UCSC resources

Library resources
http://melvyl.cdlib.org The MELVYL catalog
University Slide Library-SlideCat
UCSC Library - Journal Use
Electronic Journals in the Sciences
UC Santa Cruz Library Main Menu
UCSC Media Center Film Catalog
SlugWatch - Network status @ Thu Aug 26 11:32:01 PDT 1999
Regent Scholars, Honors Programs, and UCSC
School of Engineering Meeting Minutes
UC Santa Cruz - Baskin Center
UCSC general info
UC Santa Cruz - The Bay Tree Bookstore
Classroom and teaching resources:
Media Services Computer/Equipment by Location
UCSC Classroom Capacities
Grades and Narrative Performance Evaluations: A Faculty Handbook
Advance Course Information at UCSC
Out-of-date pointer.
UCSC Course Materials On-Line
UC Santa Cruz - T3: Teaching Technology Toolkit
Center for Teaching Excellence Homepage
Instructional Computing Labs - Software
Policy and planning statements and resources
Electronic Mail Policy
UC Santa Cruz InfoSlug - WWW Policies
UCSC At a Crossroads: Principles for the Allocation of Academic and Budgetary Resources
Survey - 1997 Assistant & Associate Professor
Revising General Education at UC Santa Cruz
UC Santa Cruz InfoSlug / Campus Administration / Electronic Fact Book
Financial Affairs Home Page
Spring 1998 Registered Students with Letter Grade Requests
CRA memo on tenure review (not UCSC)
Graduate Enrollment in Science and Engineering Continued to Decline in 1998
NSF report, not true of UCSC.
TA Contract Q&A
UCSC Sponsored Projects
UC Santa Cruz, CATS - WWW resources
Out-of-date pointer.
Universitywide Academic Senate
UCSC Academic Senate
The History of UCSC prior to the 1960's
out-of-date pointer
CAFA: Perspective on impact of NES on student quality
Upcoming Senate Forums on narrative evaluations:
Interim Report (May 8, 2000), Santa Clara Valley Regional Center Academic Planning Task Force
UCSC - Maps
School of Engineering resources:
School of Engineering Meeting Minutes
Baskin Center Computer and Network Support:Netscape Browsers
UCSC Web Programming Tutorial
Jim Kent's Web Page
School of Engineering Meeting Minutes
CyberSlug Home Page
Available only from within cse.ucsc.edu
UCSC Baskin School of Engineering: Course Schedules
SlugWatch - Network status
Traffic Analysis for subnet
Traffic Analysis for Communications Bldg Cat5500 Port 1.2
Traffic Analysis for Communications Bldg Cat5500 Port 5.2
World Wide Web Access Statistics for genome.cse.ucsc.edu

WWW indexes and regional contents pages

Alta Vista: Main Page
The Lycos Home Page: Hunting WWW Information
Yahoo - A Guide to WWW
Wandex, the World Wide Web Wanderer Index (at netgen.com)
Switchboard (on-line phonebook)
Deja News - The Source for Internet Newsgroups!
Worldwide Events Database
California WWW Servers - Sensitive Map and searchable index
The Electronic Guide to Santa Cruz County
City.Net Santa Cruz, California, United States

HTML references (in separate file)

Bicycle, transit, and urban planning references (in separate file)

VLSI and other electronics stuff

CMPE 222, cMOS VLSI design course
Microelectronic Systems News
Links to VLSI WWW Servers
33rd Design Automation Conference Proceedings
Supercomputing '94 Conference Proceedings
XCircuit Repository of Object Libraries
Tektronix MBD: Applications > XYZs - Introduction
Alex's Library - TEST & MEASUREMENT
National P/N DM54LS502 - 8-Bit Successive Approximation Register
Queen Elisabeth's Mead

Comic strips

Calvin and Hobbes Archive
The Dilbert Zone
The Best of COMIX.Web Contest

Government references

City of Santa Cruz Government Information
Census Bureau Home Page
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: U.S. Federal Government Agencies/
CIVIX (information about government, particularly budget info)
File Manager For Forms - IRS
Bay Trail Home Page

Local Politicians

US Senate e-mail list
Senator Boxer's homepage
Welcome to Representative Sam Farr's Home Page!
The California State Assembly Home Page
Assembly Speaker Pro-Tempore Fred Keeley - 27th Assembly District
California State Senate
SD 15 Senator Mello

Textile arts resources

Thóra's Tablet Weaving Bibliography
Hi Fiber Design Homepage
Ron Parker's Fiber Home
Convergence 2000
Tablet Weaving Archive
Pennsic Tablet Weavers Tea
Weaver's Hand - Information Page
Weaver' Magazine On-Line - Winter '96
Textile Events Calendar
ChiPants WebPost
Crafts Equipment Exchange Newsletter
PEI Crafts Council Information Services
Bobbin Lace
The Internet Center for Arts and Crafts Specialty Gift Shop Mall

Resources for educating children

The Exploratorium: the museum of science, art and human perception.
Exploratorium: The Sweet Science of Chocolate!
Britannica Home
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Software Review Sites (elementary may education)
Bonny Doon School's Educational Software Reviews
TIMSS Publications (math and science testing)
STAR: Reports
Reports on the Stanford 9 and California content tests for all California School districts.
K'NEX Downloads
K'nex education
Martin's K'NEX Homepage
California Golden State ScholarShare College Savings Trust

Other interesting resources

Java/CORBA Working Group
Internet Kook-of-the-Month nominees
Computing Research Association
Computer Science Bibliography Glimpse Server
Welcome To The BookSearch "Big Link" Search Request Page.
Alibris - Books you thought you'd never find.
Powell's Books - New, Used, and Out of Print
BookWire - The First Place to Look for Book Information
Welcome to Amazon.com Books!
Folk music calendar, SantaCruz & Monterey
Project Gutenberg Home Page
Contributed MATLAB Software
Free scientific portal for MATLAB/MIDEVA m-files and toolboxes, and Excel/Java/Fortran/C++ resources and links.
Complementary products for MATLAB
MIDEVA (fast MATLAB replacement), MATCOM (Compiler for MATLAB), Visual MATCOM (integrate m-files into Visual C++) and others, all available for download.
GAMS : Guide to Available Mathematical Software
Hello, World Page!
Many ways to implement the "hello, world!" program in different programming languages.
A site for asking and answering questions. Somewhat chaotic---probably not as good as asking on the proper newsgroup, if there is one.
R.Bouwmeester & Associates
Sun & Shadow Position Specialists with Modelling Applications in Urban Development, Site Planning, Building Design, and Accident Reconstruction
3-D Software(tm) Solar Architecture Index
Soc.Culture.Jewish FAQ and Reading Lists
My Hebrew Dictionary
Priceline.com - Name Your Own Price for airline tickets, hotel rooms, groceries, new cars, home finance and more!

SoE home
sketch of Kevin Karplus by Abe
Kevin Karplus's home page
headshot of Kevin in role of Harper in The Artist
Theater page
Biomolecular Engineering Department
UCSC Bioinformatics research

Questions about page content should be directed to Kevin Karplus
Biomolecular Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
318 Physical Sciences Building

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