
Sequence_ID Length Evalue SCOP_domains
3h3lA proteopedia2338.8299e-26
3hbkA proteopedia2322.0340e-22
3immA proteopedia1984.2678e-20
1dypA proteopedia2723.4759e-13 b.29.1.2
2vy0A proteopedia2656.9898e-13
2ayh proteopedia2159.4440e-13
3dgtA proteopedia2791.4161e-12
2hykA proteopedia2381.4487e-12
2ayhA proteopedia2151.6711e-12 b.29.1.2
3juuA proteopedia2695.1082e-12
1gbgA proteopedia2155.1920e-12 b.29.1.2
1o4yA proteopedia2719.2176e-12 b.29.1.2
1gbg proteopedia2151.2597e-11
1upsA proteopedia4031.3662e-11 b.29.1.2 b.42.2.3
3ilfA proteopedia2583.5253e-11
2uwaA proteopedia2751.0586e-10
2w39A proteopedia2997.6775e-10
3hr9A proteopedia2424.0601e-09
1umzA proteopedia2685.8576e-09 b.29.1.2
2cl2A proteopedia2998.5846e-09
1mveA proteopedia2449.8136e-09 b.29.1.2
1cpnA proteopedia2091.1227e-08 b.29.1.2
1ajkA proteopedia2134.3196e-05 b.29.1.2
1ajoA proteopedia2136.6519e-05 b.29.1.2

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001