/// \ingroup newmat ///@{ /// \file tmti.cpp /// Part of matrix library test program. /// Test exceptions //#define WANT_STREAM #include "include.h" #include "newmatap.h" //#include "newmatio.h" #include "tmt.h" #ifdef use_namespace using namespace NEWMAT; #endif void WillNotConverge() { Matrix A(10,10); Throw(ConvergenceException(A)); } void ReSizeMatrix(Matrix& A) // for seeing if we can redimension a vector as a matrix { A.ReSize(4,5); } void trymati() { #ifndef DisableExceptions Tracer et("Eighteenth test of Matrix package"); Matrix RUStillThere(10,20); RUStillThere = 1553; Tracer::PrintTrace(); ColumnVector checks(23); checks = 1.0; checks(1) = 0.0; Try { WillNotConverge(); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(2) = 0; } CatchAll { checks(1) = 1; } BaseException::clear(); Try { Matrix M(10,10); SymmetricMatrix S = M; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(3) = 0; } CatchAll { checks(1) = 1; } BaseException::clear(); Try { Matrix M(10,10); M(10,11) = 2.0; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(IndexException) { checks(4) = 0; } CatchAll { checks(1) = 1; } BaseException::clear(); Try { Matrix M(10,10); M = 0.0; M = M.i(); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(SingularException) { checks(5) = 0; } Catch(Bad_alloc) { checks(1) = 1; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { ColumnVector A(30), B(50); A = 5; B = 3; FFT(A,B,A,B); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(6) = 0; } CatchAll { checks(1) = 1; } BaseException::clear(); Try { ColumnVector A(30); A = 5; Matrix At = A.t(); DiagonalMatrix D; SVD(At,D); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(Logic_error) { checks(6) = 0; } Catch(Bad_alloc) { checks(1) = 1; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { BandMatrix X(10,3,4); X(1,10) = 4.0; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(IndexException) { checks(7) = 0; } CatchAll { checks(1) = 1; } BaseException::clear(); Try { SymmetricMatrix S(10); S = 5; LowerTriangularMatrix L = Cholesky(S); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(NPDException) { checks(8) = 0; } Catch(Bad_alloc) { checks(1) = 1; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { BandMatrix M(10,3,5); M = 0.0; Matrix XM = M.i(); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(SingularException) { checks(9) = 0; } Catch(Bad_alloc) { checks(1) = 1; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { ColumnVector X(10); ColumnVector Y; X = 5; X = X - Y; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(IncompatibleDimensionsException) { checks(10) = 0; } Catch(Bad_alloc) { checks(1) = 1; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { UpperTriangularMatrix U(3); RowVector RV(3); RV = 10; U.Row(2) = RV; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(11) = 0; } Catch(Bad_alloc) { checks(1) = 1; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { DiagonalMatrix D(3); D << 12 << 13 << 14 << 15; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(12) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { ColumnVector D(3); D << 12 << 13; D << 1 << 2 << 3; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(13) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { { ColumnVector D(3); D << 12 << 13; } } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(14) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { ColumnVector CV; ReSizeMatrix(CV); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(VectorException) { checks(15) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { RowVector RV(20); ReSizeMatrix(RV); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(VectorException) { checks(16) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { UpperTriangularMatrix U(10); U = 5; DiagonalMatrix D(10); D = 2; D += U; // illegal conversion } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(17) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { Matrix A(2,3), B(2,3); if (A < B) A = B; } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(NotDefinedException) { checks(18) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { SymmetricBandMatrix A(3,1); A = 1; A = A.Reverse(); } Catch(ConvergenceException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(NotDefinedException) { checks(19) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { Matrix A(5,5); A = 1.0; UpperTriangularMatrix B(10); B.SubMatrix(3,7,3,7) = A; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(20) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { { RowVector D(1); D << 12 << 13; } } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(21) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { { RowVector D(0); D << 12; } } Catch(InternalException) { checks(1) = 1; } Catch(ProgramException) { checks(22) = 0; } CatchAndThrow; BaseException::clear(); Try { Matrix M(10,10); Matrix XM(3,3); M = 0.0; XM = M.i(); } Catch(SingularException) { checks(23) = 0; } CatchAll { checks(1) = 1; } BaseException::clear(); Print(checks); Matrix RUStillThere1(10,20); RUStillThere1 = 1553; RUStillThere = RUStillThere - RUStillThere1; Print(RUStillThere); #endif } ///@}