Est. 381

Butler is a tiny settlement on the island of Bettles, Diol, that was founded in the year 381.


Island: Bettles
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.08 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx


Founded: 381
Founders: Ronny Vaclav
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None


Houses: Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Prasun House, Prasun House, Prasun House


Population: 1
Highest-ever population: 8 (in 396)


Residents: Ronny Vaclav
Died here: None
Murders: None


381.   Butler, Bettles, was founded by Ronny Vaclav, who is currently its lone inhabitant. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Butler in 381: Ronny Vaclav.
382.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Butler in 382: Gayle Prasun, Kendal Prasun, and Aveline Vaclav.
385.   1 resident(s) moved out of Butler in 385: Gayle Prasun.
386.   1 resident(s) moved out of Butler in 386: Kendal Prasun.
388.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Butler in 388: Gayle Prasun.
389.   1 resident(s) moved out of Butler in 389: Aveline Vaclav.
392.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Butler in 392: Kendal Prasun, and Aveline Prasun.
398.   1 resident(s) moved out of Butler in 398: Kendal Prasun.
399.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Butler in 399: Salomone Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Gayle Prasun, Lindsey Prasun, Aveline Prasun, Cary Prasun, Kendal Prasun, Amara Prasun, and Gayle Prasun.
401.   1 resident(s) moved out of Butler in 401: Salomone Prasun.
405.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Butler in 405: Ronny Vaclav.