CreatePredAlphaCost pred_alpha2k alpha11 T0318.t2k.alpha.rdb 2 alpha alpha_prev sum SetCost wet6.5 15 near_backbone 5 way_back 5 dry5 15 dry6.5 20 dry8 15 dry12 5 \ phobic_fit 2 \ sidechain 5 \ n_ca_c 5 bad_peptide 10 \ bystroff 5 \ soft_clashes 20 backbone_clashes 2 \ break 50 \ pred_alpha2k 6 \ constraints 50 \ hbond_geom 5 \ hbond_geom_backbone 10 \ hbond_geom_beta 50 \ hbond_geom_beta_pair 100 \ missing_atoms 1 \ maybe_metal 0.5 \ maybe_ssbond 1 // remove maybe_ssbond weight if protein known to be in reducing environment. // remove maybe_metal weight if protein known to have disulfides or // known not to bind metal ions. // Add the following for extra-cellular proteins: # known_ssbond 0.5 # and put ssbond command in constraints file // For comparative modeling, increase weight of break and hbond_geom... // put any constraints here, such as helix constraints, strand constraints, // sheet constraints, ssbonds, hbonds, or just arbitrary pairs of atoms. # taken from T0318.t2k.str2.constraints StrandConstraint Q3 V6 10 StrandConstraint L20 V23 10 HelixConstraint T47 I56 10 StrandConstraint H73 T76 10 HelixConstraint N89 L97 10 StrandConstraint N108 A115 10 HelixConstraint L121 T130 10 StrandConstraint V150 K154 10 HelixConstraint T164 A174 10 SheetConstraint (T0318)L20 (T0318)V23 (T0318)V6 (T0318)Q3 hbond (T0318)L20 10 SheetConstraint (T0318)S19 (T0318)K25 (T0318)A72 (T0318)P78 hbond (T0318)I21 10 SheetConstraint (T0318)H73 (T0318)D79 (T0318)H110 (T0318)E116 hbond (T0318)L74 10 SheetConstraint (T0318)V109 (T0318)F111 (T0318)G140 (T0318)R142 hbond (T0318)F111 10 SheetConstraint (T0318)L113 (T0318)Y117 (T0318)V150 (T0318)K154 hbond (T0318)A115 10