About the Magic Flute

(Last Update: 23:23 PDT 4 July 2012 )

The fifth grade play for Spring Hill School on 12 December 2006 was "About the Magic Flute", a rather didactic play that had some of the actors playing the parts of kids learning about Mozart's famous opera, and others playing the parts of various characters from the opera.

Abe had the role of "Tom", a know-it-all kid who explain things to the other kids. Originally he was cast as Tom for the first half of the play, with another kid playing Tom for the second half. The other kid got sick the afternoon of the performance, so Abe had to do his part as well. There was a frantic half hour of memorizing the new lines, and he carried the script with him (prominently labeled "Magic Flute Study Guide"), but he carried off the extra lines with no problems.

Here are a few (rather low-quality) images from the show (Click for higher-resolution image):

sketch of Kevin Karplus by Abe
Kevin Karplus's home page
Abe as Alfonso Churchill
Abe's theater page

Questions about page content should be directed to Kevin Karplus
Biomolecular Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
318 Physical Sciences Building

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