# List of top-scoring protein chains for t2k-100-30-stride-ebghtl hidden Markov model. # HMM and HMM E-value scores computed by SAM (c) 1992-2001 Regents of the University of California, Santa Cruz # Sequence Alignment and Modeling Software System # http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/sam.html # ----------------- Citations (SAM, SAM-T99, HMMs) -------------------- # R. Hughey, A. Krogh, Hidden Markov models for sequence analysis: # Extension and analysis of the basic method, CABIOS 12:95-107, 1996. # K. Karplus, C. Barrett, R. Hughey, Hidden Markov models for detecting # remote protein homologies, Bioinformatics 14(10):846-856, 1998. # A. Krogh et al., Hidden Markov models in computational biology: # Applications to protein modeling, JMB 235:1501-1531, Feb 1994. # # FSSP representative for each protein chain taken from FSSP: # ------------------Citations (FSSP) ----------------------------------- # L. Holm and C. Sander (1996) Mapping the protein universe. Science 273:595-602. # #SCOP domains found in each protein chain taken from SCOP: # ------------------Citations (SCOP) ----------------------------------- #Murzin A. G., Brenner S. E., Hubbard T., Chothia C. (1995). #SCOP: a structural classification of proteins database for the investigation of sequences and structures. #J. Mol. Biol. 247, 536-540. Sequence_ID Length Target_Evalue FSSP-rep SCOP_domain SCOP_suid 5S 5N 12S 6S 12S 10N 1lo7A 141 6.39e-03 1bvqA 141 8.76e-03 1bvqA d.38.1.1 38542 2bpa1 426 3.46e-01 2bpa1 1c8uA 285 4.21e-01 1c8uA d.38.1.3 38547 d.38.1.3 38548 1svb 395 6.76e-01 1svb b.1.1.5 21814 f.10.1.1 43827 1lylA 504 1.59e+00 1lylA b.40.4.1 25261 d.104.1.1 40717 1hnuA 280 1.66e+00 1hnoA c.14.1.3 61096 1hnoA 280 1.70e+00 1hnoA c.14.1.3 61095 1k32A 1045 2.03e+00 b.36.1.3 68068 b.68.7.1 68069 b.69.9.1 68070 c.14.1.2 68071 1xypA 190 2.07e+00 1axkA b.29.1.11 24327 1iq0A 592 2.59e+00 a.27.1.1 66257 c.26.1.1 66258 d.67.2.1 66259 1bzyA 217 2.78e+00 1qk3A c.61.1.1 34071 1ejfA 125 3.80e+00 1ejfA b.15.1.2 23683 1nfiA 301 4.09e+00 1a3qA b.1.1.5 21942 b.2.5.1 22455 1e32A 458 4.98e+00 1e32A b.52.2.3 59183 c.37.1.13 59184 d.31.1.1 59185 1e1oA 504 5.41e+00 1lylA b.40.4.1 25258 d.104.1.1 40714 1krs 120 5.80e+00 1krs b.40.4.1 25256 1cor 82 8.37e+00 451c a.3.1.1 15903 1koqA 253 9.05e+00 2cba b.74.1.1 27964 4sli 679 9.51e+00 2sli b.29.1.9 24275 b.68.1.1 27612 1mkaA 171 9.99e+00 1mkaA d.38.1.2 38543 1gaxA 