
The Rectification is a ship that is docked at the port of Florala, King, Diol.


Status: Docked at Florala, King


Built: 387
Builder: Corby Vaclav


Port of origin: Noland Lake, Stantonville
Most recent port: Florala, King
Docked since: 403


Current captain: Capt. Prescott Vaclav, 2 yrs. experience


Voyages completed: 1
Islands discovered: None
Ports visited: Noland Lake, Stantonville; Florala, King


Population: no one has been aboard since 402
Highest-ever population: 25 (in 402)


Died aboard: None
Murders: None


387.   The Rectification was built in Noland Lake, Stantonville, by Corby Vaclav. It is the first ship that he has completed.
401.   Prescott Vaclav is trying to gather up a group of people in Noland Lake for an expedition on the Rectification, which Prescott Vaclav has agreed to lead. Prescott Vaclav has made it clear that, because it was his decision for the ship to be commandeered, he will serve as its captain. Prescott Vaclav was designated captain of the Rectification, which will depart Noland Lake shortly; he has never captained a ship before. Hebert Vaclav, Gussy Vaclav, Lulita Vaclav, Sasha Noland, Emanuel Noland, Merlin Vaclav, Veradis Vaclav, Hermann Aldis, Corby Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Moses Vaclav, Hildagarde Vaclav, Tan Noland, Karel Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, Northrop Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Bo Vaclav, Capt. Prescott Vaclav, Tonnie Noland, Junina Vaclav, Zarah Vaclav, and Cyrille Vaclav have boarded the Rectification from the port of Noland Lake, Stantonville. The Rectification, under command of Capt. Prescott Vaclav, has left the harbor at Noland Lake, Stantonville. The Rectification is heading S at half-speed.
402.   The Rectification is heading S at three-quarter speed.
403.   The Rectification is heading SE at full-speed. The crew of the Rectification have spotted land. The Rectification is approaching the island of King. Rectification is now docked at Florala, on King.