
Sequence_ID Length Evalue SCOP_domains
3lmmA proteopedia5836.04e-09
1t3bA proteopedia21129.46 c.47.1.9 d.17.3.1
3c8nA proteopedia35629.51
1a0iA proteopedia34836.57 b.40.4.6 d.142.2.1
3ebvA proteopedia30236.60
1wxxA proteopedia38247.21 b.122.1.9 c.66.1.51
3b7yA proteopedia15353.22
1cnvA proteopedia29958.95 c.1.8.5
2r4qA proteopedia10660.16 c.44.2.2
1pfzA proteopedia38063.51 b.50.1.2
2r48A proteopedia10666.25 c.44.2.2
1wcuA proteopedia15373.98
1tc5A proteopedia19484.24 c.110.1.1

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001