# Relative accessibility alphabets # For these alphabets, absolute accessibility counts from DSSP # (number of water molecules in direct contact with the residue # as estimated by DSSP for the first hydration shell) are # normalized by a maximum accessibility value for each residue # type. # Restype max_acc # A 106 # B 160 # C 135 # D 163 # E 194 # F 197 # G 84 # H 184 # I 169 # K 205 # L 164 # M 188 # N 157 # P 136 # Q 198 # R 248 # S 130 # T 142 # V 142 # W 227 # X 180 # Y 222 # Z 196 ClassName = Alphabet #maximum entropy alphabet Name = rel_sa7 IsNucleic = 0 NormalChars = ABCDEFG AllMatch = X # Note: DO NOT DELETE these CharName definitions # Undertaker cost functions depend on them! CharName = A 0<=x<0.0045 0pcto0pt0045pc CharName = B 0.0045<=x<0.0495 0pt0045pcto0pt0495pc CharName = C 0.0495<=x<0.15 0pt0495pcto15pc CharName = D 0.15<=x<0.28 15pcto0028pc CharName = E 0.28<=x<0.44 28pcto44pc CharName = F 0.44<=x<0.62 44pcto62pc CharName = G 0.62<=x<1.5 62pcto1pt5pc EndClassName = Alphabet ClassName = Alphabet Name = rel_sa2 IsNucleic = 0 NormalChars = BE AllMatch = X # Note: DO NOT DELETE these CharName definitions # Undertaker cost functions depend on them! CharName = B 0<=x<0.16 0pcto16pc CharName = E 0.16<=x<1.2 16pcto120pc EndClassName = Alphabet ClassName = Alphabet Name = rel_sa3 IsNucleic = 0 NormalChars = BIE AllMatch = X # Note: DO NOT DELETE these CharName definitions # Undertaker cost functions depend on them! CharName = B 0<=x<0.09 0pcto9pc CharName = I 0.09<=x<0.36 9pcto36pc CharName = E 0.36<=x<1.2 36pcto120pc EndClassName = Alphabet ClassName = Alphabet Name = rel_sa10 IsNucleic = 0 NormalChars = ABCDEFGHIJ AllMatch = X # Note: DO NOT DELETE these CharName definitions # Undertaker cost functions depend on them! CharName = A 0<=x<0.01 0pcto1pc CharName = B 0.01<=x<0.04 1pcto4pc CharName = C 0.04<=x<0.09 4pcto9pc CharName = D 0.09<=x<0.16 9pcto16pc CharName = E 0.16<=x<0.25 16pcto25pc CharName = F 0.25<=x<0.36 25pcto36pc CharName = G 0.36<=x<0.49 36pcto49pc CharName = H 0.49<=x<0.64 49pcto64pc CharName = I 0.64<=x<0.81 64pcto81pc CharName = J 0.81<=x<1.2 81pcto120pc EndClassName = Alphabet