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2 Quantitative measure for regularizers


The traditional method used in computational biology to demonstrate the superiority of one technique to another is to compare them on a biologically interesting search or alignment problem. Many of the regularizers in Section 5 have been validated in this way [9,4,17]. This sort of anecdotal evidence is valuable for establishing the usefulness of techniques in real biological problems, but is very difficult to quantify.

In this paper, regularizers are compared quantitatively on the problem of encoding the columns of multiple alignments. This generic problem has some attractive features:

The encoding cost (sometimes called conditional entropy) is a good measure of the variation among sequences of the multiple alignment. Since entropy is additive, the encoding cost for independent columns can be added to get the encoding cost for entire sequences, and strict significance tests can be applied by looking at the difference in encoding cost between a hypothesized model and a null model [16].

Each column t of a multiple alignment will give us a (possibly weighted) count of amino acids, . If we write the sum of all the counts for a column as , we can estimate the probability of each amino acid in the column as . This is known as the maximum-likelihood estimate of the probabilities. Note: throughout this paper the notation |y| will mean for any vector of values y.

To evaluate the regularizers, we want to see how accurately they predict the true probabilities of amino acids, given a sample. Unfortunately, true probabilities are never available with finite data sets. To avoid this problem, we will take a small sample of amino acids from the column, apply a regularizer to it, and see how well the regularizer estimates the maximum-likelihood probabilities for the whole column.

Let's use to be the number of occurrences of amino acid i in the sample. The estimated probability of amino acid i given the sample s will be written as , and the Shannon entropy or encoding cost of amino acid i given the sample is . The average encoding cost for column t given sample s is the weighted average over all amino acids in the column of the encoding for that amino acid:

The better the estimation is of , the lower the encoding cost will be. The lowest possible value would be obtained if the estimate were exact:

To make a fair comparison of regularizers, we should not look at a single sample s, but at the expected value when a sample of size k is chosen at random:

The weighting for each of the encoding costs is the probability of obtaining that particular sample from that column. If the samples of size |s| are drawn by independent selection with replacement from the density , then the probability of each sample can be computed from the counts :

We can do a weighted average of the encoding costs over all columns to get the expected cost per amino acid for a given sample size:

If we precompute the total count , and summary frequencies for each sample

then we can rewrite the computation as

The average encoding cost would be minimized if , giving us a lower bound on how well a regularizer can do for samples of size k. Table 1 shows this minimum average encoding cost for the columns of the BLOCKS multiple alignment [8] (with sequence weights explained in Section 4), given that we have sampled |s| amino acids from each column.

Table: The minimum encoding cost of columns from the weighted BLOCKS database, given that a sample of |s| amino acids is known. The row labeled ``full'' is the cost if we know the distribution for each column of the alignment exactly, not just a sample from the column.

The last row of the table is the average encoding cost for the columns if we use the full knowledge of the probabilities for the column , rather than just a random sample. This is the best we can hope to do with any method that treats the columns independently. It is probably not obtainable with any finite sample size, but we can approach it if we use information other than just a sample of amino acids to identify the column. The relative entropy in the last column of Table 1 measures how much information we have gained by seeing a sample of |s| amino acids, relative to knowing just the background probabilities.

One disadvantage of the encoding cost computation used in this paper is the cost of pre-computing the values and computing the values for each of the possible samples. The number of distinct samples to be examined is , which grows exponentially with |s|, but remains manageable for (42,504 distinct samples for |s|=5).

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