Mon Dec 24 10:45:24 PST 2018 Kevin Karplus This directory has programs for choosing component values for the Impedance Token board. has a library of functions for representing the impedance tokens chooses R and C values from hardwired lists and selects R+C or R||C configurations that meet constraints on RC time constant and on impedance values at selected frequencies. It also ensures that no component is used too frequently in the list. The list is in random order, and may be different on each run (as the limitations on the use of each component kicks in). A series of plots is produced from the list of tokens (as output by, created as a multipage PDF file token_plots.pdf. Mon Dec 24 10:50:56 PST 2018 Kevin Karplus Still to do: Write a program using scipy.optimize.curve_fit to plot and fit models to data collected from measuring impedance tokens Document the programs internally! Write a program to