
Sequence_ID Length Evalue FSSP-rep SCOP_domain
1d2zA 108 3.49e-01 1d2zA a.77.1.1
4xiaA 393 4.96e-01 4xis c.1.15.3
1i7pA 274 8.41e-01 b.43.4.2
1g2nA 264 9.19e-01 1lbd a.123.1.1
1ndh 272 2.60e+00 1ndh b.43.4.2
1jj2M 186 2.62e+00 1ffkK c.55.4.1
1reqB 637 2.67e+00 1reqB c.1.19.1
1e9mA 106 2.75e+00 1ayfA d.15.4.1
1reqD 637 2.87e+00 1reqB c.1.19.1
1ncs 47 3.17e+00 1ncs g.37.1.1
1qqfA 277 3.50e+00 1c3d a.102.4.4
1bzg 34 3.69e+00 1bzg j.15.1.1
1ayx 492 3.75e+00 1ayx a.102.1.1
1g73C 121 3.80e+00 1g3fA g.52.1.1
1b8sA 504 4.79e+00 1b8sA c.3.1.2
1g3fA 117 4.79e+00 1g3fA g.52.1.1
1pytA 94 5.65e+00 1pytA d.58.3.1
1b4vA 504 5.95e+00 1b8sA c.3.1.2
1ijhA 504 6.06e+00 c.3.1.2
1d2nA 272 6.44e+00 1d2nA c.37.1.13
1b66A 140 6.65e+00 1b66A d.96.1.2
1jljA 189 7.11e+00 c.57.1.1
1ayoA 130 7.64e+00 1ayoA b.2.4.1
1c4zA 358 7.85e+00 1c4zA d.148.1.1
1nsf 273 8.55e+00 1d2nA c.37.1.13
1ihcA 188 8.57e+00 1di6A c.57.1.1
1prxA 224 8.88e+00 1prxA c.47.1.10
1l5jA 865 9.38e+00
1gtqA 140 9.86e+00 1b66A d.96.1.2
1ct9A 553 1.01e+01 1ct9A c.26.2.1
1acf 125 1.30e+01 3nul d.110.1.1
1jj2R 84 1.33e+01 1ffkP d.12.1.1
1lc0A 294 1.44e+01
1kp9B 287 1.52e+01 c.66.1.18
1gcuA 295 1.60e+01 1gcuA c.2.1.3
1aj8A 371 1.60e+01 1aj8A a.103.1.1
1pls 113 1.63e+01 1pls b.55.1.1
1a8l 226 1.69e+01 1a8l c.47.1.2
1ezvD 245 1.73e+01 1be3D a.3.1.3
1c3d 294 1.74e+01 1c3d a.102.4.4
1ggwA 140 1.75e+01 1ggwA a.39.1.5
1byqA 228 1.82e+01 1yer d.122.1.1
1sxl 97 1.88e+01 1b7fA d.58.7.1
1hqz9 141 1.91e+01
1hqz1 141 1.98e+01
1k1gA 131 1.99e+01 d.51.1.1
1qe5A 266 2.05e+01 1b8oA c.56.2.1
1qgtA 149 2.06e+01 1qgtA a.62.1.1
1dljA 402 2.15e+01 1dliA a.100.1.4
1jhgA 101 2.26e+01 1jhgA a.107.1.1
1yer 228 2.35e+01 1yer d.122.1.1
1f89A 291 2.37e+01 d.160.1.1
1nseA 444 2.38e+01 1nseA d.174.1.1
1ed5A 444 2.39e+01 1nseA d.174.1.1
1hylA 230 2.40e+01 5ptp b.47.1.2
2hlcA 230 2.40e+01 5ptp b.47.1.2
1d1vA 444 2.41e+01 1nseA d.174.1.1
1a6q 382 2.44e+01 1a6q d.158.1.1
3cox 507 2.53e+01 1b8sA c.3.1.2
1g8yA 279 2.58e+01 1g8yA c.37.1.11
1fohA 664 2.59e+01 1fohA c.3.1.2
1d0cA 444 2.60e+01 d.174.1.1
1jj2W 91 2.62e+01 1ffkU d.29.1.1
1gp4A 356 2.72e+01 b.82.2.1
1gp6A 356 2.77e+01 b.82.2.1
1pmc 36 2.77e+01 1pmc g.4.1.1
1jcrA 377 2.79e+01 a.118.6.1
1qgeE 97 2.82e+01 1cvl
5nul 138 2.89e+01 5nul c.23.5.1
1trrA 107 2.93e+01 1jhgA a.107.1.1
1a49A 530 2.95e+01 1a49A b.58.1.1
2wrpR 107 2.98e+01 1jhgA a.107.1.1
1qbqA 333 3.00e+01 1ft1A a.118.6.1
1lghB 45 3.01e+01 1lghB f.3.1.1
1e58A 249 3.07e+01 1qhfA c.60.1.1
1d8dA 377 3.08e+01 1ft1A a.118.6.1
1ld8A 382 3.10e+01
1lk5A 229 3.15e+01
1rip 81 3.16e+01 1rip b.40.4.5
1d1rA 116 3.19e+01 1d1rA d.64.1.1
1bco 327 3.21e+01 1bco b.48.1.1
1pcfA 66 3.30e+01 1pcfA d.18.1.1
1f28A 297 3.33e+01 1bkpA d.117.1.1
1phm 310 3.50e+01 1phm b.13.1.2
1iba 101 3.53e+01 1iba d.95.1.1
1ft1A 377 3.57e+01 1ft1A a.118.6.1
1jcqA 382 3.59e+01 a.118.6.1
1qlwA 328 3.62e+01 1qlwA c.69.1.15
1dliA 402 3.66e+01 1dliA a.100.1.4
1diiC 80 3.81e+01 1diiC a.3.1.1
1is2A 661 3.82e+01
1coi 31 3.85e+01 k.5.1.1
1f9mA 112 3.86e+01 1erv c.47.1.1
1i50J 70 3.97e+01 a.4.11.1

Please cite: Karplus, K. and Karchin, R. and Barrett, C. and Tu, S. and Cline, M. and Diekhans, M. and Grate, L. and Casper, J. and Hughey, R. ``What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?'' Proteins: Structure Function and Genetics 45(S5):86-91,2001