This is a required course for bioinformatics graduate students, offered only in Fall quarter. All bioinformatics grad students should take it in their first fall quarter.
For more information about the bioinformatics degree programs, see the Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) page at
Basic teaching techniques for teaching assistants, including responsibilities and rights of teaching assistants, resource materials, computer security, leading discussion or lab sessions, presentation techniques, maintaining class records, electronic handling of homework, and grading.
The course examines research and professional training, including use of the library and on-line databases, technical typesetting, writing journal and conference papers, publishing in bioinformatics, giving talks in seminars and conferences, and ethical issues in science and engineering. Required for all teaching assistants.
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Questions about page content should be directed to
Kevin Karplus
Biomolecular Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
318 Physical Sciences Building