SAM_T02 Results for T0547

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Description Link to file Date

Inputs and Multiple Alignments

Error: The submitted sequence was longer than 500 amino acids , or else was not an amino acid sequence. We suggest breaking long protein chains into different domains with blast or psiblast and submitting the domains separately. Alternatively, you can split long proteins into overlapping sections of less than 500 amino acids and submit them separately. Please do not submit DNA sequences - our server is not set up to handle them.

Submitted sequence(s) T0547.a2m 2010 May 19 9:03:57

\ Secondary Structure Prediction \ \ (Explanation of secondary-structure predictions) \

Target model scores

Template model scores

Top Hits

Alignments for Top Hits

Please cite the following papers:

SAM_T02 web system designed by Rachel Karchin and Kevin Karplus
Maintained by Kevin Karplus: