Tue Jan 31 11:35:04 PST 2012 Kevin Karplus This directory contains files written by Kevin Karplus for the Arduino. accel_magnet/ has a demo sketch for I^2C interfacing to the MMA8452Q accelerometer and MAG3110 magnetometer Note: it assumes Arduino 1.0 or newer environment, as it uses the .ino extension, not the older .pde extension. It requires installation of the i2c library. libraries/ These are libraries (c++ and header files). You can put them in a subdirectory of your sketch folder called libraries. I've chosen to make my "sketch folder" /Library/Arduino on my Mac (by changing the preferences in the Arduino Preferences menu). I don't put sketches there, just libraries in /Library/Arduino/libraries so they are available to any sketch. See libraries/README for a list of libraries