#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Usge: make-index extra-file1 extra-file2 ... < foo.ids > index.html # Creates an html page with pointers to the extra files, then # One pointer per line for the summary.html pages of the ids. use lib "/projects/compbio/experiments/models.97/scripts"; use ChainIds; sub get_e_value($); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "SAM-T02 protein structure predictions for CASP6-associated proteins\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "

\n"; print "SAM-T02 protein structure predictions for CASP6-associated proteins\n"; print "

\n"; foreach my $file (@ARGV) { if (! -e $file) { print STDERR "WARNING: $file doesn't exist--skipped.\n"; next; } print "$file
\n"; } ReadIDsFH(STDIN, %ids); foreach my $id (keys(%ids)) { $ids{$id} = get_e_value($id); } print "

proteins sorted by name

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach my $id (sort(keys(%ids))) { print ""; print "" if (defined($ids{$id})); print "\n"; } print "

proteins sorted by E_value

\n"; print "
nameE_value of best hit
\n"; print "\n"; foreach my $id (sort {$ids{$a} <=> $ids{$b}} (keys(%ids))) { print ""; print "" if (defined($ids{$id})); print "\n"; } print "
nameE_value of best hit
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; sub get_e_value($) { my ($id) = @_; my $file = "$id/$id.t2k.best-scores.rdb"; if (! -e $file) { print STDERR "WARNING: $file doesn't exist\n"; return undef; } print STDERR "$id\n"; open (BEST, "<$file"); # Read header line with column names $_=; my @field_name = split('\t'); my %colnum; for (my $col=0; $col; # Read first row $_=; close BEST; my @fields = split('\t'); return $fields[$colnum{"Evalue"}]; }