s %s %d %s %s %s %lu %lu %lu %s %s '%s'\n", status, machName, job->id, job->exe, uTime, sTime, job->submitTime, job->startTime, now, job->user->name, job->err, job->cmd); if (sameString(status, "0")) ++finishedJobCount; else ++crashedJobCount; rq->lastUsed = now; } } void resultQueueFree(struct resultQueue **pRq) /* Free up a results queue, closing file if open. */ { struct resultQueue *rq = *pRq; if (rq != NULL) { carefulClose(&rq->f); freeMem(rq->name); freez(pRq); } } void sweepResults(time_t now) /* Get rid of result queues that haven't been accessed for * a while. Flush all results. */ { struct resultQueue *newList = NULL, *rq, *next; for (rq = resultQueues; rq != NULL; rq = next) { next = rq->next; if (now - rq->lastUsed > 5*MINUTE) { logIt("hub: closing results file %s\n", rq->name); resultQueueFree(&rq); } else { slAddHead(&newList, rq); } } slReverse(&newList); resultQueues = newList; flushResults(); } void saveJobId() /* Save job ID. */ { rewind(jobIdFile); writeOne(jobIdFile, nextJobId); fflush(jobIdFile); } void openJobId() /* Open file with jobID in it and read jobId. Bump it * by 250000 in case we crashed to avoid reusing job * id's, but do reuse every 2 billion. Let command line * overwrite this though . */ { jobIdFile = fopen(jobIdFileName, "r+"); if (jobIdFile != NULL) { readOne(jobIdFile, nextJobId); nextJobId += 250000; } else jobIdFile = mustOpen(jobIdFileName, "w"); if (nextJobId < 0) nextJobId = 0; nextJobId = optionInt("nextJobId", nextJobId); } void processHeartbeat() /* Check that system is ok. See if we can do anything useful. */ { int spokesToUse; time_t now = time(NULL); runner(30); straightenSpokes(now); spokesToUse = dlCount(freeSpokes); if (spokesToUse > 0) { spokesToUse >>= 1; spokesToUse -= 1; if (spokesToUse < 1) spokesToUse = 1; graveDigger(spokesToUse, now); hangman(spokesToUse, now); sweepResults(now); flushLog(); saveJobId(); } } void nodeAlive(char *name) /* Deal with message from node that says it's alive. * Move it from dead to free list. */ { struct machine *mach; struct dlNode *node; for (node = deadMachines->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next) { mach = node->val; if (sameString(mach->name, name)) { dlRemove(node); dlAddTail(freeMachines, node); mach->isDead = FALSE; runner(1); break; } } } void recycleMachine(struct machine *mach) /* Recycle machine into free list. */ { mach->job = NULL; dlRemove(mach->node); dlAddTail(freeMachines, mach->node); } void recycleJob(struct job *job) /* Remove job from lists and free up memory associated with it. */ { dlRemove(job->node); jobFree(&job); } void nodeCheckIn(char *line) /* Deal with check in message from node. */ { char *machine = nextWord(&line); char *jobIdString = nextWord(&line); char *status = nextWord(&line); int jobId = atoi(jobIdString); if (status != NULL) { /* Node thinks it's free, we think it has a job. Node * must have missed our job assignment... */ if (sameString(status, "free")) { struct job *job = jobFind(runningJobs, jobId); struct user *user = job->user; if (job != NULL) { requeueJob(job); logIt("hub: requeueing job in nodeCheckIn\n"); } } } } void sendOk(boolean ok, boolean connectionHandle) /* Send ok (or error) to handle. */ { netSendLongString(connectionHandle, (ok ? "ok" : "error")); } void recycleSpoke(char *spokeName, int connectionHandle) /* Try to find spoke and put it back on free list. */ { struct dlNode *node; struct spoke *spoke; boolean foundSpoke = FALSE; for (node = busySpokes->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next) { spoke = node->val; if (sameString(spoke->socketName, spokeName)) { dlRemove(spoke->node); freez(&spoke->machine); dlAddTail(freeSpokes, spoke->node); foundSpoke = TRUE; break; } } sendOk(foundSpoke, connectionHandle); if (!foundSpoke) warn("Couldn't free spoke %s", spokeName); else runner(1); } int addJob(char *line) /* Add job to queues. */ { char *userName, *dir, *in, *out, *results, *command; struct job *job; struct user *user; if ((userName = nextWord(&line)) == NULL) return 0; if ((dir = nextWord(&line)) == NULL) return 0; if ((in = nextWord(&line)) == NULL) return 0; if ((out = nextWord(&line)) == NULL) return 0; if ((results = nextWord(&line)) == NULL) return 0; if (line == NULL || line[0] == 0) return 0; command = line; job = jobNew(command, userName, dir, in, out, results); user = job->user; dlAddTail(user->jobQueue, job->node); dlRemove(user->node); dlAddTail(queuedUsers, user->node); job->submitTime = time(NULL); return job->id; } void addJobAcknowledge(char *line, int connectionHandle) /* Add