// Basically the same as try6.constraints, but with some of the // looser constraints tightened. // Constraints to keep the 4 conserved histidines H9 H40 H131 H194 expected to be involved in metal binding close together in the C' end of the barrel Constraint H9.CG H40.CG 6 7 9 Constraint H131.CG H194.CG 6 7 9 Constraint H9.CG H194.CG 6 7 9 Constraint H40.CG H131.CG 6 7 9 // CB constraints to get the barrel formed // suggested strand composition of the barrel based on ss prediction + amino // acid preferences for being in specific positions in barrel +1a4mA alignment // V4-M6 // L34-L38 // V66-G71 // L95-G99 // V126-S130 // S160-L163 // V186-G190 // ? //strand1 -strand2 Constraint 30 262 3 5.12 7 // CBs V4 L34 Constraint 37 270 3 5.12 7 // CBs D5 F35 Constraint 45 281 3 5.12 7 // CBs L6 A36 Constraint 53 286 3 5.12 7 // CBs H7 I37 Constraint 63 294 3 5.12 7 // CAs M8 T38 // changing register of strand2-strand3 Constraint L34.CB G67.CA 3 5.12 7 // CBs L34 G67 Constraint F35.CB I68.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs F35 I68 Constraint A36.CB L69.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs A36 L69 Constraint I37.CB R70.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs I37 R70 // adding parallel Hbonds constraints based on 1ezw Constraint F35.N G67.O 2.0 2.7 3.2 Constraint F35.O L69.N 2.0 2.7 3.2 Constraint I37.N L69.O 2.0 2.7 3.2 // strand3-strand4 Constraint 537 754 3 5.12 7 // CBs G67 I96 Constraint 542 762 3 5.12 7 // CBs I68 I97 Constraint 550 770 3 5.12 7 // CBs L69 A98 Constraint 558 774 3 5.12 7 // CBs R70 G99 (CA) // changing strand4-strand5 Constraint I96.CB I128.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs I96 I128 Constraint I97.CB I129.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs I97 I129 Constraint A98.CB S130.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs A98 S130 Constraint G99.CA H131.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs G99 (CA) H131 // strand5-strand6 Constraint I128.CB S160.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs I128 S160 Constraint I129.CB S161.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs I129 S161 Constraint S130.CB F162.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs S130 F162 Constraint S130.CB F162.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs H131 L163 //adding Hbonds constraints to strand5-stran6 parallel interactions based on 1a4m Constraint I129.N S160.O 2.0 2.7 3.2 Constraint I129.O F162.N 2.0 2.7 3.2 Constraint H131.N F162.O 2.0 2.7 3.2 //strand6-strand7 Constraint S161.CB V187.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs S161 V187 Constraint F162.CB A188.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs F162 A188 Constraint L163.CB L189.CB 3 5.12 7 // CBs L163 L189 //adding Hbonds xonstraints to strand6-strand7 parallel interactions based on 1a4m Constraint S161.O A188.N 2 2.7 3.2 Constraint S163.N A188.O 2 2.7 3.2 Constraint S163.O G190.N 2 2.7 3.2