# List of top-scoring protein chains for T0457.t04-w0.5 hidden Markov model. # HMM and HMM E-value scores computed by SAM (c) 1992-2001 Regents of the University of California, Santa Cruz # Sequence Alignment and Modeling Software System # http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/sam.html # ----------------- Citations (SAM, SAM-T99, HMMs) -------------------- # R. Hughey, A. Krogh, Hidden Markov models for sequence analysis: # Extension and analysis of the basic method, CABIOS 12:95-107, 1996. # K. Karplus, C. Barrett, R. Hughey, Hidden Markov models for detecting # remote protein homologies, Bioinformatics 14(10):846-856, 1998. # A. Krogh et al., Hidden Markov models in computational biology: # Applications to protein modeling, JMB 235:1501-1531, Feb 1994. # #SCOP domains found in each protein chain taken from SCOP: # ------------------Citations (SCOP) ----------------------------------- #Murzin A. G., Brenner S. E., Hubbard T., Chothia C. (1995). #SCOP: a structural classification of proteins database for the investigation of sequences and structures. #J. Mol. Biol. 247, 536-540. Sequence_ID Length Target_Evalue SCOP_domain SCOP_suid 5S 5N 12S 12S 10N 1ir6A 424 2.79e-32 c.107.1.2 71342 2hawA 309 4.98e-28 c.107.1.1 136299 1i74A 309 2.62e-27 c.107.1.1 61867 2iw4A 309 1.32e-26 1wppA 311 7.13e-26 c.107.1.1 114828 2enxA 310 1.26e-25 1k20A 310 1.53e-25 c.107.1.1 68027 1wpnA 188 2.38e-24 c.107.1.1 114826 2eb0A 307 4.40e-24 2qb7A 397 2.98e-12 1i1qA 520 4.734 d.161.1.1 61543 1ywfA 296 5.800 c.45.1.5 124144 2ebdA 309 6.847 1bljA 114 7.519 d.93.1.1 40524 1p9nA 170 7.821 c.37.1.10 87997 1np6A 174 8.365 c.37.1.10 85954 1pffA 331 11.46 c.67.1.3 104143 1xdiA 499 15.26 c.3.1.5,d.87.1.1 115160,115161 1hv8A 367 16.05 c.37.1.19,c.37.1.19 32405,32406 2okkA 497 16.99 2bghA 421 17.38 1xxlA 239 20.46 c.66.1.41 116203 1c07A 95 20.53 a.39.1.6 17337 1vagA 420 21.95 d.174.1.1 108469 1pu3A 105 22.02 d.5.1.1 95122 2i8lA 156 22.28 2oocA 113 22.29 2e85A 159 22.67 1oncA 104 23.00 d.5.1.1 37278 1d0cA 444 24.45 d.174.1.1 64769 2gmkA 104 24.75 1yv4A 104 26.70 1p6kA 421 26.76 d.174.1.1 94177 1p6iA 421 26.79 d.174.1.1 94173 1p32A 209 26.93 d.25.1.1 38379 1yv7A 102 26.96 1r4wA 226 27.15 c.47.1.13 97050 3bilA 348 28.43 2a9gA 418 28.56 d.126.1.4 126435 1mmvA 419 30.11 d.174.1.1 91317 1om4A 422 30.35 d.174.1.1 87067 2pn1A 331 31.55 2qflA 267 32.18 1zujA 179 32.38 a.25.1.1 125672 1teeA 393 32.40 c.95.1.2 106811 1sqhA 312 32.41 d.108.1.5 98966 1s20A 340 32.42 c.122.1.1 98356 1zzqA 420 34.09 d.174.1.1 125914 2g6mA 420 34.13 d.174.1.1 134711 2g6jA 420 34.43 1tedA 393 34.60 c.95.1.2 106807 1zzuA 420 34.77 2g6pA 304 34.98 2abrA 418 35.90 d.126.1.4 126530 1xx7A 184 38.00 a.211.1.1 116143 2aafA 418 38.62 d.126.1.4 126471 1xrhA 351 40.37 c.122.1.1 115871 1h4bA 84 40.89 a.39.1.10 90608 1m9mA 415 42.10 d.174.1.1 74595 2ij9A 219 42.68 c.73.1.3 137463 2oauA 306 44.71 b.38.1.3,d.58.43.1,f.34.1.1 138978,138979,138980 3nosA 427 45.65 d.174.1.1 42520 1w28A 331 45.76 b.82.2.1 114098 2fm4A 128 46.57 c.8.1.1 133760 1bsvA 321 47.10 c.2.1.2 29809 1texA 287 47.67 c.37.1.5 106818 1e6uA 321 48.38 c.2.1.2 29805 2osoA 163 48.69 1nxuA 333 49.47 c.122.1.1 86389 1c4oA 664 49.79 c.37.1.19,c.37.1.19 32415,32416 1d2mA 665 50.28 c.37.1.19,c.37.1.19 32417,32418 1u2eA 289 51.16 2b3hA 329 51.85 1e5iA 306 52.53 b.82.2.1 59270 2yvtA 260 54.64 1e5hA 308 55.03 b.82.2.1 59269 1dcsA 311 55.22 b.82.2.1 28124 2raqA 97 55.29 1v10A 521 55.41 b.6.1.3,b.6.1.3,b.6.1.3 108224,108225,108226 2aciA 418 56.72 d.126.1.4 126551 1bwsA 321 57.63 c.2.1.2 29812 1yokA 256 58.54 1i5eA 209 61.73 c.61.1.1 71116 1h4lA 292 62.43 d.144.1.7 70871 2iswA 323 63.43 2f9gA 353 64.14 2b9fA 353 64.15 2fc2A 363 65.85 2csbA 519 66.05 a.60.2.4,a.60.2.4,a.60.2.4,a.60.2.4,a.267.1.1 130751,130752,130753,130754,130755 2qngA 199 66.16 3c1yA 377 67.03 1rxxA 421 67.52 d.126.1.4 98061 1zztA 416 67.57 1e7rA 321 68.17 c.2.1.2 29808 8abpA 306 69.18 c.93.1.1 35647 1q2oA 416 69.64 d.174.1.1 95632 2g6oA 416 69.96 d.174.1.1 134715 1esoA 154 70.37 b.1.8.1 22293 2fc1A 361 70.69 d.174.1.1 133261 2an0A 361 72.90 1abeA 306 72.93 c.93.1.1 35648 2amoA 362 73.27 2b9hA 353 73.33 1yzxA 226 74.73 1m7vA 363 75.39 d.174.1.1 78748 2f2oA 179 75.59 2dylA 318 75.61 1e7sA 321 75.65 c.2.1.2 29806 2p55A 333 75.79 1p6mA 417 76.19 d.174.1.1 94181 1bapA 306 76.87 c.93.1.1 35654 1e7qA 321 76.93 c.2.1.2 29807 1idjA 359 77.27 b.80.1.2 28026 1mi4A 427 78.91 d.68.2.2 79141 1h75A 81 79.63 c.47.1.1 60716 1dxqA 273 80.54 c.23.5.3 31213 2ohgA 264 82.02 1ueaB 184 82.57 b.40.3.1 25232 1kq3A 376 83.65 e.22.1.2 68790 1s9jA 341 84.21 d.144.1.7 112049 3caiA 406 84.69 2ft3A 332 85.60 2qftA 427 85.69 2qfqA 427 85.98 1tdjA 514 87.56 c.79.1.1,d.58.18.2,d.58.18.2 35297,39356,39357 1q36A 427 89.11 d.68.2.2 95662 2z01A 348 89.85 1f05A 337 89.92 c.1.10.1 29173