# The strand_sep alphabet is a new secondary structure alphabet which # classifies strands based on the separation between the beta partners. # The separations are split differently for anti-parallel and parallel # strands # There are three sections to this alphabet: # Helix letters, based primarily on hydrogen bond patterns # Strand letters, based on CA distances and Beta partner separations # Other letters, based on the r_rot value and the NO_dist2 value. # Helix letters: # Like str4, H stands for Oi-2,Ni+2 hydrogen bond and G stands for # Oi-2,Ni+1 hydrogen bond #Strand letters: # Strands will be separated into parallel and antiparallel based on # whether Calpha distance of Oj or Oj+1 is closer. # Antiparallel: # Divided into separations of: # <-30 V # -30 to -10 U # -10 to 0 T # 0 to 10 S # 10 to 30 R # >30 Q # unbonded edge W # Parallel: # Divided into separations of: # < -52 N # -52 to -28 M # -27 to -10 L # 10 to 27 K # 28 to 52 J # >52 I # unbonded edge P # Other regions (coil) are classified based on r_rot and NO_dist2 # The NO_dist2 cut off is 10 # The r_rot cutoffs are -1, -0.4, and 0.3 # Since one region has few points, it will be merged with another region. # The regions will be defined as follows: # Regions with NO_dist2 > 10: # r_rot < -0.4 A # -0.4 <= r_rot < 0.3 B # r_rot > 0.3 C # Regions with NO_dist2 <= 10: # r_rot < -0.4 D # -0.4 <= r_rot < 0.3 B # r_rot >= 0.3 E ClassName = Alphabet Name = strand_sep IsNucleic = 0 NormalChars = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVW AllMatch = X # Helix types CharName = F other_helical other_helical_ends CharName = G 3_10 3_10_helix CharName = H helix alpha_helix # Parallel strand types CharName = I para_53+ parallel_separation_53+ CharName = J para_28to52 parallel_separation_28to52 CharName = K para_10to27 parallel_separation_10to27 CharName = L para_-10to-27 parallel_separation_-10to-27 CharName = M para_-28to-52 parallel_separation_-28to-52 CharName = N para_-53 parallel_separation_-53 CharName = P para_unbonded parallel_unbonded_edge # Antiparallel strand types CharName = Q anti_30+ antiparallel_separation_30+ CharName = R anti_10to30 antiparallel_separation_10to30 CharName = S anti_0to10 antiparallel_separation_0to10 CharName = T anti_-10to0 antiparallel_separation_-10to0 CharName = U anti_-30to-10 antiparallel_separation_-30to-10 CharName = V anti_-30 antiparallel_separation_-30 CharName = W anti_unbonded antiparallel_unbonded_edge # Other types CharName = A NOdist_low_rot_r_low NOdist_low_rot_r_low CharName = B rot_r_mid rot_r_mid CharName = C NOdist_low_rot_r_high NOdist_low_rot_r_high CharName = D NOdist_high_rot_r_low NOdist_high_rot_r_low CharName = E NOdist_high_rot_r_high NOdist_high_rot_r_high EndClassName = Alphabet