
Sequence_ID Length Evalue FSSP-rep SCOP_domain
1i1dA1613.5808e-19 1i21A d.108.1.1
1i12A1603.1493e-18 1i21A d.108.1.1
1qsmA1524.2742e-18 1qsmA d.108.1.1
1i21A1599.6853e-18 1i21A d.108.1.1
1bo4A1682.4247e-13 1bo4A d.108.1.1
1cjwA1661.6753e-12 1cjwA d.108.1.1
1bo4B1682.1812e-12 1bo4A d.108.1.1
1b87A1812.3034e-11 1b87A d.108.1.1
1qstA1605.6340e-10 1yghA d.108.1.1
1qsoA1492.0464e-09 1qsmA d.108.1.1
1bob3208.6222e-06 1bob d.108.1.1
1yghA1641.8218e-05 1yghA d.108.1.1
1b6bA1743.7812e-04 1cjwA d.108.1.1
1ib1E2004.0937e-04 1cjwA d.108.1.1
1qsrA1626.3117e-04 1yghA d.108.1.1
5gcnA1666.3703e-04 1yghA d.108.1.1
1cm0A1681.0380e-03 1yghA d.108.1.1
1nmtA3922.6869e-03 1nmtA d.108.1.2
1fy7A2783.7924e-03 1fy7A d.108.1.1
1iicA4223.0129e-02 1nmtA d.108.1.2

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001