CASP5 Target T0151
1. Protein Name
- Single-strand binding protein (SSB)
2. Organism Name
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
3. Number of amino acids (approx)
- 164
4. Accession number
- gi6647827
5. Sequence Database
- Genbank
6. Amino acid sequence
7. Additional Information
This protein is a target of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
structural genomics consortium (Rv0054)
8. X-ray structure
- yes
9. Current state of the experimental work
- Structure is solved
10. Interpretable map?
- yes
11. Estimated date of chain tracing completion
- Completed
12. Estimated date of public release of structure
- September 2002
13. Name
- unavailable until after public release of structure
Related Files
Template Sequence file
Template PDB file