Est. 399

Aldisville is a small settlement on the island of Waterford, Diol, that was founded in the year 399.


Island: Waterford
Coast: East
Area: 2.67 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Monedusus, Centrevillean


Named for: Saundra Aldis
Founded: 399
Annexed: Kinsey


Ships in port: None
Former ships: None



Population: 16
Highest-ever population: 17 (in 405)


Died here: Alfonzo Aldis (Freak accident), Anselma Zollie (Infancy), Jerrome Aldis (Infancy), Amara Aldis (Natural causes), Malcolm Zollie (Suicide)
Murders: None


399.   Aldisville, Waterford, was founded by Tracey Aldis, Lauren Aldis, Robinia Zollie, Saundra Aldis, Giorgio Zollie, Silas Aldis, Gerome Aldis, Alfonzo Aldis, Adrien Aldis, Adrien Aldis, Saundra Aldis, Alfonzo Aldis, Silas Aldis, Tracey Aldis, Robinia Zollie, and Gerome Aldis. They named it after Saundra Aldis. 10 newcomer(s) moved to Aldisville in 399: Lauren Aldis, Adrien Aldis, Alfonzo Aldis, Gerome Aldis, Saundra Aldis, Silas Aldis, Tracey Aldis, Giorgio Zollie, Robinia Zollie, and Morrie Zollie.
400.   Alfonzo Aldis, who in 399 founded Aldisville along with 15 others, died in Aldisville, Waterford, after a freak accident; he was 14 years old.
401.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Aldisville in 401: Devin Zollie, Gibb Zollie, Marigold Zollie, and Bessie Zollie.
402.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Aldisville in 402: Malcolm Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Devin Zollie.
405.   The settlements of Aldisville and Kinsey are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Aldisville will absorb the other settlements. Aldisville has annexed Kinsey. 17 newcomer(s) moved to Aldisville in 405: Lauren Aldis, Adrien Aldis, Gerome Aldis, Saundra Aldis, Silas Aldis, Amara Aldis, Gretchen Aldis, Giorgio Zollie, Robinia Zollie, Tracey Zollie, Morrie Zollie, Gibb Zollie, Marigold Zollie, Bessie Zollie, Malcolm Zollie, Chad Zollie, and Bunny Zollie.
406.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Aldisville in 406: Josepha Zollie, Gay Zollie, and Geoffry Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Gibb Zollie, Marigold Zollie, Bessie Zollie, Chad Zollie, and Bunny Zollie.