# this is the sample for the aa alphabet directory. # when you copy to a new directory, change these values. ALPHANAME ?= aa ALPHADIR ?= phizetagauss7_hbond_21_rev # watch out for this one. some files contain several alphabets. # for example, str,str2,str3 are all defined in str.alphabet # alphalibfile indicates the output alphabet ?? ALPHALIBFILE ?= combined.alphabet ARCHITECTURE ?= Gphizetagauss7_hbond_21-5-20-5-20-5 TXXALIGN ?= phizetagauss7_hbond_21 MAX_JOBS ?= 10 local-default: echo run \"make trAB-mult50\" then wait for cluster to finish echo you can do \"make collect-mult50-data\" to see results of run echo run \"make trAB-mult150\" then wait for cluster to finish echo run \"make trAB-mult250\" then wait for cluster to finish echo run \"make trAB-test\" then wait for cluster to finish echo run \"make collect-test-data\" nrm: rm -r net[0-9]* run-scripts/ logs/ quality-reports/ include ../Make.alphabet