862 1.01e+01 1gaxA a.27.1.1 16928 b.51.1.1 26893 c.26.1.1 31595 1qqtA 551 1.04e+01 1qqtA a.27.1.1 16923 c.26.1.1 31590 g.41.1.1 45175 1dqeA 137 1.06e+01 1dqeA a.39.2.1 17388 1f4lA 551 1.07e+01 1qqtA a.27.1.1 59648 c.26.1.1 59649 g.41.1.1 59650 2sli 679 1.11e+01 2sli b.29.1.9 24274 b.68.1.1 27611 1mpgA 282 1.14e+01 1mpgA a.96.1.3 18747 d.129.1.2 41296 1mdc 133 1.33e+01 1hmt b.60.1.2 27198 1axiB 236 1.37e+01 1axiB b.1.2.1 21997 b.1.2.1 21998 1iicA 422 1.42e+01 1nmtA d.108.1.2 62422 d.108.1.2 62423 1ibcB 88 1.50e+01 1pauB 1bmqB 88 1.54e+01 1pauB 1nmtA 392 1.58e+01 1nmtA d.108.1.2 40823 d.108.1.2 40824 1kawA 135 1.59e+01 3ullA b.40.4.3 25288 1b87A 181 1.85e+01 1b87A d.108.1.1 40797 1qhvA 195 1.88e+01 1qhvA b.21.1.1 23842 3pchM 238 1.90e+01 3pchM b.3.6.1 22748 1eo9B 241 1.90e+01 3pchM b.3.6.1 22826 2pcdM 238 1.93e+01 3pchM b.3.6.1 22760 3pcgM 238 1.93e+01 3pchM b.3.6.1 22742 1dciA 275 2.05e+01 1dciA c.14.1.3 30918 2ae2A 260 2.06e+01 1bdb c.2.1.2 29945 1hmpA 217 2.10e+01 1qk3A c.61.1.1 34075 3hhrB 203 2.13e+01 1axiB b.1.2.1 22005 b.1.2.1 22006 1b65A 375 2.27e+01 1b65A d.154.1.1 42020 1e2wA 251 2.50e+01 1hcz b.2.6.1 22466 b.84.2.2 28252 1whi 122 2.50e+01 1whi b.39.1.1 24810 1eudB 396 2.51e+01 2scuB c.23.4.1 31150 d.142.1.4 41571 1b64 91 2.57e+01 1b64 d.58.12.1 39306 1msk 331 2.57e+01 1msk d.173.1.1 42495 1qh5A 260 2.65e+01 1qh5A d.157.1.2 42057 1fjgQ 105 2.74e+01 1fjfQ b.40.4.5 25352 1b35A 260 2.91e+01 1b35A b.10.1.3 23333 1poiB 260 2.93e+01 1poiB c.63.1.1 34155 1noa 113 3.04e+01 2mcm b.1.7.1 22208 1aozA 552 3.09e+01 1aozA b.6.1.3 23124 b.6.1.3 23125 b.6.1.3 23126 2pia 321 3.10e+01 2pia b.43.4.2 25663 c.25.1.2 31553 d.15.4.2 37704 1fil 139 3.12e+01 1pne d.110.1.1 40869 1h5uA 842 3.17e+01 1a8i c.87.1.4 60655 1hdkA 141 3.19e+01 b.29.1.3 65807 1cr5A 189 3.25e+01 1cr5A b.52.2.3 26931 d.31.1.1 38465 1kopA 223 3.27e+01 2cba b.74.1.1 27966 1pinA 163 3.34e+01 1pinA b.72.1.1 27802 d.26.1.1 38431 2cavA 445 3.35e+01 1dgwA b.82.1.2 28094 b.82.1.2 28095 1lcl 142 3.37e+01 1lcl b.29.1.3 24216 1dgrC 178 3.38e+01 1dgwA b.82.1.2 28100 3fib 249 3.64e+01 3fib d.171.1.1 42455 1ga6A 372 3.65e+01 1ga1A c.41.1.2 32556 1ga1A 372 3.66e+01 1ga1A c.41.1.2 32557 830cA 168 3.67e+01 1ck7A d.92.1.11 40400 1fib 269 3.77e+01 3fib d.171.1.1 42456 2fibA 269 3.83e+01 3fib d.171.1.1 42457 1c8gA 548 3.90e+01 2cas b.10.1.4 23380 4dpvZ 584 3.91e+01 2cas b.10.1.4 23377 1plr 258 3.98e+01 1plq d.131.1.2 41390 d.131.1.2 41391