CreatePredAlphaCost pred_alpha2k alpha11 T0219.t2k.alpha.rdb 2 alpha alpha_prev sum CreatePredAlphaCost pred_alpha04 alpha11 T0219.t04.alpha.rdb 2 alpha alpha_prev sum SetCost wet6.5 3 near_backbone 3 way_back 3 dry5 5 dry6.5 6 dry8 5 dry12 2 \ phobic_fit 2 \ sidechain 6 \ bystroff 5 \ soft_clashes 10 backbone_clashes 2 \ break 20 \ pred_alpha2k 2 \ pred_alpha04 4 \ constraints 45 \ hbond_geom 1.0 \ hbond_geom_backbone 1.0 \ hbond_geom_beta 5.0 \ hbond_geom_beta_pair 15.0 // Add the following for extra-cellular proteins: # known_ssbond 0.5 # and put ssbond command in constraints file # maybe_ssbond 0.5 // For comparative modeling, increase weight of break and hbond_geom... // put any constraints here, such as helix constraints, strand constraints, // sheet constraints, ssbonds, hbonds, or just arbitrary pairs of atoms. # include T0219.t2k.dssp-ehl2.constraints # include T0219.t2k.dssp-ebghstl.constraints # include T0219.t2k.stride-ebghtl.constraints # include T0219.t2k.str2.constraints # include T0219.t2k.alpha.constraints # include T0219.t2k.bys.constraints # # include T0219.t04.dssp-ehl2.constraints # include T0219.t04.dssp-ebghstl.constraints # include T0219.t04.stride-ebghtl.constraints # include T0219.t04.str2.constraints # include T0219.t04.alpha.constraints # include T0219.t04.bys.constraints # from T0219.t2k.str2.constraints HelixConstraint V8 I12 0.618 HelixConstraint M18 E24 0.81 HelixConstraint F46 E53 0.774 HelixConstraint P108 L117 0.619 HelixConstraint L245 K254 0.607 HelixConstraint S278 F304 0.769 HelixConstraint F321 S327 0.677 # from T0219.t04.str2.constraints HelixConstraint M18 Y25 0.653 HelixConstraint V49 L56 0.62 HelixConstraint A88 W91 0.658 HelixConstraint I107 A119 0.712 HelixConstraint W244 L256 0.624 HelixConstraint K277 A295 0.616 HelixConstraint P300 F304 0.612 HelixConstraint T317 L324 0.648 # for the metal binding site, constrain the strongly conserved residues # with desired measurements from the 1mzeA template Constraint D147.OD1 H145.NE2 0 3.824 6.8 1 Constraint D147.OD2 H224.NE2 0 2.943 5.9 1 Constraint H224.NE2 H145.NE2 0 3.233 6.2 1 # Define all the strands, but only emphasize the ones that are having # trouble forming, since the sheet constraints should get the rest. StrandConstraint T5 S7 1 StrandConstraint E10 S11 1 StrandConstraint L31 R34 1 StrandConstraint Y59 V66 1 StrandConstraint F81 A88 1 StrandConstraint G95 T103 4 # s6 did not appear spontaneously StrandConstraint K130 K137 1 StrandConstraint G140 F142 1 StrandConstraint A144 F146 1 StrandConstraint Y149 Q157 1 StrandConstraint E159 K166 1 StrandConstraint A205 T211 1 StrandConstraint T214 P219 1 StrandConstraint W223 S228 1 StrandConstraint T232 G240 1 # Sheet constraints, mostly from 1mzeA alignment, as improved by tries # from alignment to 1mzeA SheetConstraint T5 V8 A205 V208 hbond E6 5 # s1 || s11 SheetConstraint E10 S11 V32 A33 hbond S11 10 # s2 || s3 SheetConstraint L31 R34 Y217 T214 hbond A33 10 # s3 ^v s12 # from try1-opt2 SheetConstraint Y59 V66 A88 F81 hbond V63 10 # s4 ^v s5 # add two constraints to insert one strand (S6) antiparallel between two others (S4,S7) SheetConstraint Y59 V66 F102 G95 hbond M64 10 # s4 ^v s6 SheetConstraint A96 T103 K137 K130 hbond L98 5 # s6 ^v s7 # from try1-opt2 SheetConstraint K130 K137 T238 A231 hbond Y134 5 # s7 ^v s14 # from alignment to 1mzeA # kink not needed in strand without Pro at 143, so combine constraints? SheetConstraint G140 F142 S228 T226 hbond F142 5 # s8a ^v s13 SheetConstraint A144 F146 S225 W223 hbond H145 5 # s8b ^b s13 # from alignment to 1mzeA SheetConstraint Y149 Q157 G240 T232 hbond T150 5 # s9 ^v s14 SheetConstraint T150 Q155 P219 T214 hbond N151 5 # s9 ^v s12 SheetConstraint E159 A165 T211 A205 hbond K160 5 # s10 ^v s11 SheetConstraint E159 K166 D229 L222 hbond T161 5 # s10 ^v s13 # attempt to bury some of C-terminal helix to a cleft in the remainder of model constraint A251.CB Y25.CE2 -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 constraint A251.CB Y217.CE2 -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 constraint F262.CZ I237.CD1 -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 constraint F262.CZ A131.CB -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 # attempt to bury some of C-terminal helix to a cleft in the remainder of model constraint L280.CD2 L152.CD1 -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 constraint L284.CD2 F154.CZ -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 constraint L284.CD2 I237.CD1 -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 constraint L291.CD1 L235.CD2 -10 5.0 10.0 6.5 constraint L291.CD1 I156.CD1 -10 5.0 10.0 6.5