CASP5 Target T0140
1. Protein Name
- 1b11
2. Organism Name
- Synthetic protein
3. Number of amino acids (approx)
- 103
4. Accession number
5. Sequence Database
6. Amino acid sequence
7. Additional Information
1b11 is a synthetic protein constructed by non-homologous recombination.
The N-terminal part derives from cold shock protein A (CspA),
while the C-terminal segment comes from the E.coli 30S ribosomal
subunit protein S1. (Riechmann L, Winter G. Novel folded protein
domains generated by combinatorial shuffling of polypeptide segments.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Aug 29;97(18):10068-73.)
Crystallization conditions: include MES pH5.6
The protein is a tetramer under native conditions, but after denaturation,
elutes at approximately the molecular weight of dimer on gel filtration.
8. X-ray structure
- yes
9. Current state of the experimental work
- Completed
10. Interpretable map?
- yes
11. Estimated date of chain tracing completion
- June
12. Estimated date of public release of structure
- September
13. Name
- unavailable until after public release of structure
Related Files
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Template PDB file