predict-2nd part of the SAM-T02 suite Tue Feb 19 15:42:15 PST 2008 Kevin Karplus This source code is being released "as-is" for researchers who wish to duplicate our work on protein local structure prediction. Since we have never received any funding for making an easily-installed, user-friendly system, this releases is about all we can afford to do. Since this directory is also our working directory for recent changes, not a cleaned-up frozen snapshot of the code, it most likely contains a lot of junk, as well as the essential parts of the code. In addition to the code in predict-2nd, you will also need the libraries in ../ultimate Mon Jun 13 03:09:07 PDT 2005 Kevin Karplus The following "Makefile" fragment, taken from the SAM-T02 server, gives an example of running predict-2nd given an a2m file and an already trained network. ############################################################ ROOTDIR=/projects/compbio/experiments/protein-predict/SAM_T02 HTMLDIR = /projects/compbio/.html/SAM_T02 WORKDIR= ${HTMLDIR}/results/${QUERYDIR} BASEURL =${QUERYDIR} BIN = ${ROOTDIR}/bin_freeze BIN-PREDICT2ND = ${BIN}/predict_2nd PREDICT-2ND = ${BIN-PREDICT2ND}/predict-2nd STR-NET = ${BIN-PREDICT2ND}/networks/ %.t2k.str %.t2k.str.rdb %.t2k.str.seq : %.t2k-thin90.a2m.gz ${STR-NET} echo ReadAlphabet /projects/compbio/lib/alphabet/str.alphabet > tmp.script echo ReadNeuralNet ${STR-NET} >> tmp.script echo ReadA2M $< >> tmp.script echo PrintPrediction $*.t2k.str >> tmp.script echo PrintPredictionFasta $*.t2k.str.seq >> tmp.script echo PrintRDB $*.t2k.str.rdb >> tmp.script ${PREDICT-2ND} < tmp.script rm tmp.script ${SCRIPTSDIR}/add_summary_html "STR structure prediction CASP format" ${BASEURL}/$*.t2k.str $*.t2k.str >> ${WORKDIR}/summary.html ${SCRIPTSDIR}/add_summary_html "STR structure prediction RDB format" ${BASEURL}/$*.t2k.str.rdb $*.t2k.str.rdb >> ${WORKDIR}/summary.html ${SCRIPTSDIR}/add_summary_html "STR EBGHTL structure prediction sequence format" ${BASEURL}/$*.t2k.str.seq $*.t2k.str.seq >> ${WORKDIR}/summary.html ############################################################ Currently, trained networks (and the scripts to train them) can be found in /projects/compbio/usr/karplus/predict-2nd/testing/ roughly sorted into directories according to the type of alphabet being predicted. The alphabet files can be found in /projects/compbio/lib/alphabet/ Several alphabets may appear in the same file, which makes creating <<<<<<< README the make files needlessly difficult, since the mapping form alphabet name to alphabet file is not obvious. Changing this would require making several changes in pipelines and makefiles that use perdict-2nd, which we have not had time to do. Sun Jun 1 09:04:32 PDT 2008 Kevin Karplus alphabets/ subdirectory added to pre-release version on web, giving access to all our alphabets. Because std.alphabet location is hardwired in ultimate/src/Alphabet/Makefile, that file needs to be changed before compiling on a different system. If you need to run the program without recompiling, you can use command-line option "-noalph" to skip reading in alphabets from standard locations. You will then need explicit ReadAlphabet commands in your scripts, even for the standard alphabets. ======= the make files needlessly difficult, since the mapping from alphabet name to alphabet file is not obvious. >>>>>>> 1.6 Thu Mar 5 16:04:02 PST 2009 Kevin Karplus Note: the "zlib" package is needed by predict-2nd and ultimate, but is not included here. Look for it at