Wed May 18 16:26:49 PDT 2005 Kevin Karplus To make a prediction using the files in this directory, create a new directory to hold your prediction, and copy Makefile to the new directory. I recommend creating the directories in /projects/compbio/experiments/protein-predict/ but this is not essential. In your new directory, create an a2m file with your target sequence in it. Note, the a2m format requires that what you want to predict be in uppercase. For example, >my_seq rest of line after space is a comment ACACACADEDEDEDED Make the name of the target sequence have only letters, numbers, and underscores. Use the name of the sequence followed by ".a2m" as the name of the a2m file ("my_seq.a2m" for the above example). Edit Makefile to have TARGET:= my_seq instead of TARGET:= XXX0000 and do "make -k >& make.log" on one of the barnyard machines.