#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Author: Grant Thiltgen # # This script is in order to create the scripts needed for # running the new neural net training protocol of creating # multiple networks and testing them. use Shell; use strict; use English; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my $num_nets; my $txxalign; my $dataset; my $arch; my $paramfile; my $alphaname; my $libfile; GetOptions( "number=i" => \$num_nets , "txxalign=s" => \$txxalign , "dataset=s" => \$dataset , "arch=s" => \$arch , "paramfile=s" => \$paramfile , "alphaname=s" => \$alphaname , "libfile=s" => \$libfile , "help|?" => sub {pod2usage("verbose"=>1);} , "man" => sub {pod2usage("verbose"=>2);} ) or pod2usage("verbose" => 0); for (my $i=1; $i <= $num_nets; $i++) { make ("tAcB-mult.scripts ALPHANAME=$alphaname ALPHALIBFILE=$libfile PARAMFILE=$paramfile ARCHITECTURE=$arch DATASET=$dataset TXXALIGN=$txxalign NUMBER=$i"); } __END__