Thu Dec 30 11:38:00 PST 2010 Kevin Karplus phizetagauss7_hbond_21 had a high mutual information with amino acid, so I'm testing it for use as a design alphabet. I expect it to do slightly worse than r_rot_psi_omega_16_mod, which had a higher mutual info. First I made sure that ~/pcem/Makefile.models97 had the alphabet in the definition of BASIC_SETUP_TARGETS: info/${CHAIN}.stride-mixed.phizetagauss7_hbond_21 \ Then I did a "serial-make basic-setup" with the dunbrack-30-pc-1763.ids and dunbrack-in-scop.ids as input. In ../training-data/ I made make dunbrack-30pc-1763-1.phizetagauss7_hbond_21-aa dunbrack-30pc-1763-2.phizetagauss7_hbond_21-aa dunbrack-30pc-1763-3.phizetagauss7_hbond_21-aa I copied ../pb_rev/Makefile here and modified it to have the correct alphabet names and alphabet file. Then I ran (in ./) make dirs to create the directories, and created networks/ based on the similar network in ../pb_rev/networks/ Then I ran make trAB-mult50 to start the training. Fri Dec 31 07:58:41 PST 2010 Kevin Karplus bit gain (from quality-reports/) epochs arch tr12avg tr12best tr23avg tr23best tr31avg tr31best phizetagauss7_hbond_21 50 5-20-5-20-5 0.17657 0.2207 0.17436 0.2253 0.17567 0.2229 Fri Dec 31 13:19:51 PST 2010 Kevin Karplus 150 5-20-5-20-5 0.29312 0.3034 0.29284 0.3040 0.29593 0.3082 Fri Dec 31 18:49:14 PST 2010 Kevin Karplus 250 5-20-5-20-5 0.33133 0.3329 0.33167 0.3350 0.3323 0.3366 test 5-20-5-20-5 0.3244 0.3284 0.3328 Sequence recovery test 5-20-5-20-5 18.71% 18.79% 18.85%