This directory contains all the working notes and predictions for proteins in the CASP3 contest. list-of-hits A short list of all targets, one per line, indicating current status. solved.ids ids list (suitable for use with models.97 scripts) of all solved structures. summaries A collection of e-mail messages about the contest as a whole, or summarizing the status of predictions for many targets make-all-joints visit every target and make the alignments. This is useful to run after various library models have been created or rebuilt, to make sure that the predictions have all been updated. It probably should not be used now that some of the targets have been submitted! possible.ids A list of PDB chains that have been considered as templates---useful for the models.97/scripts/apply-makefile to create fssp alignments or do other intensive work in the model library. Taken from the PRED= fields of make joint commands in the Makefiles. many-possible.ids An early version of possible.ids, that contains more chains, but is missing some of the ones added later to Makefiles. subdirectories: registration: contains the information about the group registrations. submit: contains the actual files submitted for each prediction, and the alignments on which they were based. networks-used: has copies of the neural nets used for secondary structure predictions, so they won't get lost in the mass of training and experimenting with the predictor. t*: There is a subdirectory for each target, which holds the working notes for that target. Each target should have t00xx.html, the html file from the casp3 website; txx.seq, the sequence file in fasta format from the website; a Makefile that can be used to make all the computable files in the directory; and a README file with notes on which predictions look most promising and why a particular prediction was chosen. The Makefiles are generally made by copying from another target directory and updating as needed. This allows the method to evolve over the summer, as we develop new techniques, but still records how the earlier results were created. The target directories will usually have a subdirectory for each chain that we are trying to find an alignment with, and there may be several alignments in such a subdirectory, usually created from the Makefile in the main t* directory. analysis: contains a subdirectory for each target prediction that is analysed in light of it's true structure