rm -rf temp rm -rf REAL rm -rf SERVER rm -rf TRY cat evaluate.constraints.rdb |gawk -f strip.awk > temp0 cat temp0 | gawk -f canonical.awk > temp cat temp |gawk -f split.awk cat SERVER|sort -n -k 2|gawk -f histo.awk > histogram.dat rm -rf tempplot.gp cat plottitle |gawk '{ print "set title \"" $0 " \"" }' > tempplot.gp cat histoplot.gp >> tempplot.gp gnuplot tempplot.gp > histogram.ps ps2pdf histogram.ps rm -rf histogram.ps rm -rf tempplot.gp #cat plottitle |gawk '{ print "set title \"" $0 " \"" }' > tempplot.gp cat REAL |gawk '{print "set arrow from " $2 ",100 to " $2 ",0 nohead"; }' >> tempplot.gp cat plot.gp >> tempplot.gp gnuplot tempplot.gp > servers.ps ps2pdf servers.ps rm servers.ps rm -rf tempplot.gp #cat plottitle |gawk '{ print "set title \"" $0 " \"" }' > tempplot.gp cat REAL |gawk '{print "set arrow from " $2 ",100 to " $2 ",0 nohead"; }' >> tempplot.gp cat SERVER|sort -n -k 2|gawk '{lne[l++]=$0;}END{for (i=0; i BESTSERVER # the REAL point should always be included cat REAL >> BESTSERVER cat BESTSERVER|sort -n -k 2|tail -n1 BESTSERVER |gawk '{print "set xrange [:" $2+0.1 "]"; }' >> tempplot.gp rm -rf BESTSERVER cat plot.gp >> tempplot.gp gnuplot tempplot.gp > bestservers.ps ps2pdf bestservers.ps rm bestservers.ps