// Put any desired constraints here // try to make the CD2 and CE2 of the conserved TRP residues be close // Constraint 301 791 0 5 18 // Constraint 303 793 0 5 18 // try to make the long helices into an up-down bundle Constraint 583 717 -50 8 15 // CA D76 CA F93 Constraint 1043 717 -50 8 15 // CA L136 CA F93 Constraint 583 1043 -50 8 15 // CA D76 CA L136 Constraint 429 852 -50 8 15 // CA P56 CA I110 Constraint 1327 852 -50 8 15 // CA F170 CA I110 Constraint 429 1327 -50 8 15 // CA P56 CA F170 //Constraint 455 661 -50 8 15 // CA V60 L86 // Make long helices straight Constraint 443 569 20 24 32 // CA G58 CA L74 Constraint 735 848 20 21 28 // CA Q95, CA G109 Constraint 955 1052 17 19.5 27 // CA I124, CA L137 Constraint 1117 1317 18 21 28 // CA E145, CA H169