
Sequence_ID Length Evalue FSSP-rep SCOP_domain
1tfpA 130 1.47e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1ie4A 127 3.01e-13
1bzeA 127 3.32e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1qabA 124 3.37e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
2pabA 127 3.38e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1gkeA 120 3.39e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1bz8A 126 3.51e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1bzdA 127 3.52e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1f41A 127 3.54e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1ttrB 127 3.54e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1tshA 127 3.93e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1ttbA 127 4.25e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1etb1 127 4.25e-13 1etb1
2tryA 127 4.44e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
5ttrA 127 4.57e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1ttcA 127 5.16e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
2trhA 127 5.17e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1f86A 115 5.65e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1qabB 118 5.77e-13 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1gkoA 127 7.94e-13 b.3.4.1
1eta1 128 1.31e-12 1etb1
1g1oD 127 1.37e-12 b.3.4.1
1fh2A 116 2.05e-12 1etb1 b.3.4.1
1ew3A 159 1.05e+00 1mup b.60.1.1
1f99B 172 2.63e+00 1qgwC a.1.1.3
1jrrA 382 3.60e+00 e.1.1.1
1c28A 135 5.00e+00 1c28A b.22.1.1
1phnB 172 6.43e+00 1qgwC a.1.1.3
1lnrM 113 6.60e+00
1ilyA 90 7.18e+00
1hdcA 253 7.61e+00 1e6wA c.2.1.2
2hsdA 253 7.61e+00 1e6wA c.2.1.2
1ceqA 316 7.94e+00 1ceqA c.2.1.5
1buaB 229 7.94e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
1rvaA 244 8.58e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
2rveA 244 8.58e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
1az3A 244 8.58e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
1buaA 243 8.59e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
1eonA 245 8.60e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
1b96A 244 8.61e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
1bssA 244 8.68e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
1b97A 244 8.87e+00 1rvaA c.52.1.2
2minB 522 9.22e+00 1qguB c.92.2.3
3minB 522 9.22e+00 1qguB c.92.2.3
1g20B 523 9.23e+00 1qguB c.92.2.3
1juoB 198 9.49e+00 a.39.1.8
1gh0B 172 9.83e+00 1qgwC a.1.1.3
1ha7B 172 1.07e+01
1ktpB 172 1.15e+01
1i7yB 172 1.21e+01 1qgwC a.1.1.3
1obr 326 1.34e+01 1aye c.56.5.2
1l9xA 315 1.38e+01
1cwvA 492 1.38e+01 1cwvA b.1.14.1
1bzwA 232 1.52e+01 1led b.29.1.1
1dx4A 586 1.52e+01 2bce c.69.1.1
2pelA 236 1.52e+01 1led b.29.1.1
1krs 120 1.64e+01 1krs b.40.4.1
1g7kA 234 1.70e+01 1ggxA d.22.1.1
1fh9A 312 1.82e+01 1taxA c.1.8.3
1fhdA 312 1.82e+01 1taxA c.1.8.3
1cpcL 172 1.87e+01 1qgwC a.1.1.3
1cpcB 172 1.90e+01 1qgwC a.1.1.3
2a2uA 181 1.96e+01 1mup b.60.1.1
1l1fA 505 2.04e+01
1gjyA 167 2.11e+01
1ejbA 168 2.13e+01 1rvv1 c.16.1.1
1mom 246 2.19e+01 1mrj d.165.1.1
1fn4B 218 2.19e+01 b.1.1.1
1ibfA 151 2.43e+01 1yaiA b.1.8.1
1ew4A 106 2.52e+01 1ew4A d.82.2.1
1ibhA 151 2.54e+01 1yaiA b.1.8.1
1ggxA 223 2.58e+01 1ggxA d.22.1.1
1ahc 246 2.60e+01 1mrj d.165.1.1
1jq5A 370 2.63e+01 e.22.1.2
1jqaA 370 2.63e+01 e.22.1.2
1ibbA 151 2.70e+01 1yaiA b.1.8.1
1ib5A 151 2.82e+01 1yaiA b.1.8.1
1hwxA 501 2.82e+01 1hwyA c.2.1.7
1hwyA 501 2.82e+01 1hwyA c.2.1.7
1bzoA 151 2.90e+01 1yaiA b.1.8.1
1ldg 316 2.92e+01 1ceqA c.2.1.5
1ibdA 151 2.92e+01 1yaiA b.1.8.1
1bbuA 504 2.94e+01 1lylA b.40.4.1
1mffA 114 2.99e+01 1dptA d.80.1.3
1mfiA 114 3.00e+01 1dptA d.80.1.3
1jl4A 178 3.04e+01 b.1.1.2
1d9kC 183 3.09e+01 1iakA b.1.1.2
1yaiA 151 3.17e+01 1yaiA b.1.8.1
1qo2A 241 3.26e+01 1qo2A c.1.2.1
1qmuA 380 3.26e+01 1qmuA b.3.2.1
1kqfB 294 3.31e+01
1iakA 199 3.39e+01 1iakA b.1.1.2
1who 96 3.42e+01 1who b.7.3.1
1lktA 104 3.43e+01 1lktA b.90.1.1
3pcgM 238 3.50e+01 3pchM b.3.6.1
3pchM 238 3.50e+01 3pchM b.3.6.1
2pcdM 238 3.50e+01 3pchM b.3.6.1
2his 312 3.62e+01 1taxA c.1.8.3
1fim 114 3.65e+01 1dptA d.80.1.3
1qs8A 329 3.83e+01 1smrA b.50.1.2
1b59A 370 3.85e+01 1bn5 a.4.5.25
1mrh 263 3.97e+01 1mrj d.165.1.1

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001