In the analysis subdirectory, there's CASP3-summary-cbarrett, listing predictions that we made, and briefly summarizing what went right and wrong. In the same directory, casp3-align-summary-cline details the alignments for which we predicted a reasonable fold. The alignment score ranges from -0.2 to 1.0, with 1.0 being the best possible score. For demoing this stuff, here's what I'd do: 1. show the starting point for the structure prediction: the raw sequence. The raw sequence for each target is in the file /.seq. 2. As a means of fast-forwarding through the process, show the alignment used in the structure prediction. The submitted alignments are in the directory analysis/, and usually have a name of the form --.a2m (eg. 3chy-t81-hand2.a2m). You can display the alignment using prettyalign, or using sae to show the pdb file as well. 3. Show the pdb file of the predicted structure, as a means of showing the structure that the prediction yielded. You can do this with rasmol, or better, can use sae to highlight regions predicted and not predicted. In the directory anlaysis/, there's .pdb, the pdb file for the actual structure. In a few cases worth highlighting, I've downloaded the pdb file for the structure we predicted that the target was homologous to. Here are a few examples worth highlighting. There's one straightforward homology modeling target: when you look at the alignment, it's obvious how the prediction is made, but it makes a good illustration of the problem. That's t58 and 1akz. The other examples I've predicted are reasonably hard, and making the predictions was a real success. They are t81 and 3chy (they're circular permutations; you can morph the structure of t81 into 3chy by joining the termini, and then breaking a loop to create new termini), t53 and 1ak1, and t83 and 1lmb3 (the predicted alignment is the *hand2.a2m one).