
Sequence_ID Length Evalue FSSP-rep SCOP_domain
1ezvD 245 2.55e-01 1be3D a.3.1.3
1byqA 228 9.54e-01 1yer d.122.1.1
1g73C 121 9.77e-01 1g3fA g.52.1.1
1yer 228 1.54e+00 1yer d.122.1.1
1b65A 375 1.59e+00 1b65A d.154.1.1
1ndh 272 2.44e+00 1ndh b.43.4.2
1am7A 158 2.49e+00 1am7A d.2.1.4
1g3fA 117 2.92e+00 1g3fA g.52.1.1
1d2zA 108 3.18e+00 1d2zA a.77.1.1
1i7pA 274 3.44e+00 b.43.4.2
1pjcA 361 4.31e+00 1sayA c.2.1.4
1sayA 361 4.34e+00 1sayA c.2.1.4
1irw 108 4.69e+00 1ycc a.3.1.1
1pjbA 361 4.80e+00 1sayA c.2.1.4
1ycc 108 5.34e+00 1ycc a.3.1.1
5cytR 104 5.45e+00 1ycc a.3.1.1
1ayx 492 5.86e+00 1ayx a.102.1.1
1qqfA 277 6.11e+00 1c3d a.102.4.4
1qlnA 883 6.48e+00 1cezA e.8.1.3
1cezA 883 6.52e+00 1cezA e.8.1.3
1aj8A 371 7.19e+00 1aj8A a.103.1.1
1ccr 112 7.41e+00 1ycc a.3.1.1
1ayyA 151 7.57e+00 1apyA d.153.1.5
1ckiA 317 7.92e+00 1csn d.144.1.1
1bal 51 8.20e+00 1bbl a.9.1.1
1ton 235 8.81e+00 5ptp b.47.1.2
1glm 470 9.48e+00 1ayx a.102.1.1
1qo7A 394 1.04e+01 1qo7A c.69.1.11
2prk 279 1.22e+01 1gci c.41.1.1
1g2nA 264 1.29e+01 1lbd a.123.1.1
1ytc 112 1.31e+01 1ycc a.3.1.1
1ic6A 279 1.38e+01 1gci c.41.1.1
1gai 472 1.40e+01 1ayx a.102.1.1
1qnoA 344 1.43e+01 1qnoA c.1.8.3
1mkaA 171 1.44e+01 1mkaA d.38.1.2
1kxlA 199 1.45e+01
1qnrA 344 1.48e+01 1qnoA c.1.8.3
1d2nA 272 1.82e+01 1d2nA c.37.1.13
1pls 113 1.83e+01 1pls b.55.1.1
1pme 380 1.83e+01 1hcl d.144.1.1
1ggwA 140 1.89e+01 1ggwA a.39.1.5
1a8y 367 1.95e+01 1a8y c.47.1.3
1nsf 273 2.03e+01 1d2nA c.37.1.13
1ebmA 317 2.12e+01 1ebmA a.96.1.3
1a6q 382 2.14e+01 1a6q d.158.1.1
1h2aS 317 2.31e+01 2frvA e.19.1.1
1ko9A 345 2.47e+01 a.96.1.3
1kwhA 492 2.67e+01 c.94.1.1
1hj9A 226 2.68e+01 b.47.1.2
1acf 125 2.83e+01 3nul d.110.1.1
1i88A 389 3.11e+01 c.95.1.2
1i86A 389 3.11e+01 c.95.1.2
1gtqA 140 3.16e+01 1b66A d.96.1.2
1lc0A 294 3.20e+01
1ft1A 377 3.22e+01 1ft1A a.118.6.1
1imoA 88 3.24e+01 1imoA c.15.1.2
1dlfH 124 3.27e+01 1igtB b.1.1.1
1hc7A 477 3.33e+01 1hc7A c.51.1.1
1k30A 368 3.38e+01 c.112.1.1
1fxkC 133 3.42e+01 1fxkC a.2.5.1
1ckv 141 3.44e+01 1ckv d.137.1.1
1i1kA 309 3.53e+01 1daaA e.17.1.1
1fggA 261 3.61e+01 1fggA c.68.1.7
1qqyA 130 3.65e+01 3lzt d.2.1.2
1tubA 440 3.65e+01 1tubA c.32.1.1
1jli 112 3.75e+01 1jli a.26.1.2
1bi5A 389 3.79e+01 1bi5A c.95.1.2
1b66A 140 3.87e+01 1b66A d.96.1.2
1atlA 202 3.90e+01 1atlA d.92.1.9
1prxA 224 3.92e+01 1prxA c.47.1.10
1bzg 34 3.95e+01 1bzg j.15.1.1
1rypJ 204 3.97e+01 d.153.1.4

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001