job. Line format is * Returns job ID or 0 if a problem. Send jobId back to client. */ { int id = addJob(line); char jobIdString[16]; sprintf(jobIdString, "%d", id); netSendLongString(connectionHandle, jobIdString); runner(1); } void respondToPing(int connectionHandle) /* Someone want's to know we're alive. */ { netSendLongString(connectionHandle, "ok"); processHeartbeat(); } void sendKillJobMessage(struct machine *machine, struct job *job) /* Send message to compute node to kill job there. */ { char message[64]; sprintf(message, "kill %d", job->id); sendViaSpoke(machine, message); /* There's a race condition here that can cause jobs not * to be killed if there are no spokes free to handle * this message. I'm trying to think of a simple solution * to this. The damage isn't too serious though, * since the jobs will at least stay on the main job list. * if they are not killed. User can curse us and try to * kill jobs again. At least the node won't end up * double-booked. */ } void finishJob(struct job *job) /* Recycle job memory and the machine it's running on. */ { struct machine *mach = job->machine; struct user *user = job->user; if (mach != NULL) { recycleMachine(mach); user->runningCount -= 1; } recycleJob(job); } void removeJob(struct job *job) /* Remove job - if it's running kill it, remove from job list. */ { if (job->machine != NULL) sendKillJobMessage(job->machine, job); finishJob(job); } void removeJobId(int id) /* Remove job of a given id. */ { struct job *job = jobFind(runningJobs, id); if (job == NULL) { /* If it's not running look in user job queues. */ struct user *user; for (user = userList; user != NULL; user = user->next) { if ((job = jobFind(user->jobQueue, id)) != NULL) break; } } if (job != NULL) removeJob(job); } void removeJobName(char *name) /* Remove job of a given name. */ { name = trimSpaces(name); removeJobId(atoi(name)); } void jobDone(char *line) /* Handle job is done message. */ { struct job *job; char *id, *status, *uTime, *sTime, *tTime; id = nextWord(&line); status = nextWord(&line); uTime = nextWord(&line); sTime = nextWord(&line); if (sTime != NULL) { job = jobFind(runningJobs, atoi(id)); if (job != NULL) { time_t now = time(NULL); if (job->machine != NULL) job->machine->lastChecked = now; writeJobResults(job, now, status, uTime, sTime); finishJob(job); runner(1); } } } void listMachines(int fd) /* Write list of machines to fd. Format is one machine per line * followed by a blank line. */ { struct dyString *dy = newDyString(256); struct machine *mach; struct job *job; for (mach = machineList; mach != NULL; mach = mach->next) { dyStringClear(dy); dyStringPrintf(dy, "%-10s ", mach->name); job = mach->job; if (job != NULL) dyStringPrintf(dy, "%-10s %s", job->user->name, job->cmd); else { if (mach->isDead) dyStringPrintf(dy, "dead"); else dyStringPrintf(dy, "idle"); } netSendLongString(fd, dy->string); } netSendLongString(fd, ""); freeDyString(&dy); } void listUsers(int fd) /* Write list of users to fd. Format is one user per line * followed by a blank line. */ { struct dyString *dy = newDyString(256); struct user *user; for (user = userList; user != NULL; user = user->next) { dyStringClear(dy); dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s ", user->name); dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d running, %d waiting", user->runningCount, dlCount(user->jobQueue)); netSendLongString(fd, dy->string); } netSendLongString(fd, ""); freeDyString(&dy); } void appendLocalTime(struct dyString *dy, time_t t) /* Append time t converted to day/time format to dy. */ { struct tm *tm; tm = localtime(&t); dyStringPrintf(dy, "%02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d", tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_year, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); } char *upToFirstDot(char *s, bool dotQ) /* Return string up to first dot. */ { static char ret[128]; int size; char *e = strchr(s, '.'); if (e == NULL) size = strlen(s); else size = e - s; if (size >= sizeof(ret)-2) /* Leave room for .q */ size = sizeof(ret)-3; memcpy(ret, s, size); ret[size] = 0; if (dotQ) strcat(ret, ".q"); return ret; } void oneJobList(int fd, struct dlList *list, struct dyString *dy, boolean sinceStart) /* Write out one job list. */ { struct dlNode *el; struct job *job; char *machName; for (el = list->head; !dlEnd(el); el = el->next) { job = el->val; if (job->machine != NULL) machName = upToFirstDot(job->machine->name, FALSE); else machName = "none"; dyStringClear(dy); dyStringPrintf(dy, "%-4d %-10s %-10s ", job->id, machName, job->user->name); if (sinceStart) appendLocalTime(dy, job->startTime); else appendLocalTime(dy, job->submitTime); dyStringPrintf(dy, " %s", job->cmd); netSendLongString(fd, dy->string); } } void listJobs(int fd) /* Write list of jobs to fd. Format is one job per line * followed by a blank line. */ { struct dyString *dy = newDyString(256); struct user *user; oneJobList(fd, runningJobs, dy, TRUE); for (user = userList; user != NULL; user = user->next) oneJobList(fd, user->jobQueue, dy, FALSE); netSendLongString(fd, ""); freeDyString(&dy); } void onePstatList(int fd, struct dlList *list, boolean running, struct dyString *dy) /* Write out one job list in pstat format. */ { struct dlNode *node; struct job *job; time_t t; char *machName; char *s; char *state = (running ? "r" : "q"); flushResults(); for (node = list->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next) { job = node->val; if (job->machine != NULL) machName = job->machine->name; else machName = "none"; if (running) t = job->startTime; else t = job->submitTime; dyStringClear(dy); dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s %d %s %s %lu %s", state, job->id, job->user->name, job->exe, t, machName); netSendLongString(fd, dy->string); } } void pstat(int fd) /* Write list of jobs in pstat format. */ { struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0); struct user *user; onePstatList(fd, runningJobs, TRUE, dy); for (user = userList; user != NULL; user = user->next) onePstatList(fd, user->jobQueue, FALSE, dy); netSendLongString(fd, ""); freeDyString(&dy); } int sumPendingJobs() /* Return sum of all pending jobs for all users. */ { struct user *user; int count = 0; for (user = userList; user != NULL; user = user->next) count += dlCount(user->jobQueue); return count; } int countActiveUsers() /* Return count of users with jobs running or in queue */ { struct user *user; int count = 0; for (user = userList; user != NULL; user = user->next) { if (user->runningCount > 0 || !dlEmpty(user->jobQueue)) ++count; } return count; } void status(int fd) /* Write summary status to fd. Format is lines of text * followed by a blank line. */ { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "CPUs free: %d", dlCount(freeMachines)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "CPUs busy: %d", dlCount(busyMachines)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "CPUs dead: %d", dlCount(deadMachines)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Jobs running: %d", dlCount(runningJobs)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Jobs waiting: %d", sumPendingJobs()); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Jobs finished: %d", finishedJobCount); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Jobs crashed: %d", crashedJobCount); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Spokes free: %d", dlCount(freeSpokes)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Spokes busy: %d", dlCount(busySpokes)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Spokes dead: %d", dlCount(deadSpokes)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Active users: %d", countActiveUsers()); netSendLongString(fd, buf); sprintf(buf, "Total users: %d", slCount(userList)); netSendLongString(fd, buf); netSendLongString(fd, ""); } void addSpoke(int socketHandle, int connectionHandle) /* Start up a new spoke and add it to free list. */ { struct spoke *spoke; static int closeList[4]; closeList[0] = connectionHandle; closeList[1] = socketHandle; closeList[2] = -1; spoke = spokeNew(closeList); if (spoke != NULL) { slAddHead(&spokeList, spoke); dlAddTail(freeSpokes, spoke->node); } } void killSpokes() /* Kill all spokes. */ { struct spoke *spoke, *next; for (spoke = spokeList; spoke != NULL; spoke = next) { next = spoke->next; dlRemove(spoke->node); spokeFree(&spoke); } } int hubConnect() /* Return connection to hub socket - with paraSig already written. */ { int hubFd; int sigSize = strlen(paraSig); hubFd = netConnect("", paraPort); if (hubFd > 0) write(hubFd, paraSig, sigSize); return hubFd; } void startSpokes() /* Start default number of spokes. */ { int i; for (i=0; i 3 || wordCount < 1) notGoodSubnet(sns); for (i=0; i 255) notGoodSubnet(sns); subnet[i] = x; } freez(&snsCopy); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionHash(&argc, argv); if (argc < 2) usage(); jobCheckPeriod = optionInt("jobCheckPeriod", jobCheckPeriod); machineCheckPeriod = optionInt("machineCheckPeriod", machineCheckPeriod); initialSpokes = optionInt("spokes", initialSpokes); fillInSubnet(); startHub(argv[1]); return 0; }